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Aujourd’hui — 20 avril 2024Vos flux RSS

How Iran’s ‘True Promise’ was Kept

Par : AHH

An early glimpse how the air defenses of the combined Genociders were breached. Jon Elmer takes a look at the Iranian missile counterstrike against Israel.

 “You can hear Palestinians in the West Bank underneath these missiles… cheering the Saturday Night LIVE.”

Io : cette lune de Jupiter est un enfer volcanique

Sous ses reflets argentés, notre Lune impressionne de bien des façons, mais elle est loin de rivaliser avec celles des géantes gazeuses de notre système solaire. Ces lunes sont des mondes à part entière. Certaines, comme Europe ou Encelade, possèdent des océans liquides spectaculaires et potentiellement habitables. Puis il y a Io, l'une des lunes de Jupiter.

Derrière ces deux lettres se cache l'objet le plus volcanique du système solaire à notre connaissance : un orbe aux nuances de rouille où les villes cèdent leur place aux mers de lave, où les nuages de fumée forment dans le ciel des ombrelles infernales. Depuis quand Io est-elle aussi éruptive ? Difficile à dire, car la surface de la lune se renouvelle tous les millions d'années sous l'effet de son volcanisme, ce qui explique également le peu d'informations dont disposent les scientifiques sur son histoire.

Tous les mondes sont dynamiques et ceux dont le cœur géologique bat encore changent parfois de manière radicale. Dans sa version primitive, la Terre ne ressemblait en rien à sa forme actuelle. Qu'en est-il d'Io ? La lune a-t-elle toujours été aussi infernale ?

Pour répondre à ces questions, les astronomes ont étudié l'atmosphère de la lune afin de déterminer la durée nécessaire à ces innombrables éruptions pour modifier sa composition chimique depuis un point de départ estimé. Selon leurs résultats publiés dans la revue Science, Io semble être agitée par ces éruptions depuis des milliards d'années, peut-être même 4,5 milliards d'années, l'âge de notre système solaire. En d'autres termes, Io présente une hyperactivité volcanique depuis que le Soleil brille.

« Nous voyons Io comme elle a toujours été ! » déclare Jani Radebaugh, astrogéologue à l'université Brigham Young, non impliqué dans la nouvelle étude. Io est donc une sorte de machine à voyager dans le temps dont l'inépuisable moteur thermique alimenté par la force de marée peut nous en apprendre plus sur les mondes d'ici et d'ailleurs.

« Ce processus anime l'ensemble du système solaire, mais également les exoplanètes », indique Katherine de Kleer, planétologue au sein du California Institute of Technology et auteure principale de l'étude. « Nous étudions Io pour mieux comprendre ce processus universel. »



Du point de vue humain, le système solaire peut paraître peu enclin au changement, ce qui est loin d'être le cas à l'échelle des temps astronomiques. Par exemple, ces dernières années, les scientifiques ont découvert que les anneaux emblématiques de Saturne ne constituent pas un équipement permanent, mais plutôt une décoration récente : ils sont apparus il y a quelques centaines de millions d'années et disparaîtront dans un laps de temps similaire.

Ainsi, Io n'a peut-être pas toujours été le théâtre volcanique qu'elle est aujourd'hui. Pour le savoir, nous devons comprendre comment fonctionne son volcanisme et pourquoi il se montre aussi spectaculaire.

En 1979, deux événements scientifiques majeurs ont jeté les fondations : la sonde Voyager 1 de la NASA a survolé le système jovien en photographiant de titanesques nuages de matière volcanique s'élevant de la surface d'Io et une équipe indépendante de scientifiques a calculé que la lune possédait une source de chaleur puissante, mais inhabituelle.

Cette prédiction mathématique provient de l'étrange trajectoire d'Europe et de Ganymède, deux lunes voisines d'Io. Pour chaque révolution de Ganymède autour de Jupiter, Europe en réalise deux et Io quatre. Connu sous le nom de résonnance, ce rythme particulier altère l'orbite d'Io en lui donnant une forme plus elliptique que circulaire.

Lorsque Io se rapproche de Jupiter sur cette orbite oblongue, elle subit une attraction gravitationnelle plus forte ; lorsqu'elle s'éloigne, l'attraction gravitationnelle de Jupiter s'affaiblit. Cela provoque des marées semblables à celles infligées par la Lune aux océans terrestres, sauf que dans ce cas, les marées sont si puissantes que la surface d'Io s'élève et s'affaisse d'une centaine de mètres, soit la hauteur d'un petit gratte-ciel.

Tout ce mouvement entraîne énormément de friction, ce qui génère une formidable chaleur. Dans les entrailles d'Io, cette chaleur se traduit par la fusion d'un volume de roche considérable, allant peut-être jusqu'à créer un océan de magma. Cela alimente certaines éruptions particulièrement violentes en surface qui déversent des torrents de lave plus longs que la plupart des fleuves terrestres, expulsent des colonnes vertigineuses de confettis de lave riches en soufre et créent des chaudrons de roche liquide qui ouvrent autant de portails vers les profondeurs de la lune jovienne.

« C'est fabuleux », jubile Katherine de Kleer. « Ces volcans nous offrent une fenêtre sur l'intérieur de la lune, ce qui est plutôt rare. »

La nature extrême du volcanisme d'Io ne s'arrête pas à ces éruptions. En dehors des éjectas soufrés, la lune recrache des gaz composés de sodium et de chlorure de potassium. Sur Terre, nous utilisons ces éléments pour assaisonner nos plats. « C'est du sel de table qui jaillit de ces volcans », indique de Kleer.

La plupart des matières éjectées peuvent également être propulsées dans l'espace à travers la fine atmosphère d'Io. Ces matières se mêlent ensuite à la lumière du soleil et subissent une excitation électrique avant de retomber dans le ciel magnétisé de Jupiter et d'exploser sous la forme de puissantes aurores, la version jovienne des aurores boréales ou australes observées sur Terre.



Le coupable de cette sorcellerie planétaire n'est autre que la source de chaleur qui anime Io, connue sous le nom de réchauffement par effet de marée. Les scientifiques cherchaient à savoir si ce phénomène existait toujours à l'intérieur de la lune. Cependant, en raison de l'intense activité volcanique, les coulées de lave n'ont de cesse de recouvrir la surface de la lune, dissimulant au passage toute trace de processus géologique.

« Il est impossible d'obtenir des informations sur un événement survenu il y a un million d'années simplement en observant la surface d'Io », explique Katherine de Kleer. C'est pourquoi la scientifique a opté pour une approche différente avec son équipe en s'intéressant plutôt à l'atmosphère de la lune.

Chaque seconde, Io perd jusqu'à trois tonnes de matière dans l'espace à travers le dégazage volcanique et l'érosion atmosphérique. « Cette perte de masse pourrait être comparée à celle d'une comète », illustre Apurva Oza, astrophysicien spécialiste des exoplanètes pour le Jet Propulsion Laboratory de la NASA, non impliqué dans la nouvelle étude.

Les éléments qui composent ces gaz se déclinent en différentes versions, appelées isotopes, certaines étant plus lourdes que d'autres. Les isotopes légers ont tendance à évoluer dans les couches supérieures de l'atmosphère et peuvent donc s'échapper plus facilement dans l'espace. Quant aux isotopes lourds, ils restent plus proches de la surface et sont donc recyclés par l'activité volcanique. Par conséquent, les éruptions qui agitent Io de nos jours doivent être proportionnellement enrichies en isotopes lourds. Si l'équipe parvenait à mesurer le rapport entre les isotopes lourds et légers présents dans l'atmosphère, ils pourraient alors calculer la durée nécessaire à la lune pour atteindre cet état à partir d'un réservoir initial de matière souterraine éruptible.

C'est exactement l'expérience entreprise par Katherine de Kleer et son équipe de scientifiques qui ont fait appel à l'Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) du Chili pour analyser les gaz présents dans l'atmosphère d'Io, principalement composée de soufre. Afin d'estimer le réservoir initial d'isotopes lourds et légers, l'équipe s'est tournée, entre autres, vers des témoins de la composition chimique du système solaire primitif : les météorites.

Ils ont ainsi établi que le rapport isotopique actuel du soufre dans l'atmosphère ionienne suggère que la lune aurait perdu 94 à 99 % de son réservoir de soufre initial. En croisant ces données avec les modèles existants de l'évolution de Jupiter et de ses lunes intérieures, les chercheurs sont arrivés à la conclusion suivante : Io est en éruption depuis des milliards d'années, peut-être même 4,5 milliards d'années.



« Les dynamiques orbitales des satellites planétaires sont parfois très chaotiques », indique James Tuttle Keane, planétologue au sein du Jet Propulsion Laboratory de la NASA, non impliqué dans l'étude. Les lunes peuvent quitter une orbite stable et y revenir, entrer en collision avec d'autres objets ou même être entièrement éjectées du système solaire.

En ce qui concerne Io, Ganymède et Europe, il semblerait que la chorégraphie à laquelle participent ces trois-là n'ait connu aucune fausse note depuis des milliards d'années. « Au cours de son histoire, Io n'a donc pas vraiment changé », résume Keane.

À elle seule, cette immuabilité fait figure d'exception dans l'univers, mais elle a également des implications pour la voisine d'Io, Europe. Sous sa coquille de glace, cette autre lune jovienne dissimule un océan qui, selon nos connaissances actuelles, serait maintenu à l'état liquide grâce au réchauffement par effet de marée. Si Io est volcanique depuis des milliards d'années, alors l'océan d'Europe pourrait être tout aussi primitif.

« À long terme, cela peut avoir des implications pour l'habitabilité d'Europe », indique de Kleer. Si cet océan abrite la vie, ce qui reste une hypothèse, alors cette vie doit son existence à la même force gravitationnelle qui, non loin de là, plonge Io dans un véritable enfer volcanique.

Cet article a initialement paru sur le site en langue anglaise.

Hier — 19 avril 2024Vos flux RSS

Imran Hosein on Iran

Par : AHH

Two short videos.

  1. Judaism on Trial. Rabbis have to answer for how Iranian Embassy was struck, like a thief in the night! Is this consistent with moral law?
  2. The honorable position of Iran in Islamic civilization and their vanguard position in Armageddon, alongside Russia and China. And chess grandmaster Iran finessed the nuclear-weapon card…

Iran – Israel on the Brink of a “Safe Abyss”

Par : AHH

when is it no longer “safe” ?? A free article by Elijah Magnier. Presciently published 2-3 days PRIOR to the Iranian retaliation. Iran moved from Patience to direct Power. Henceforth, there will be consequences for Zio-USUK, as in Novorossiya!

By Elijah J Magnier on 11/04/2024.

In a calculated move of retaliation, Iran has decided to respond to Israel’s actions by earmarking several targets from its extensive list for initial and, if deemed necessary, subsequent more destructive reprisals. Reliable sources reveal that Iran’s strategic planning includes the Israeli Chief of Staff’s headquarters among the range of potential targets. This decision is a direct consequence of Israel’s targeted assassinations of Iranian generals on Monday, 1 April 2024, which targeted the Iranian diplomatic consulate in Damascus, Syria. This attack destroyed the consulate and the death of seven senior Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) officers, including a brigadier general and general, his second in command. In the light of these events, Iran has vowed to retaliate.

Hezbollah, an ally of Iran, proposed a joint attack on Israel. However, reliable Iranian sources report that Sayyed Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader, rejected the proposal. Sayyed Khamenei’s refusal is based on a desire to prevent harm to Iran’s allies and a belief that retaliation should be an exclusively Iranian response, especially after the attack on its diplomatic consulate. The purpose of Iran’s planned retaliation is not necessarily to effectively harm Israel by destroying its diplomatic mission but to send a warning. This serves as a deterrent message to Israel and the international community to refrain from similar actions in the future. Iran’s strategy is not aimed at escalating the situation into a wider conflict unless Israel retaliates. Instead, Iran is trying to navigate out of the position it has been placed in by Israel’s actions against its diplomatically and legally protected consulate in Syria.

Israel’s conduct violates essential norms protecting the inviolability of diplomatic premises and representatives, as enshrined in the Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961), the Convention on Consular Relations (1963), and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents (1973).

Invoking Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, which sanctions the right of individual or collective self-defence in response to an armed attack against a UN member state, Iran is in a position to retaliate against Israel without the option of restraint. This stance is based on the need to protect its diplomatic missions around the world. Iran has notified the United States of its intention to retaliate by international legal frameworks while at the same time preparing for possible further escalation by Israel by preparing additional countermeasures in the event of significant Israeli retaliation.

Delaying a retaliatory strike does not put Iran at a disadvantage, as strategic depth and patience define its approach to conflict. This stance emphasises that time serves Iran’s interests by allowing it to respond to any aggression in a calculated manner and by draining Israel’s resources and nerves in anticipation of Iranian retaliation. The notion that the explicit intent of a “damaging strike” would typically come from the “Axis of Resistance” that aims to underscore a strategy of surprise and direct engagement. On the other hand, Iran’s primary goal isn’t just tit-for-tat but to prevent future provocations and maintain established limits of engagement.

Iran’s decision-making process is not hasty or impulsive but deliberate and methodical. It is based on a thorough assessment of the immediate facts, strategic evaluations, and broader implications on the regional and international stage. This approach instils confidence, as it shows that Iran’s actions are not driven by the clamour of public opinion on social media but by a complete understanding of the potential consequences.

The leadership’s emphasis on strengthening the resilience of the Iranian people, increasing national enthusiasm, and reinforcing ideological cohesion is not just a prelude to military action but a testament to Iran’s commitment to its citizens. The Iranian leadership considers this internal fortification more important than the act of retaliation itself, highlighting the depth of their commitment.

The symbolic gesture of Sayyed Khamenei appearing with a Russian Dragunov semi-automatic sniper rifle during the Eid al-Fitr sermon, an action usually reserved for Friday sermons, is a deliberate display of readiness for conflict. This act is not just a message of defensiveness but a declaration of Iran’s readiness and resolve, reinforcing its strategic position and ideological steadfastness.

In sum, Iran is a nation that approaches the prospect of conflict with caution, strategic planning and a deep-seated commitment to preserving its sovereignty and principles rather than being swayed by external pressures or immediate provocations.

‘Operation Faithful Promise’ written in a red rocket

Iran’s measures

Iran has upgraded security measures around more than 91 Iranian sites deemed ‘sensitive’ as a defensive measure. These measures included its infrastructure, nuclear facilities and military installations, underlining its comprehensive approach to hardening its critical infrastructure against potential Israeli threats. This strategy appears to mirror tactics seen elsewhere, including by Israel and highlights a trend towards multi-layered defence systems that combine physical interception measures with electronic warfare capabilities.

Indeed, Iran’s deployment of anti-aircraft and interceptor missiles at critical sites, including nuclear facilities and military bases, represents a direct approach to countering air threats such as human-crewed aircraft, drones and missiles. These systems range from short-range air defence (SHORAD) systems designed to engage targets at lower altitudes to advanced long-range missile defence systems capable of intercepting high-altitude threats and fighter jets.

Furthermore, the Iranian deployment of GPS jamming systems throughout Iran indicates a significant emphasis on countering precision-guided munitions and navigation-dependent drones and missiles. By degrading the accuracy of GPS-guided weapons, Iran aims to reduce the effectiveness of potential attacks on its territory, particularly on sites critical to its national security and infrastructure. GPS jamming can create a defensive buffer, making planning and executing air strikes more challenging.

By publicly demonstrating the enhancement of its defensive capabilities, Iran seeks to deter potential adversaries from considering direct attacks by projecting a willingness to defend its critical assets. This move reflects the ongoing technology race in military capabilities, where corresponding improvements match advances in offensive weapon systems in defensive technologies. Also, strengthening Iran’s defensive posture may have implications for regional security dynamics, potentially affecting the calculus of NATO, Israel and other regional actors regarding their security strategies and policies.

Using GPS jamming on a national scale highlights the growing importance of electronic warfare in modern defence strategies. It not only complicates adversaries’ operational environment but also represents an investment in non-kinetic means of warfare.

(L): Il Papa kisses the Ring ; (R): Christian Zionist former Vice Prez Pence at Christians United for Israel (CUFI)

Israel measures

Israel’s approach to missile defence is indeed multi-layered and highly sophisticated, designed to counter a wide range of threats from short-range rockets to medium-range ballistic missiles. This defence strategy includes several key components to provide a comprehensive shield. In addition, the involvement of NATO, particularly with naval assets equipped with missile interceptors, provides an international dimension to regional missile defence efforts.

Israel’s missile defence architecture consists of several layers, each designed to engage different types of threats at various ranges and altitudes:

Iron Dome: Primarily aimed at intercepting short-range rockets and artillery shells. It is known to have been effective in intercepting projectiles from Gaza.

David’s Sling: Targets medium- to long-range rockets and cruise missiles, filling the gap between the Iron Dome and Arrow systems.

Arrow 2 and Arrow 3 systems: Designed to intercept ballistic missiles at high altitudes, including outside the Earth’s atmosphere, providing a last line of defence against long-range threats.

Role of Patriot Missiles in Israel’s Air Defense: Israel’s inclusion of the Patriot missile system in its air defence arsenal is a significant component of its multi-layered defence strategy aimed at countering various aerial threats. Initially developed by the United States, the Patriot missile system is designed to detect, track, and engage incoming ballistic missiles at high altitudes, as well as aircraft and drones.

GPS jamming and non-GPS-guided threats: The Israeli army uses GPS jamming to mitigate the threat posed by precision-guided munitions, including missiles and drones that rely on GPS for navigation. By jamming or spoofing GPS signals, defenders can degrade the accuracy of incoming threats, potentially diverting them from their intended targets. However, as noted above, not all missiles and drones deployed by Iran and its allies rely on GPS for guidance. Many systems may use alternative navigation methods, such as inertial guidance, which uses gyroscopes and accelerometers to maintain a course without external references. Others may use Terrain Contour Matching (TERCOM) or optical or radar-based homing technologies that are not susceptible to GPS jamming.

Furthermore, NATO’s deployment of missile interceptors around Israel and in the Red Sea and the Mediterranean demonstrates a high level of cooperation and commitment to Israel’s defence. These ships will likely be equipped with Aegis combat systems capable of tracking and shooting down enemy missiles and aircraft, enhancing Israel’s national missile defence capabilities.

(L): Display of satellite rockets, Khorramshahr missile, and Qiyam-1 missile in the national day parade, 11.02.2024 ; (R): Iran’s missile strikes against Mossad & terrorist targets in Iraq and Syria, 15.01.2024


However, missile guidance systems, especially those used by countries such as Iran and its allies (Hezbollah, Iraqi Resistance), have evolved to incorporate a variety of technologies aimed at improving accuracy and reliability while evading countermeasures. One such technology is using gyroscopes in the missile’s guidance system. Let’s look at the basics of how these systems work, their advantages and their potential limitations.

A gyroscope in a missile guidance system performs a critical function: it provides inertial navigation data. This means that it can measure and maintain the orientation and angular velocity of the missile without external references. It tells the rocket whether it has rolled, pitched or yawed during flight and by how much.

How it works? A gyroscope maintains its orientation using the principle of angular momentum. In the context of missile guidance, it can provide a stable reference that indicates the missile’s orientation relative to the Earth’s surface. By integrating data from gyroscopes with accelerometers (which measure acceleration), the missile’s inertial navigation system (INS) can calculate its position, orientation and velocity without needing external references such as GPS.

One of the main advantages of using a gyroscopic guidance system is its independence from external signals such as GPS. This makes the missile less susceptible to jamming and spoofing techniques, which are common electronic countermeasures used to disrupt the guidance of GPS-guided weapons. Relying on an internal guidance system allows the missile to be guided to its target even in environments where GPS signals are compromised.

Gyroscopes make missiles more resistant to jamming and spoofing. They do not rely on external updates and can operate in GPS-denied environments. When combined with accelerometers in an INS, gyroscopes can provide precise navigation capabilities.

However, Inertial navigation systems, including gyroscopes, can accumulate errors over time. The longer the missile is in flight, the greater the potential error in its calculated position. Thus, implementing a robust gyroscopic guidance system can be complex and expensive compared to simpler GPS-based systems. Still, it is necessary when facing an advanced enemy with a GPS jamming system. Gyroscopic missile guidance systems offer significant advantages regarding autonomy and resistance to electronic countermeasures, making them particularly useful for countries such as Iran that can anticipate GPS jamming techniques.

Legal approach

The attack on the consulate of a nation, which caused both material damage and fatalities, is a severe violation of international norms, in particular the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which stipulates the inviolability of diplomatic premises and the protection of diplomatic personnel. In response, Iran lodged a formal protest with the United Nations, highlighting the international condemnation by entities such as the United Arab Emirates, the members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (except Bahrain), Russia and China, all of which emphasised the sanctity of diplomatic premises and condemned the violation of these principles.

The collective condemnation by the 121 countries of the Non-Aligned Movement demonstrates global solidarity with Iran and highlights the significant geopolitical implications of disregarding diplomatic norms. Yet the Western response has been muted, with minimal public condemnation, reflecting a polarised global perspective on the incident.

Iran’s efforts to rally international support to isolate Israel diplomatically, coupled with Israeli Minister Benny Gantz’s call for a coalition against Iran, reflect the complex global dynamics at play. Iran is criticising the United States, Britain and France for not supporting a UN Security Council condemnation of the Israeli attack on its consulate in Damascus, which Iran blames on US-supplied weapons. This position is being portrayed as a tacit endorsement of the aggression, risking further instability in West Asia. Iran asserts its right to seek legal redress and retaliation under international law for this affront.

In solidarity, Ansar Allah in Yemen and Hezbollah in Lebanon expressed their unwavering support for Iran and condemned the attack on the consulate. The support of Iran’s powerful allies was manifested during Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian’s talks in Muscat, Oman, which focused on sending the right message and soft warning to the US administration to remain neutral.

Since 7 October, the United States has already sent four indirect messages to Iran, urging Tehran to remain in control and not to be provoked into joining Netanyahu’s conflict. The messages stressed that the US administration would do everything in its power to contain the conflict. However, Iran perceives that the US has not lived up to its commitments and points to Israel’s actions, which have further antagonised Iran, including the destruction of its consulate in Damascus, as evidence of this failure.

Iran is aware that the US will not abandon Israel, just as Israel and the US know that Iran’s main allies in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen will stand by it. This mutual recognition is what led Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to believe that he could carry out a strike on the Iranian consulate with impunity and expect no retaliation from Iran.

The US is limited to intercepting missiles and drones aimed at Israel and using its diplomatic clout to defuse tensions and prevent Israel from escalating the situation, given the potential for full-scale conflict. The prospect of the US becoming embroiled in a Middle East conflict, especially one it could start but find difficult to end, is particularly unappealing as President Joe Biden faces a presidential election in two months. The US administration, already unhappy with Israel’s conduct in the Gaza conflict, is putting pressure on Netanyahu to cease hostilities and facilitate humanitarian aid. As a result, there is little appetite for escalation, which could only benefit Netanyahu by prolonging his tenure and aiding his domestic political survival while significantly undermining Biden’s re-election ambitions. This precarious situation encourages all parties to remain vigilant and avoid Netanyahu’s potentially dangerous strategies, especially as he faces declining domestic and regional support due to various failures.

Cette étoile ne brille qu’une fois tous les 80 ans et il sera bientôt temps de l'observer

Une nouvelle étoile est en route pour venir peupler le ciel nocturne de l’hémisphère nord. Elle pourrait apparaître d’ici quelques jours, mais cela pourrait aussi bien prendre quelques mois ; les astronomes n’ont à ce sujet pas beaucoup de certitudes, bien qu’ils attendent le retour de sa lueur depuis quatre-vingts ans. Mais lorsqu’elle paraîtra enfin, elle brillera si intensément que l’on pourra la voir à l’œil nu une semaine durant.

Et ensuite, aussi abruptement qu’elle aura fait irruption dans le panorama céleste, elle s’en ira.

Derrière cette manifestation clinquante se cache T Coronae Borealis (ou T CrB), phénomène rare connu sous le nom de nova récurrente. Comme le suggère son nom, T CrB se situe dans une constellation en forme de fer à cheval nommée Corona Borealis (la Couronne Boréale), distante de 3 000 années-lumière environ.

À l’inverse des novas classiques qui sont créées lorsqu’une étoile explose à la fin de sa vie, les novas récurrentes, comme leur nom le suggère, percent dans le ciel bien plus fréquemment, mais elles sont également causées par des processus stellaires différents de ceux à l’origine des vraies novas. La dernière éruption de T Coronae Borealis s’est produite en 1946. Seules dix de ces novas sont répertoriées dans la Voie lactée.



La lumière de T Coronae Borealis n’est pas le produit de l’explosion d’un unique corps céleste mais plutôt d’une danse céleste entre deux étoiles orbitant l’une autour de l’autre. La plus grande des deux, une géante rouge dont la masse équivaut peu ou prou celle de notre système solaire tout entier, perd de sa matière, notamment de l’hydrogène et de l’hélium. Cet éjecta tombe en partie sur la naine blanche voisine qui, bien qu’elle fasse à peu près la taille de la Terre, contient près de 40 % de matière de plus que le Soleil, ce qui en fait un astre extraordinairement dense.

Alors que la naine blanche absorbe les rebuts de sa compagne de route, sa température ne cesse d’augmenter, et elle devient donc plus dense. Enfin, tous les quatre-vingts ans environ, elle atteint un point de bascule critique où des réactions de fusion nucléaire en série la font entrer en éruption.

« Nous la suivons dans le monde entier et elle a fait des choses amusantes », indique Sumner Starrfield, professeur de l’Université d’État d’Arizona qui a beaucoup étudié ce système solaire au cours de sa carrière. « Sa luminosité a augmenté pendant quelques années et aujourd’hui elle a diminué un peu. Il semble qu’elle fasse à peu près la même chose que juste avant d’exploser en 1946, raison pour laquelle nous faisons tout à coup preuve de beaucoup d’intérêt. »



On ne sait pas exactement quand l’éruption se produira. Selon la NASA, cela pourrait survenir à n’importe quel moment d’ici au mois de septembre. Mais Sumner Starrfield fait observer que ce n’est qu’une bonne estimation, et qu’il faudra peut-être attendre plusieurs années avant que nous ne puissions observer l’explosion dans le ciel. Toutefois, lorsqu’elle se produira, les astronomes amateurs n’auront pas le temps de cligner des yeux tant le phénomène est fugace.

« Le paroxysme sera atteint très rapidement », explique Bradley Schaefer, professeur émérite à l’Université d’État de Louisiane et l’un des plus grands spécialistes de T Coronae Borealis. « C’est bref, la luminosité maximale ne durera que quelques heures et elle commencera à faiblir vite. [Le phénomène] ne sera plus visible à l’œil nu après une semaine à peine. »

« Si vous êtes juste Monsieur ou Madame Tout-le-monde qui sort observer le ciel pour la voir, armé de rien d’autre que de vos simples yeux, vous n’avez qu’une ou deux nuits pour le faire », prévient-t-il.

Quand elle entrera effectivement en éruption, elle sera surveillée de près. L’équipe de Sumner Starrfield a réservé des créneaux sur le télescope spatial James-Webb (JWST) afin d’observer l’éruption et de déterminer exactement quelle quantité de masse est éjectée dans l’espace au cours du processus.

Mais certaines des observations les plus importantes de ce phénomène rare seront le fait d’un réseau d’astronomes amateurs qui utiliseront le télescope de leur jardin. Des membres de l’Association américaine des observateurs d’étoiles variables (AAVSO) et le site The Astronomer’s Telegram scrutent T CrB depuis un moment déjà. Au cours des années qui viennent de s’écouler, on a téléversé sur une plateforme centralisée un nouveau point de données toutes les dix minutes en moyenne, ce qui génère un flux constant de mises à jour sur la luminosité du système. Il ne fait aucun doute que l’un de ces amateurs s’arrogera le titre de premier à avoir aperçu l’éruption qui vient.

« La raison pour laquelle beaucoup de personnes l’observent est que les gens aiment ce qui fait boom », commente Brian Kloppenberg, directeur exécutif de l’AAVSO. Beaucoup d’astronomes amateurs ont une envie forte d’être la personne qui découvre quelque chose ou qui aperçoit une première manifestation. »

Mais Bradley Schaefer a son propre plan en place pour le moment où il recevra la nouvelle ; et il est bien déterminé à ne pas manquer l’événement. Non sans ironie, Leslie Peltier, l’astronome qui avait prédit l’éruption de 1946 avait manqué ce phénomène grandiose à cause d’un rhume inopportun. Au moment de l’éruption, T CrB devrait briller aussi intensément que l’Étoile polaire, point le plus brillant de la Petite Ourse.

« À n’en pas douter, je vais me ruer dehors dès qu’il fera nuit et que le ciel sera dégagé, car je souhaite que mes observations contribuent à la courbe de lumière, se réjouit d’ores et déjà Bradley Schaefer. Quand vous entendrez dire que T CrB se lève, vous n’aurez pas besoin de télescope, tout ce que vous avez à faire, c’est de sortir par une nuit claire et sans nuages et de lever les yeux au ciel. »

Cet article a initialement paru sur le site en langue anglaise.

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Découverte d’un ichthyosaure géant de 25 mètres de long

Les premiers géants des mers de notre planète étaient des reptiles. Au Trias, il y a plus de 201 millions d’années, les ichthyosaures parcouraient les mers. Prédateurs hors pair, ils étaient les orques de leur époque. Aujourd’hui, des paléontologues ont identifié ce qui pourrait être le plus grand ichthyosaure jamais découvert : Ichthyotitan severensis, dont la longueur est estimée à près de 25 mètres, était un ichthyosaure absolument gigantesque.

Tout a commencé par la découverte d’un étrange fossile il y a plusieurs années. En 2018, le paléontologue Dean Lomax de l’université de Bristol et son équipe ont décrit un morceau d’os d’ichthyosaure découvert au Royaume-Uni ; il était tellement grand qu'il avait d'abord été pris pour un os de dinosaure. 

« Lorsque nous avons décrit le premier spécimen, j’espérais que d'autres allaient être découverts », explique Lomax. Son vœu a été exaucé. En 2020, Ruby et Justin Reynolds, deux passionnés de fossiles, ont trouvé un deuxième morceau de mâchoire d’ichthyosaure dans le Somerset, en Angleterre. Ils ont alors commencé à se documenter pour essayer de comprendre ce qu’ils avaient trouvé. Ce faisant, ils sont tombés sur l’article de 2018 de Lomax et, soupçonnant un lien entre leur fossile et celui de Lomax, ils ont alors contacté le chercheur. 

Mieux conservé que le premier spécimen, le second morceau de mâchoire a permis à Lomax et à son équipe de confirmer que les deux grands os appartenaient à la même espèce géante.

Depuis, Lomax et ses collègues ont décrit les fossiles dans un nouvel article publié mercredi dans la revue PLOS ONE. Le nom de la créature, Ichthyotitan severensis, fait à la fois référence à sa grande taille et à l’estuaire de la rivière Severn, où le second fragment de mâchoire a été découvert.



Les scientifiques auront besoin d’autres fossiles pour déterminer exactement ce qui différenciait Ichthyotitan des autres ichtyosaures. En attendant, la nouvelle espèce offre une nouvelle image de la vie à une époque et dans une région du monde où l’on n’avait jusqu’ici jamais découvert de tels géants.

« Le nouveau fossile date de la toute dernière partie de la période triasique, connue pour être une boîte noire pour les fossiles d’ichthyosaures », déclare Neil Kelley, paléontologue à l’université Vanderbilt, qui n’a pas participé à la nouvelle étude. Tous les autres ichthyosaures géants découverts auparavant ont été retrouvés dans des roches plus anciennes en Amérique du Nord et en Asie, ce qui augmente la probabilité qu’Ichthyotitan soit une toute nouvelle espèce.

Même s’il ne fait aucun doute que l’animal était de taille gigantesque à en croire les os de sa mâchoire longs de deux mètres, les paléontologues appellent à la prudence quant aux dimensions exactes d’Ichthyotitan. À ce jour, on ne dispose que de deux os du reptile : des os appelés « surangulaires » qui forment une partie de la mâchoire inférieure. Si Ichthyotitan avait des proportions similaires à celles d’autres ichthyosaures géants découverts ailleurs dans le monde comme Shonisaurus, découvert dans le sud-ouest des États-Unis, l’animal aurait dépassé les 25 mètres de long et aurait été d’une taille comparable à celle d’un rorqual commun.

Il peut paraître étrange qu’un animal aussi grand ne laisse derrière lui que des restes aussi dérisoires, mais il est difficile de découvrir des fossiles complets d’ichthyosaures géants. « Cela pourrait être dû à leur écologie et à l’endroit où ils vivaient en haute mer », explique Lomax, en fonction de quoi le corps de ces créatures pourrait avoir été exposé plus longtemps aux charognards. On trouve même sur l’une des mâchoires d'Ichtyotitan de petites traces de morsures antérieures à son ensevelissement.

Avec un peu de chance, de nouvelles découvertes nous donneront un jour une image complète d’Ichthyotitan. Ses dimensions exactes seront peut-être amenées à changer, mais il ne fait aucun doute que cet ichthyosaure faisait partie d’une longue lignée de géants. Il est de plus en plus évident que les ichthyosaures ont évolué vers des espèces géantes environ huit millions d’années après leur apparition au Trias. Nombre d’entre eux étaient des prédateurs monstrueux qui chassaient d’autres reptiles marins et toute autre proie plus petite qu’eux, un peu à la manière de nos orques actuelles.



Des reptiles d’une telle taille devaient avoir besoin d’une grande quantité de nourriture. L’existence de plusieurs ichthyosaures géants sur des dizaines de millions d’années donne des indications sur la nature des océans à l'époque du Trias.

« Leurs tailles gigantesques suggèrent qu’ils ont dû survivre tout au long du Trias grâce à des réseaux alimentaires productifs », déclare Lomax. De nouvelles formes de plancton ont émergé au cours du Trias. Étant donné que le plancton est à la base des réseaux alimentaires océaniques, son évolution pourrait avoir favorisé le développement d'écosystèmes capables de soutenir des espèces géantes, explique Kelly. Les deux chercheurs soulignent que des recherches supplémentaires seront nécessaires pour comprendre pourquoi les ichthyosaures ont évolué à plusieurs reprises pour atteindre des tailles gigantesques.

Aucun de ces géants n’a cependant survécu au Trias. Certains ichthyosaures ultérieurs du Jurassique étaient grands, certains atteignant plus de 9 mètres de long, mais aucun n’était aussi imposant que leurs prédécesseurs du Trias. Ichthyotitan était non seulement l’une des plus grandes mais aussi l’une des dernières espèces géantes du monde, jusqu’à l’extinction massive et dévastatrice ayant marqué la fin du Trias il y a 201 millions d’années. 

En fin de compte, cette découverte indique que les ichthyosaures n’étaient pas en déclin avant cette grande d’extinction, note Kelley, mais qu’ils étaient au contraire en plein essor.

L’extinction de la fin du Trias constitue l’une des cinq grandes extinctions de masse que les paléontologues ont identifiées dans les archives fossiles. D’incroyables épanchements volcaniques ont modifié le climat mondial, la chimie des mers, entre autres choses. Et si le groupe des ichthyosaures a survécu, les spécimens géants ont eux disparu. « Ces énormes ichthyosaures ont régné sur les mers jusqu’à la grande extinction du Trias-Jurassique », explique Lomax. L’océan n’a ensuite pas connu de créatures marines de cette taille jusqu’à l'apparition des grandes baleines, plus de 150 millions d’années plus tard. 

Cet article a initialement paru sur le site en langue anglaise.

Nous avons remplacé les bains par des douches... mais est-ce meilleur pour notre santé ?

Pour la plupart d'entre nous, prendre une douche rythme nos journées. D'après une étude menée par l'Ifop en 2022, 76 % des Français prendraient une douche au moins une fois par jour, d'une durée moyenne de 9 minutes, selon un sondage réalisé par BVA-Doméo

Si elles semblent si ancrées dans les usages actuels, les douches restent une pratique relativement nouvelle. Les plus anciennes mentions de bains publics remontent à 3 000 avant notre ère, et ceux-ci semblaient jouer un rôle central dans la vie quotidienne. Des bains publics de la Grèce antique aux onsen japonais, toutes les classes sociales se réunissaient pour y faire de l'exercice, se baigner et socialiser. 

Aujourd'hui, on préfère de loin prendre des douches seul plutôt que socialiser dans les bains publics ; la priorité est donnée à l'efficacité plutôt qu'à la communication et à la détente. Si la douche est indiscutablement plus écologique et rapide que le bain, elle n'est pas nécessairement préférable du point de vue de notre santé.



Les différentes manières de prendre des bains tout au long de l'histoire reflètent l'évolution des préconçus en matière d'hygiène et de santé. 

Dans les temps anciens, particulièrement sous l'Empire Romain, prendre un bain était une affaire publique. Seuls les plus fortunés disposaient de leurs propres bains privés, quand tous les autres prenaient part aux bains publics. On prenait le bain dans d'immenses établissements thermaux où l'on pouvait se faire masser, et dans lesquels on avait accès à des bibliothèques, de la nourriture et des boissons. 

« Il existe beaucoup d'illustrations artistiques qui montrent entre autres des fêtes qui se tenaient dans les bains publics et donnent à voir les personnes qui y dînaient », déclare Virginia Smith, historienne et autrice de Clean: A History of Personal Hygiene and Purity. (ndlr : Propre : Une histoire de l'hygiène et de la pureté). 

Pour les Grecs anciens, prendre un bain revenait à se purifier, un acte d'importance avant d'observer des rites religieux ou avant d'accueillir des hôtes, révèle Katherine Ashenburg, autrice d'un livre sur le sujet. Les établissements thermaux traditionnels japonais avaient des visées thérapeutiques et rituelles et, plus tard, sont devenus des lieux de rassemblement social. Les banias russes et les hammams turcs étaient également des endroits importants pour les activités sociales et religieuses.

« Dans l'esprit des gens, prendre un bain n'était pas toujours associé à la propreté », explique Katherine Ashenbrug. « Parfois, on pensait que le fait d'aller dans l'eau non seulement n'apportait rien en termes de propreté, mais était en fait dangereux pour la santé. »

Lorsque la peste noire s'abattit sur l'Europe médiévale, par exemple, les bains publics furent fermés car l'on était persuadé que l'ouverture des pores induite par l'eau chaude permettait à la peste de se frayer un chemin sous la peau.

Bien que cette croyance soit infondée, la problématique de l'hygiène dans les bains publics se posait, selon James Hamblin, physicien et maître de conférence à l'Université de Yale, et auteur d'un livre sur les connaissances scientifiques en termes de propreté et de routine beauté. « Certains récits concernant des bains anciens [...] décrivent des couches de boue à la surface de l'eau », dit-il. « Le cas échéant, vous vous exposiez à des agents pathogènes. » 



Les grands bains publics tombèrent en désuétude, pour peu à peu disparaître au tournant du 20e siècle, du moins en Occident. La théorie microbienne précipita la fin des bains publics : « prendre un bain est devenu fortement associé à la propreté », explique James Hamblin. 

À partir de la moitié des années 1800, des villes du Royaume-Uni entamèrent la construction de bains publics et d'établissements thermaux, principalement destinés aux populations les plus pauvres. De la même manière, des politiques publiques furent mises en œuvre aux États-Unis, notamment à New York où l'eau courante était encore inaccessible au plus grand nombre, alors même que plusieurs vagues d'immigrés y avaient trouvé refuge. Avec le développement des « bains de pluie », premières douches utilisées d'abord par les militaires et les ouvriers européens, arriva une nouvelle vision de la santé publique et de l'hygiène.

Le temps des bains longs, luxueux et publics était révolu. Parce qu'il était peu coûteux, prenait peu de place, faisait faire des économies en eau et en chauffage, le bain de pluie gagna en popularité. Alors que l'on commençait à installer de la plomberie à l'intérieur des maisons, les baignoires et les douches personnelles furent de plus en plus communes et, à terme, devinrent la norme. 

Naomi Adiv, professeure adjointe en sciences politiques à l'université de Toronto Mississauga, attribue en grande partie cette évolution à la « montée du capitalisme industriel » en Amérique. « L'idée d'aller passer l'après-midi aux bains n'est pas compatible avec l'objectif de productivité des travailleurs. »

Il existe encore des bains publics dans le monde entier, notamment en Turquie, en Russie et au Japon. Mais nos rituels de nettoyage quotidiens ont été largement relégués aux bains individuels et aux cabines de douche, et ce ne serait pas nécessairement une bonne chose.

« Nous avons perdu l'aspect social du bain et, pour beaucoup d'entre nous, le sentiment de plaisir qu'il procure », estime James Hamblin.



D'un point de vue sanitaire, peu de recherches comparent les bienfaits du bain et de la douche. Avec une source d'eau propre, les deux sont efficaces pour l'hygiène personnelle, d'après Kelly Reynolds, professeure en Communauté, environnement et politique à l'Université d'Arizona, pour qui cela « semble vraiment être une question de choix personnel. » 

Pour celles et ceux qui s'inquiétaient de se baigner dans de l'eau rendu insalubre par notre propre saleté, Amy Huang, une dermatologue basée à Manhattan souligne qu'« à moins d'être vraiment très sale... il ne devrait y avoir aucun risque [à prendre un bain]. »

D'après James Hamblin, à l'instar du microbiote intestinal, le microbiome cutané contient des milliers d'espèces de microbes qui vivent sur la peau et contribuent à sa santé. Les bains comme les douches peuvent temporairement retirer ce microbiome ou endommager notre peau si l'eau est trop chaude, si l'on utilise trop de savon, ou si l'on frotte trop vigoureusement.

« L'idéal serait de prendre un savon doux... sans parfum, sans colorant, et de préférence qui ne mousse pas », recommande Amy Huang. « Vous n'avez même pas besoin de frotter partout. Concentrez-vous sur les aisselles, les parties génitales, les pieds et le cuir chevelu si vous vous lavez les cheveux », ajoute-t-elle. Katrina Abuabara, professeure adjointe en dermatologie à l'UCSF, ajoute qu'« utiliser des courges éponges ou des gants de toilette peut endommager la couche la plus externe de l'épiderme. Se laver avec ses mains est suffisant. »

Pour les personnes atteintes d'eczema ou d'autres maladies de peau, les bains peuvent constituer un élément efficace de leur schéma thérapeutique. « Le fait de rester plus longtemps dans les bains que sous la douche rend la peau plus douce, de sorte que lorsque vous appliquez une lotion... elle l'absorbe mieux », explique Huang. 

Prendre un bain chaud peut aussi améliorer votre forme physique et mentale, selon Justine Grosso, psychologue du corps et de l'esprit à New York et en Caroline du Nord. « Il a été démontré que plonger dans un bain, plus que de se doucheraméliore l'humeur chez les personnes atteintes de dépression, améliore la qualité du sommeil pour celles atteintes d'insomnie et a un effet positif sur le système cardiovasculaire », souligne-t-elle.

La façon dont les bains chauds agissent sur le corps fait encore l'objet d'études. « Il existe des signes qui montrent que ça fonctionne par vasodilatation. L'augmentation des vaisseaux sanguins permet le passage de plus d'oxygène et de nutriments dans la périphérie du corps », ajoute Justine Grosso.

« C'est une question de chaleur », explique Ashley Mason, psychologue clinicienne à l'UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Health. Des études préalables suggèrent que s'immerger dans un sauna, un hammam, un jaccuzi et dans une douche ou un bain chaud au moins une fois par jour peut être bénéfique. 

De manière générale, lorsqu'il s'agit de se laver, James Hamblin affirme qu'il vaut mieux en faire moins. Le secteur de l'hygiène a « médicalisé » une pratique qui n'a pas grand-chose à voir avec la prévention des maladies, d'après lui. Sans remettre en question la nécessité de l'usage du savon pour la santé publique, il accuse le marketing moderne de manipuler les consommateurs en leur faisant croire à l'importance d'un rituel quotidien en utilisant des produits coûteux. 

Il ajoute que, d'un point de vue médical, les bains publics n'ont jamais eu pour visée la bonne santé de ses utilisateurs. Cependant, « en termes de connexion sociale et de détente, je ne doute pas de l'existence de certains effets. »

Cet article a initialement paru sur le site en langue anglaise.

Lagarde avertit contre toute confiscation des avoirs russes

lagarde avoirs

lagarde avoirsLa présidente de la Banque centrale européenne (BCE), Christine Lagarde, a déclaré que toutes les propositions visant à transférer des

L’article Lagarde avertit contre toute confiscation des avoirs russes est apparu en premier sur STRATPOL.

Israel vs. Iran – a Trigger towards Armageddon?

Par : AHH

One might ask, was this “out-of-control” situation planned and prepared by the Zionist-dominated west?

Peter Koenig
17 April 2024

Israel’s Minister of War, Joav Galant, told his troops the Iranian attack was not successful; that of about hundred drones and rockets, Israel downed them all but four, thanks to our good preparation. This is a lie on many levels.

Both Netanyahu and Galant expressed their determination to retaliate, after a well-thought-out plan. Netanyahu qualified, it needs to be a “clever response”.

Likewise, army chief Halevi is crystal clear in his attempt of launching a response for Iran’s retaliation attack on Israel, but he does not want to cause a war.

The Israeli Cabinet is also “mulling” over what they call a “political offensive” – whatever that may mean.

Interesting though, is that both sides, Israel and Iran, do not seem to want war, or better a HOT WAR, where sable rattling could surreptitiously convert into a mushroom cloud. They know, when NATO gets involved, Russia and China may get involved – and then – the sky is open and Armageddon is on the table – or, rather, all over Mother Earth.

If indeed, Israel goes ahead with such a counter-attack, however benign or non-benign it may be, it is like giving Biden the finger. Because, according to the latest news, Biden backtracked from his earlier limitless commitment to support Israel and to always fight for Israel’s security. Biden’s “back-stoppers must have told him otherwise: “America is not going to war with Iran for Israel.” – Israel – you are on your own, so to speak.

That was a smart decision. Will they stick to it? The US is divided. There are the Zionists, who so far have called the shots in Washington and in the Pentagon. But the balance is gradually shifting in favor of the more level-headed thinkers, those who do not want to risk WWIII which could become nuclear – and global.

Similar messages of “caution” seem to emanate from British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, a strong supporter of Zionism. He called Benjamin Netanyahu, suggesting prudence in any further action he may take. An escalation – that could spin out of control, is in nobody’s interest.

Nevertheless, PM Sunak assured Netanyahu of UK’s support to “guarantee Israel’s security”.

If this sounds like a game of words, probably it is a game of words. Maybe hiding a surprise – and perhaps during the days of “thinking about prudence”, something much bigger may be under preparation. Knowing the Israel-Zionist’s own supremacy concept, they will not let the Iranian attack, even if well justified, go unanswered.

Just to refresh memories, because they are systematically wiped out by the bought mainstream media: Iran launched a measured, but well calculated retaliation attack on Israeli military targets in the early morning hours of 14 April. The drone and ICBM missile assault of some 300 projectiles was a response for Israel’s unprovoked attack of 1 April on Iran’s Consulate in Damascus, leaving 7 people dead, including 2 high ranking Iranian military officers.

By the multitude of rockets Iran fired on Israel in sequence, first the drones than the missiles, Iran suppressed Israel’s and their allies air defense system that concentrated on intercepting drones and was unable to intercept the subsequently launched hypersonic missiles.

Tehran having entered a new stage of political and military stature beyond the Middle Eastern boundaries, had to react to Israel’s Damascus provocation of 1 April, in terms of a clear message, “Don’t mess with Iran – or else”.

Iran, now militarily speaking, one of the three key members of the newly ten BRICS nations, must assure the west that sanctions and threats and random unprovoked attacks will not cut it anymore.

The 14 April attack by Iran, was not just a retaliatory strike, but established a new order, depriving Israel of her absolute impunity, which until recently had been guaranteed by the US.

Important to note is, that Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Commander-in-Chief, Hossein Salami, said that from now on, if Israel attacks the interests of Iran and Iranian citizens, Tehran will strike it again (RT – 16 April 2024).

This means, that if Israel now hits back, Iran will not just swallow whatever Israel does to harm Iran. And there is the danger – a real risk of escalation out of control.

One might ask, was this “out-of-control” situation planned and prepared by the Zionist-dominated west?

Let us not forget, whatever Zionist-Israel does in pursuit of her ultimate goal, the establishment of Greater Israel, is to control the Middle East’s inexhaustible energy resources.

Achieving Greater Israel depends very much on Israel conquering Iran, not only because Iran is literally in “command” of the oil and gas rich Middle East, but also, a Greater Israel needs control over the Strait of Hormuz, now controlled by Iran.

Currently about 30% or more of the world’s total oil and gas consumption is shipped through the Strait of Hormuz. See this

With a Greater Israel, the bulk of Middle Eastern hydrocarbons would be under Zionist-Israeli control — and, with the Strait of Hormuz under Israeli control, shipments of the energy resources, how much and to whom, would be under Zionist command.

Not to forget, Zionist-Israel is already in the process of appropriating the enormous gas reserves off-shore of Gaza – conservatively estimated already some 20 years ago at about a trillion cubic-feet, worth between 2 and 3 billion dollars, depending on the market price. And as we know, he, who controls the resource, decides its “market” price.

An updated assessment of the Gaza off-shore reserves may be exponentially higher. Of course, kept secret, given the current war and expropriation scenario by Zionist-Israel.

The huge port that is rumored to be planned just outside Gaza – maybe construction has already begun, has little to do with food delivery to Gaza (certainly not), or “exporting” the remaining Gazans to unknown destinations.

Much more likely will this be the port for handling the Gaza off-shore hydrocarbons through a yet to be built (but planned since 1971) Ben-Gurion Canal, all the way to the Red Sea. The new canal, would probably bankrupt the Suez Canal, possession of Egypt, an Arab state.

The Suez Canal is already suffering due to lack of transshipments of at least 20 European countries, who are afraid the Yemeni-Houthi attacks on US and Israeli controlled merchandise vessels could also target their ships.

’Twas the night afore Armageddon

This Big Picture vision speaks for Israel not letting go. From their point of view, they MUST conquer Iran. The Zionists may be so blinded by their delusion of “grandeur”, that they may not see the Mushroom Cloud that may wipe them out along with much of the rest of the world.

The reality is that Iran is no longer alone. Iran wants to make sure that their power and presence is accounted for by Israel, the US, its European vassals, and the west at large – because they are now a member of the new BRICS which is not just an economic association.

Their membership of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) – a strategic and economic Chinese agency – protects them from outside attacks, the same way NATO members are protected. Attack one NATO member you attack them all.

Attack One BRICS state, you attack them all.

Retaliation in the case of an attack on Iran can come from all or selected members of the ten BRICS countries, especially from Russia and China; which would pretty much mean WWIII.

This may be the reason for Iran’s relatively benign retaliation against Israel. It was a warning.

Iran does not want war. They may follow the Tao philosophy, as expressed by Sun Tzu in ancient times, “To fight 100 battles and win 100 battles is not the height of skill. The best way to win is not to fight at all.” This is Iran’s strategy. Its strike against Israel was not so much a military response as a grandmaster’s move in a big chess game. And the game is not over yet (RT, 16 April 2024).

May President Putin’s words resonate and be taken seriously, “I hope WWIII can be avoided” – meaning that an Israeli assault on Iran would not remain unanswered by Russia – which would bring in NATO – and WWIII could explode overnight.


Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020)

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).
He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Iran’s ‘New Equation’ Soars Beyond The Holy Land

Par : AHH

‘Anything that was good and true about Western civilization is preserved and thriving in Russia.’ And after a millennium of playing catch-up, she now has the dominant military heft and osmotic alliance with Iran and China to help craft new civilizational calculations.

By Pepe Escobar at Sputnik International.

A Holy of the Holies was shattered in the Holy Land as Iran staged a quite measured, heavily choreographed response to the Israeli terror attack against its consulate/ambassador residence in Damascus, a de facto evisceration of the Vienna Convention on diplomatic immunity.

This game-changer will directly interfere on how the Anglo-American system manages its simultaneous conflagration with Russia, China and Iran – three top BRICS members.

The key problem is escalations are already built in – and will be hard to remove. The Total Cancel War against Russia; the genocide in Gaza – with its explicit policy masterfully decoded by Prof. Michael Hudson; and the decoupling/shaping the terrain against China won’t simply vanish – as all communication bridges with the Global Majority keep being torched.

Yet the Iranian message indeed establishes a “New Equation” – as Tehran christened it, and prefigures many other surprises to come from West Asia.

Iran wanted to – and did send – a clear message. New equation: if the biblical psychopathic entity keeps attacking Iranian interests, from henceforth it will be counter-attacked inside Israel. All that in a matter of “seconds” – as the Security Council in Tehran has already cleared all the procedures.

Escalation though seems inevitable. Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak: “Netanyahu is influenced by his [fundamentalist] political partners to go into an escalation so he can hold onto power and accelerate the coming of the Messiah.”

Compare it to Iranian President Raisi: “The smallest act against Tehran’s interests will be met with a massive, extensive, and painful response against all its operations.”

(L) July 2019: IRGC Aerospace Force General Amirali Hajizadeh in a meeting with his Russian counterpart General “Armageddon” Surovikin before the Russia-Ukraine war: ‘Help us build our aerospace command force, and I will help you build Russia’s drone command force’ [01] [02] ; (R) April 10, 2024: After Imam Khamenei said Israel must be punished, a subtle smile appeared on the face of General Hajizadeh. [03] ; April 17, 2024: [04]

Goodbye to Your ‘Invincible’ Defense Maze

For Tehran, regulating the intensity of the clash in West Asia between Israel and the Axis of Resistance while simultaneously establishing strategic deterrence to replace “strategic patience” was a matter of launching a triple wave: a drone swarm opening the path for cruise missiles and ballistic missiles.

The performance of the much-vaunted Iron Dome, Arrow-3 and David’s Sling – aided by F-35 fighter jets and the US and the UK naval force – was not exactly stellar. There’s no video of the “outer-layer” Arrow-3 system shooting down anything in space.

At least 9 ballistic missiles penetrated the dense Israeli defense network and hit the Nevatim and Ramon bases. Israel is absolutely mum on the fate of its Golan Heights intel installation – hit by cruise missiles.

Amidst classic fog of war, it’s irrelevant whether Tehran launched hundreds or dozens of drones and missiles. Regardless of NATOstan media hype, what’s proven beyond the shadow of a doubt is that the supposedly “invincible” Israeli defense maze – ranging from US-made AD/ABM systems to Israeli knockoffs – is helpless in real war against a technologically advanced adversary.

What was accomplished by a single operation did raise quite a few professional eyebrows. Iran forced Israel to furiously deplete its stock of interceptors and spend at least $1.35 billion – while having its escalatory dominance and deterrence strategy completely shattered.

The psychological blow was even fiercer.

What if Iran had unleashed a series of strikes without a generous previous warning lasting several days? What if US, UK, France and – traitorous – Jordan were not ready for coordinated defense? (The – startling – fact they were all directly dispensing firepower on Tel Aviv’s behalf was not analyzed at all). What if Iran had hit serious industrial and infrastructural targets?

Establishing an Equation Without Disturbing a Pivot

Predictably, there has been less than zero debate across NATOstan about the sudden collapse of the Fortress Israel Myth – which underpins the larger myth of Zionism offering Impregnable Security for those living in Israel. No more. This narrative spin is D.O.A.

Iran, for its part, could not care less about what NATOstan spins. The shift towards the New Equation in fact was generous enough to offer Tel Aviv a de-escalation escape route – which will not be taken, at Israel’s peril.

For Tel Aviv, everything that happened so far spells out Strategic Defeat across the spectrum: in Gaza, in Lebanon, with the economy tanking, totally losing legitimacy around the world, and now with the added painful loss of deterrence.

All eyes are now on what may happen next: will it finally become clear whether the Hegemon prevails or whether Israel runs the “wag the dog” show?

It’s essential to consider the Russia-China strategic partnership view. The consensus among Chinese scholars is that the Hegemon prefers not to commit too many resources to West Asia, as this would affect the – already collapsing – Project Ukraine and the strategic planning to counter China in the Asia-Pacific.

When it comes to Russia, President Raisi personally called President Putin and they discussed all relevant details over the phone. Cool, calm and collected.

Additionally, later this week Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani – who said Iran will respond “within seconds” to any new Israeli attack – visits Moscow for the Conference on Nonproliferation and will also meet with the top echelons of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

It’s quite remarkable that Iran managed to establish the New Equation without disturbing its own pivot to Eurasia – after the collapse of the 2015 nuclear deal – while protecting the complex framework engaged in the defense of Palestine.

The Hegemon’s options are dire. They run from being eventually expelled from West Asia and the Persian Gulf to an unwinnable existential clash against three civilization-states – Russia, China, Iran.

What’s left as the number one feasible scenario is a carefully calculated retreat to an easily controlled backyard: Latin America, especially South America, manipulating new, convenient, sovereign-deprived asset Argentina.

And of course maintaining control over a de-industrialized and sovereignty-deprived Europe.

That does not change the fact that US power projection on the wane, globally, is the way the wind is blowing. The Straussian neocon psycho-dementia is unsustainable. The question is whether they can be progressively purged from the US power structure before they attempt to plunge the Global Majority into their irrational depths of doom.

And Don’t Forget the New BRICS Equation

By contrast, on the Global Majority front, over 40 nations want to join BRICS – and counting, according to the head of the Russian Council Committee on International Affairs, Grigory Karasin.

After a meeting of the chairmen of the international affairs committees of BRICS Parliaments last week in Moscow, Karasin noted how many BRICS member-nations understand that they should not rush to create a rigid charter, “seeing how counterproductive and even provocative the European Union is acting.” The name of the game is flexibility.

Alastair Crooke has touched on a key theme that runs through my new book, Eurasia v. NATOstan: “Anything that was good and true about Western civilization is preserved and thriving in Russia. This is the unspoken insight that so infuriates the western elites. And it is also why, in part, BRICS states so evidently look to Russia for leadership.”

The New Equation established by Iran, a sovereign BRICS member, will do wonders to solidify this – multilateral, multicultural – state of cooperation as the Empire and its “aircraft carrier” in West Asia, except in the covert ops department, are increasingly reduced to the role of a paper tiger.

Pour bien vieillir, la pratique d’une activité physique en extérieur est essentielle

« Où sont les autres femmes d’âge mûr ? ». Cette question, je me la posais systématiquement dès que je partais surfer, lorsque j’avais 55 ans. Je voyais beaucoup d’hommes de mon âge (et plus âgés) sur les vagues, mais très peu de femmes.

Pour mon dernier livre, intitulé Tough Broad, From Boogie Boarding to Wing Walking, How Outdoor Adventure Improves Our Lives as We Age (Dures à cuire : du bodyboard au wing walking, comment la pratique d’activités en extérieur nous aide à bien vieillir), je suis partie à la rencontre de ces femmes matures discrètes, mais aventureuses. J’ai accompagné une plongeuse de 80 ans dans le Pacifique. J’ai parcouru un parc de banlieue en compagnie d’une routarde de 93 ans. Je me suis adonnée à l’observation ornithologique et j’ai fait du kayak de mer.

Je me suis aussi plongée dans les recherches en cours sur l’âgisme. Grâce à tout cela, je suis parvenue à la conclusion que la meilleure chose à faire pour nous, les femmes, pour être plus heureuse en meilleure santé et profiter davantage de la vie en vieillissant, c’était de pratiquer des activités en extérieur.

Voici les cinq principaux enseignements que j’ai tirés de l’écriture de ce livre.



Le discours autour de l’âgisme et les femmes est malheureusement très toxique. On nous dit que nous déclinons rapidement, et de nombreuses femmes se sentent invisibles. Pourtant, des recherches montrent que le regard que nous portons sur notre propre vieillissement a une influence sur celui-ci.

Si vous redoutez de vieillir, vous avez statistiquement plus de chances de souffrir d’un accident cardiaque ou d’une diminution des facultés cognitives, et cela risque aussi de survenir plus tôt dans votre vie.

Mais rassurez-vous, l’inverse est également vrai : si vous voyez le fait de vieillir comme une opportunité d’explorer le monde et de vivre à 200 à l’heure, vous serez plus heureuse, en meilleure santé et votre espérance de vie augmentera de sept ans. C’est prouvé scientifiquement : une étude réalisée en 2022 auprès de 14 000 adultes de plus de 50 ans a révélé que le risque de mourir d’une cause quelconque était 43 % moins élevé chez les sujets les plus positifs quant au fait de vieillir que ceux qui étaient plus négatifs.

Mais ces études ne nous disent pas comment avoir cet état d’esprit, alors même qu’il existe aujourd’hui un discours très négatif sur les femmes et le vieillissement. Mais, je pense avoir la clé pour y parvenir : pratiquer des activités en extérieur.



J’ai piqué une tête dans l’océan en compagnie des Wave Chasers, un groupe de femmes âgées de 60 et 99 ans, qui font du bodyboard à San Diego. J’ai voulu comprendre pourquoi elles avaient choisi ce sport et ce qu’elles en retiraient.

Loraine Vaught m’a confié que le bodyboard avait changé sa vie. Lorsque je lui ai demandé pourquoi, elle a pointé du doigt l’océan Pacifique, immense et froid. Il faut du courage pour entrer dans l’eau et affronter les vagues, mais les Wave Chaser s’aidaient les unes les autres et s’amusaient terriblement. Loraine ajouta qu’aucune membre du groupe ne faisait ce que l’on attendait de femmes de leur âge. Elles ne se voyaient absolument pas comme des personnes fragiles, souffrant de troubles cognitifs, ou ennuyeuses !

C’est ainsi que j’ai réalisé qu’en sortant de chez vous pour pratiquer une activité qui vous procure un sentiment d’euphorie et de découverte, et vous donne une certaine vitalité physique, même si c’est quelque chose d’aussi ordinaire que du bodyboard, vous envoyez valser les préjugés sur le vieillissement. Vos croyances et vos attentes (ainsi que celles des autres) sur ce que vous pouvez faire ou non s’en retrouvent chamboulées. Au lieu d’être triste face à l’avenir, vous vous sentez revigorée. J’ai assisté à cette prise de conscience à maintes reprises en écrivant ce livre.

Et je ne le répèterai jamais assez : tout peut être une aventure. Je suis allée observer les oiseaux en compagnie de Virginia Rose, fondatrice d’une organisation à but non lucratif baptisée Birdability, qui organise des sorties ornithologiques entre personnes souffrant d’un handicap. J’ai constaté, à ma grande surprise, que l’observation d’oiseaux cochait toutes les cases d’une aventure. Nous étions à la recherche de volatils. Nous étions impatients de les entendre avant de pouvoir les voir. En apercevoir un nous donnait une montée d’adrénaline. Et il y a aussi la vitalité physique d’être dans la nature : Virginia a roulé et j’ai marché près de dix kilomètres ce jour-là, et nous avons observé 52 espèces pour les sciences citoyennes. Je suis également sortie de ma zone de confort en apprenant de nouvelles choses. Il s’avère que l’aventure n’est pas définie par l’activité en elle-même, mais par la manière dont vous la pratiquez.



Il est essentiel de passer du temps en extérieur sur le plan biologique, comme en attestent de nombreuses recherches scientifiques. Des études ont ainsi révélé que les arbres émettent des substances chimiques appelées phytoncides, qui sont bénéfiques à notre système immunitaire. Quant au chant des oiseaux, il équilibre nos ondes cérébrales. Il a également été démontré que les fractales, des motifs complexes que l’on trouve dans les nuages, les vagues et sur le littoral, pouvaient aider à nous détendre.

Des chercheurs ont aussi découvert que nous réussissons davantage les tests cognitifs et de mémoire après être sortis marcher. Lorsque vous êtes en extérieur, le traitement des informations par votre cerveau est moins éprouvant que si vous étiez dans un lieu bruyant aux motifs angulaires.

Toutes ces études concluent en général qu’il suffit de passer 15 à 45 minutes dans un environnement naturel quelconque pour en ressentir les bénéfices, et cinq heures par mois pour maintenir ce rétablissement émotionnel et physique. Mais en fin de compte, la règle du « plus, c’est mieux » prévaut. Plus les lieux où vous allez sont sauvages et reculés, mieux c’est également.



Comme je suis pilote, j’ai l’habitude de l’adrénaline. Pourtant, je n’étais pas prête pour les sensations ressenties lors d’une séance de wing walking, pratique qui consiste à se tenir debout sur une aile d’un avion à plus de 900 mètres d’altitude. « Pourquoi vouloir sortir d’un cockpit parfaitement confortable ? » me suis-je dit. J’ai tout de même essayé. Et j’étais folle de joie quand le pilote a commencé à faire des loopings, des tonneaux et des virages décrochés alors que j’étais debout sur l’aile, attachée au mât. C’était l’adrénaline, bien sûr. Mais il y avait aussi autre chose. C’est ainsi que j’ai découvert ce concept de l’émerveillement.

Vous êtes émerveillées en présence de quelque chose de plus grand que vous, de mystérieux. C’est un sentiment qui mêle l’étonnement, la peur et la crainte. Et il est plus important que vous ne le pensez pour vivre en bonne santé. Selon les chercheurs, l’émerveillement agit comme un « bouton de réinitialisation » du cerveau, car il vient bousculer vos schémas neuronaux en vous rendant plus ouvert aux idées nouvelles. Il vous fait aussi penser de manière plus créative.

Il n’est pas nécessaire de faire des acrobaties sur une aile d’avion pour être émerveillé, vous pouvez aussi simplement marcher sur la terre ferme. Une équipe de chercheurs a demandé à un groupe de personnes âgées de participer à une « promenade d’émerveillement » au cours de laquelle ils devaient regarder tout ce qui les entourait avec un émerveillement enfantin. Au bout de huit semaines, les marqueurs inflammatoires étaient nettement moins élevés chez les marcheurs que chez les sujets du groupe de contrôle, signe d’une meilleure santé. Les premiers trouvaient également qu’ils étaient moins anxieux et déprimés.

Et il s’avère que le ciel étoilé, une éclipse, le Grand Canyon ou même une fleur minuscule peuvent susciter chez nous l’émerveillement. En d’autres termes, passer du temps dans la nature permet plus facilement de cultiver ce sentiment et donc d’améliorer notre bien-être.



On entend souvent dire, de la part de personnes qui essayent de nouvelles choses, qu’il est impossible d’apprendre avec l’âge. Elles déclarent alors qu’elles sont « trop vieilles pour faire ça ». Mais notre cerveau affiche une certaine « plasticité », comme l’appellent les scientifiques, même avec l’âge. Les cellules de notre cerveau se renouvellent sans cesse, et lorsque nos capacités cognitives commencent à faiblir, nous établissons d’autres voies neuronales pour faire face au problème qui se présente. C'est pour cela qu’un cerveau âgé est souvent plus innovant qu'un cerveau jeune : il trouve des moyens plus créatifs de contourner ses propres problèmes. Apprendre de nouvelles choses n'est pas seulement possible, c'est essentiel pour garder votre cerveau en bonne santé et actif.

Cela dit, j’étais sûre que j’aurais dû mal à apprendre quelque chose de nouveau lorsque j'ai décidé de suivre des cours de pilotage d’autogire dans le cadre de mes recherches pour mon livre Tough Broad. À ma grande surprise, j'étais une bien meilleure élève qu'auparavant ! Je n'apprenais pas plus vite, mais mieux, car je ne ressentais pas l’angoisse de la jeunesse ni le besoin de me prouver quelque chose. J'étais plus concentrée et je posais des questions sans avoir à craindre de passer pour une idiote.

J'ai également interviewé Vijaya Srivastava, qui a appris à nager à 68 ans. Je lui ai demandé si son âge avait été un obstacle à son apprentissage de la natation. Au contraire, m’a-t-elle dit, cela l'avait aidé, pour deux raisons : la première, c’est qu’elle ne se souciait plus de son apparence en maillot de bain ; la seconde, c’est qu’il y avait urgence à apprendre si tard dans la vie. Elle savait qu'elle n'aurait pas d'autre chance. J’ai été frappée par son état d’esprit, lorsqu’elle a déclaré : « Si j'ai pu apprendre à nager à 68 ans, qu'est-ce que je peux faire d'autre ? ». Son apprentissage de la natation lui a ouvert le champ des possibles. Et il pourrait en être de même pour vous.

Cet article a initialement paru sur le site en langue anglaise.

The West begs Iran for a Face-saver

Par : AHH

Israel is now vowing to respond to Iran’s retaliatory attack, and while the Biden regime claims to have told Netanyahoo that the U.S. won’t aid in any offensive action, they are still promising to provide air defense… just like they did when Tehran retaliated for Israel’s deadly attack on the Iranian consulate in Syria.

Journalist and Editor-in-Chief of The Cradle, Sharmine Narwani, reported that an Iranian military security official revealed exclusively to The Cradle that the U.S. reached out and asked Iran to allow Israel “a symbolic strike to save face,” which was “outright rejected” and met with warnings that any attack from Israel targeting Iran will be met with immediate action.


Choreographed retaliations impacting Iran proper, or its interests anywhere else, as during the mild and lawful Round One Iranian barrage, were rejected by Iran for Round Two.

Iran warned ANY support of Zion’s aggression by the deranged West (such as needed aerial refueling and air defense) will bring retaliation on their bases throughout the region, and closing Hormuz, perhaps selectively a la Houthis?!

Zion is committed to regaining permanently lost deterrence. F-UKUS is committed to Zion. The circle is about to be squared

Pour la première fois, des chercheurs associent les microplastiques aux maladies cardiaques

Partout où se pose notre regard, il y a des microplastiques, même dans notre organisme. Selon une nouvelle étude, l'accumulation de ces particules dans nos vaisseaux sanguins serait associée à un risque accru de crise cardiaque, d'accident vasculaire cérébral et de mortalité.

L'athérosclérose est une maladie caractérisée par le dépôt de plaque dans les artères, ce qui épaissit la paroi des vaisseaux et réduit le débit sanguin dans la région affectée, augmentant ainsi le risque d'accident vasculaire cérébral, d'angine de poitrine ou de crise cardiaque. Cette plaque se compose essentiellement de cholestérol, de graisses, de déchets cellulaires, de calcium et de fibrine, une protéine impliquée dans la coagulation sanguine. La nouvelle étude portait sur 300 personnes atteintes d'athérosclérose dont certaines présentaient des microplastiques et des nanoplastiques dans les plaques tapissant leur carotide, une artère majeure qui traverse le cou et distribue le sang dans le cerveau. Chez les sujets dont la plaque contenait des microplastiques, le risque de crise cardiaque, d'AVC ou de décès après trois années de suivi était jusqu'à quatre fois supérieur à celui des sujets dont la plaque ne présentait aucune trace de microplastiques, selon les résultats de l'étude publiés dans la revue New England Journal of Medicine.

Depuis longtemps, les chercheurs ont conscience que les produits chimiques contenus dans les plastiques peuvent se détacher et entraîner des problèmes de santé, notamment en perturbant les hormones ou d'autres parties du système endocrinien.

« En revanche, c'est la première fois que nous observons un effet sur la santé humaine attribué aux particules mêmes », indique Philip Landrigan, pédiatre et épidémiologiste au Boston College qui n'a pas participé à la nouvelle étude mais a consacré la majeure partie de sa carrière aux effets des substances chimiques toxiques sur notre santé. Landrigan a notamment contribué à diriger les recherches sur l'empoisonnement au plomb qui ont incité le gouvernement des États-Unis à ordonner le retrait de la substance du gasoil et de la peinture.

« Jusqu'à présent, le consensus était le suivant : "Les particules sont là, mais nous ne connaissons pas leur impact." Cet article change la donne. » Pour Landrigan, cette étude devrait ouvrir la voie à d'autres travaux sur les dégâts infligés par les plastiques à d'autres organes, comme le cerveau, les reins ou l'appareil génital.

Les chercheurs n'ont pas pu déterminer de quelle façon les microplastiques s'étaient introduits dans les vaisseaux sanguins, comme nous l'explique Giuseppe Paolisso, cardiologue à l'université de la Campagnie Luigi-Vanvitelli en Italie et coauteur de l'étude. Ces particules peuvent pénétrer l'organisme de différentes façons, notamment à travers l'air que nous respirons ou dans l'eau et la nourriture que nous consommons.

« Une chose est sûre, ces données doivent nous inviter à limiter l'utilisation du plastique dans notre vie quotidienne en lui préférant le verre », ajoute Paolisso.

Plusieurs études ont déjà montré que les microplastiques et les nanoplastiques étaient « presque omniprésents dans notre organisme », rappelle Kenneth Spaeth, docteur en médecine du travail au centre Northwell Health de New York, non impliqué dans l'étude. « Étant donné la composition de ces particules, il y a bien longtemps que les scientifiques suspectaient un impact sur notre santé. » Les résultats ne sont donc pas réellement surprenants, reconnaît-il, mais ils sont tout de même importants.

La majorité des données relatives aux micro et nanoplastiques (MNP) dont disposent actuellement les scientifiques proviennent d'études sur les animaux, indique Aazon Aday, cardiologue et spécialiste de médecine vasculaire rattaché à l'université Vanderbilt de Nashville, aux États-Unis. « Nous savions que les MNP pouvaient s'introduire dans le système sanguin et dans certains organes, mais cette étude va plus loin en constatant leur présence dans la plaque d'individus atteints de maladies majeures », explique-t-il. « Ce lien avec les maladies humaines fait donc de cette étude une référence. »



L'étude a recruté 304 adultes ayant subi une endartériectomie carotidienne, un acte chirurgical qui consiste à retirer la plaque accumulée sur les parois de la carotide. L'accumulation de plaque dans cette artère peut augmenter le risque d'accident vasculaire cérébral lorsqu'un fragment de la plaque se détache et obstrue une artère plus petite en limitant l'afflux sanguin.

Une fois la plaque retirée, les chercheurs l'ont analysée afin d'identifier d'éventuelles traces de plastiques, sans aller jusqu'à distinguer la proportion de microplastiques, particules dont la taille est inférieure à 5 millimètres, et de nanoplastiques, dont la taille est inférieure à 100 nanomètres.

Ils ont identifié du polyéthylène, le plastique le plus produit au monde, chez 58 % des patients. Ils ont également détecté du polychlorure de vinyle, ou PVC, chez 12 % des patients.

Lorsque les chercheurs ont observé les particules de plastique au microscope à balayage électronique, ils ont découvert des corps étrangers aux arêtes vives à l'intérieur des macrophages dans les plaques. Les macrophages sont des globules blancs qui encerclent et éliminent les microorganismes et d'autres intrus dans le corps en les avalant.

Les chercheurs ont ensuite suivi 257 participants pendant deux à trois ans afin de recenser le nombre de crises cardiaques, d'accidents vasculaires cérébraux ou de décès, toutes causes confondues. Pour les patients dont la plaque contenait des MNP, le risque de crise cardiaque, d'accident vasculaire cérébral ou de décès au cours de la période de suivi était multiplié par 4,5.

Pour le moment, les chercheurs ne sont pas en mesure de confirmer ou de préciser le rôle joué par les MNP dans les crises cardiaques ou les AVC, mais il est possible que ces particules provoquent une inflammation lorsque les macrophages convergent pour débarrasser notre organisme des corps étrangers. À mesure que l'inflammation augmente dans la plaque, des fragments pourraient s'en détacher plus facilement et pénétrer dans le système sanguin.

L'hypothèse de l'inflammation est raisonnable puisque nous savons que les macrophages contribuent au développement de la plaque et que cette inflammation est importante dans les maladies cardiovasculaires, déclare Aday.

« Si ces particules provoquent plus d'inflammation dans la plaque, celle-ci pourrait occasionner davantage de problèmes par la suite », poursuit-il, mais ce processus reste hypothétique à l'heure actuelle.

De la même façon, personne ne sait si la nocivité provient plutôt des substances chimiques contenues dans les plastiques ou des particules mêmes. Comme nous l'explique Spaeth, ces plastiques se composent d'un grand nombre de produits chimiques, notamment des substances inflammatoires ou des perturbateurs endocriniens qui interfèrent avec la production d'hormones.

Étant donné la diversité des substances chimiques potentiellement toxiques contenues dans les plastiques, les effets sur notre organisme peuvent être multiples, indique-t-il. À la différence des produits pharmaceutiques, soumis à des essais cliniques, il est contraire à l'éthique d'évaluer l'exposition environnementale aux microplastiques chez les humains dans le cadre d'essais randomisés contrôlés. « Malheureusement, nous sommes tous cobayes de l'expérience de la vie dans laquelle nous pouvons être étudiés. »

Même si l'exposition générale aux plastiques dans l'environnement est difficilement maîtrisable à l'échelle individuelle, nous pouvons tout de même adopter un mode de vie connu pour réduire les risques de maladie cardiovasculaire, notamment en pratiquant une activité physique régulière, en optant pour une alimentation saine et en ne fumant pas.

Il est difficile de mesurer la part de responsabilité de la pollution environnementale dans les troubles cardiovasculaires et les autres maladies, mais « des choix simples comme l'alimentation, l'activité physique et le mode de vie ont probablement plus d'impact que de se soucier du nombre de bouteilles en plastique qui défilent dans notre foyer », indique Spaeth.



Les déchets plastiques ont plus que doublé depuis les années 2000 et pour la grande majorité d'entre eux, environ 80 %, ces déchets terminent leur cycle de vie dans les décharges où ils se décomposent en particules minuscules qui infiltrent l'eau et le sol avant de rejoindre notre chaîne alimentaire.

« Aucune catégorie de plastique ne contribue autant aux déchets plastiques, aux micro- et nanoplastiques que le plastique à usage unique », souligne Landrigan. Les plastiques à usage unique représentent 40 % de la production annuelle de plastique ; cette catégorie rassemble notamment les bouteilles d'eau, les sacs, les emballages, les pailles et la vaisselle en plastique.

« Dans le monde actuel, je ne pense pas que les consommateurs puissent se débarrasser de tous les plastiques, mais ils peuvent tout à fait réduire leur exposition », assure Landrigan. Pour cela, il suffit par exemple d'opter pour des gobelets ou des bouteilles en métal au lieu du plastique, de ne pas réchauffer sa nourriture au micro-ondes dans un contenant en plastique, car la chaleur accélère la décomposition des plastiques, suggère-t-il.

Il est également possible de réduire son empreinte plastique, notamment en renonçant aux sacs en plastique chez les commerçants. En moyenne, un individu produit 221 kg de déchets plastiques chaque année aux États-Unis, contre 114 kg en Europe, selon les données de l'Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE).

« La population peut avoir un petit impact, mais c'est bien au niveau politique que l'effort devra être fait en raison de l'omniprésence des plastiques », indique Landrigan. Depuis 2022, l'Organisation des Nations unies (ONU) négocie le tout premier traité mondial sur le sujet au sein de la Coalition de la Haute Ambition pour mettre fin à la pollution plastique qui devrait se réunir dans quelques semaines pour finaliser le projet. L'étude publiée dans le New England Journal of Medicine devrait ajouter à l'urgence de ces négociations, ajoute Landrigan.

Spaeth reconnaît que les résultats de l'étude sont « un peu effrayants et intimidants », mais il reste optimiste quant à la capacité de ce type de recherche à provoquer du changement. Comme nous le montre l'histoire de la santé publique, à mesure que les preuves scientifiques attestant du caractère néfaste pour la santé d'une activité humaine donnée s'accumulent, elles atteignent généralement un point de bascule qui incite à la prise de décisions politiques. 

« À une époque, personne ne se souciait des effets de la pollution atmosphérique sur la santé. Puis, en une dizaine d'années, la science a apporté des preuves incontestables », raconte Spaeth. « Nous avons alors fait des efforts pour assainir notre air et nous avons obtenu des résultats bien réels, mesurables. » Un autre exemple est l'amiante, ajoute-t-il, interdit en France depuis 1997. Aux États-Unis, l'interdiction totale de l'amiante n'a été prononcée que le mois dernier.

« Je pense que la volonté politique de s'attaquer aux plastiques va également progresser », indique Spaeth. Espérons que cela ouvre la voie à d'autres études permettant aux chercheurs de mieux cerner les risques posés par le plastique, conclut-il, « pour ensuite faire évoluer les politiques. »

Cet article a initialement paru sur le site en langue anglaise.

Daily Chronicles … OT April 17

Par : AHH

The Russia-Iran Strategic Partnership Edition.
A Poem..
Duma Deputy Chairman Piotr Tolstoy, on top of his competence and gallantly carrying THAT name, is also fluent in French:

His poem, in English:

“In the garden of friendship blooms the noble cause,
Hand in hand, the hearts in osmosis.
Every gesture, every word sows hope,
Illuminates the shadows, removes darkness.
United, our dreams weave a sweeter tomorrow.”

Added translation: Russia supporting Iran – way beyond BRICS+ and SCO ties – mirroring Israel’s position on country 404.

Salon updates on West Asia boiler:

April 19

🤣 RUSSIA WALKED OUT of United Nations Security Council before ISRAEL’S speech. |video

“US blocks Palestine’s UN membership bid”

🔸America was the sole Security Council member to vote against the resolution
🔸The US has vetoed a UN Security Council resolution that would have paved a way for Palestine to become a member of the world body. Palestine is currently a “permanent observer state” at the UN that participates in many meetings but does not have voting rights.

The draft resolution debated on Thursday contained a recommendation to the UN General Assembly to hold a vote on updating Palestine’s status within the organization. The document was rejected with 12 votes in favor, one against, and two abstentions.
🔸US Alternative Representative for Special Political Affairs Robert Wood said that “there are unresolved questions as to whether [Palestine] meets the criteria to be considered a state.” He argued that Palestine cannot be admitted to the UN as long as the militant group Hamas controls Gaza.

🔸Speaking at the Security Council, Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia said that the vote had shown that “for Washington, [the Palestinians] do not deserve to have their own state.”

“Today’s use of the veto by the US delegation is a hopeless attempt to stop the inevitable course of history. The results of the vote, where Washington was practically in complete isolation, speak for themselves,” Nebenzia said.

💠RT: Google fires anti-Israel employees. The employees were ousted after staging sit-ins at the company’s offices

🔹Google has just fired 28 of its employees who protested against a military agreement between Google and the Israeli army. Other employees were arrested by US police.
🔹We already reported a few years ago that Google is increasingly a company integrated with the military-industrial complex and the joint American-Israeli intelligence community.
This fact is well known, but neither China nor Russia has tried to completely rid themselves of Google’s empire.

🔸@IntelRepublic: ⚡GOOGLE FIRES 28 ANTI-ISRAEL EMPLOYEES – protesting the genocide in Gaza is apparently antisemitic. The employees staged a sit-in at several offices to protest a joint $1.2 billion contract between Google & Amazon to provide artificial intelligence and cloud services to the Israeli government.

⭕ 48 countries that signed a joint statement condemning the Iranian attack on Israel:

🇦🇱 Albania
🇦🇷 Argentina
🇦🇺 Australia
🇦🇹 Austria
🇧🇪 Belgium
🇧🇬 Bulgaria
🇭🇷 Croatia
🇨🇾 Cyprus
🇨🇿 Czechia
🇩🇰 Denmark
🇪🇨 Ecuador
🇪🇪 Estonia
🇫🇮 Finland
🇩🇪 Germany
🇬🇷 Greece
🇭🇺 Hungary
🇮🇸 Iceland
🇮🇪 Ireland
🇮🇱 Israel
🇮🇹 Italy
🇯🇵 Japan
🇱🇻 Latvia
🇱🇮 Liechtenstein
🇱🇹 Lithuania
🇲🇹 Malta
🇲🇩 Moldova
🇲🇨 Monaco
🇲🇪 Montenegro
🇳🇱 Netherlands
🇳🇿 New Zealand
🇳🇴 Norway
🇫🇲 Micronesia
🇵🇼 Palau
🇵🇬 Papua New Guinea
🇵🇱 Poland
🇰🇷 Republic of Korea
🇷🇴 Romania
🇸🇰 Slovakia
🇸🇮 Slovenia
🇪🇸 Spain
🇸🇪 Sweden
🇫🇷 United Kingdom
🇺🇸 United States
These are the brave four-dozen, strapped into the bowels of the Titanic, in contempt of International Law and civilized norms and pro-Genocide. At this point, after COVID, 404 aggression, Palestinian Genocide, endless Lies, etc.. they have NO excuse. They suicide themselves against the civilizational-states and Global Majority…….. alea iacta est

⭕ Saudi Arabia has publicly acknowledged its involvement in helping the newly formed regional military coalition to defend Israel against Iranian attacks. The statement references a KAN News article detailing Saudi Arabia’s participation in the joint defensive military operation, which successfully countered an Iranian attack on Israel.

April 18

Russia calls for UN sanctions against the apartheid state ! The legal game advances 

UN Security Council must consider sanctions against Israel “without delay,” Russian envoy to UN says.
🔸The Jewish state has ignored a Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip during the holy month of Ramadan, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, said.
🔸”We would like to remind you that non-compliance with binding Security Council resolutions should lead to the imposition of sanctions against violators,” he pointed out.

@DDGeopolitics: The West condemns only one of those…

💠@Sputnik Africa: 
⭕ 🪖Anguish at the pump? Why sanctions or military action against Iran could backfire on US and allies
🔸Market observers caution that if the most recent spat between Iran and Israel escalates into a larger regional confrontation, oil prices may rise. Prices may rise further if the Biden administration imposes additional sanctions on Iran’s oil exports, according to experts.
🔸On the eve of Iran’s retaliatory strike on Israel, oil prices spiked, but slightly backtracked in the aftermath of Tehran’s attack. On Monday, Brent retreated 0.9%, while West Texas Intermediate (WTI) was down 0.8%.
🔸”The impact of Iran’s attack on oil prices was hardly noticeable for the simple reason that the flow of oil from the Gulf region hasn’t been disrupted,” Dr. Mamdouh G. Salameh, an international oil economist and a global energy expert, explained to Sputnik.

⭕ ❗Brazil considers it possible to use national currencies for trade within BRICS and is actively discussing this issue, the Minister of Finance said

⭕ 🍼🇨🇭 Tasting inequality from the cradle: Nestle adds sugar to baby food sold in low-income countries

🔸Switzerland’s Nestle, the world’s largest food producer, includes sugar and honey in their infant milk and cereal products sold in many economically disadvantaged nations, which goes against international standards that are designed to avoid obesity and chronic diseases, the research found.
🔸Public Eye, a Swiss investigative organization, examined 115 products sold in Nestle’s main markets in Africa, Asia and Latin America and at least 108 of them (94%) contained added sugar in the form of sucrose or honey.
🔸However, in Nestle’s primary European markets, formulas for babies between six months and one year do not contain any added sugar.
🔸Moreover, in 2022, the World Health Organization advocated for a prohibition on added sugars and sweeteners in food products for kids under the age of three, urging industry to “be proactive” and “support public health goals” by reformulating baby products. However, Nestle appears to be ignoring these appeals.

💠Russian MFA:
⭕ 🇷🇺🇺🇸 [Russia’s Washington] Ambassador Anatoly Antonov’s answer to a media question

❓: Dear Ambassador Antonov, how could you comment on the U.S.-Philippines military exercises Salaknib 24 taking place these days? According to statements made by the U.S. Army, as part of the exercises, elements of the Typhon intermediate-range missile system were airlifted from State of Washington, USA to Luzon?

💬 Anatoly Antonov: The Pentagon’s public demonstration of its capabilities in the Asia-Pacific region for the rapid deployment of missile weapons previously banned under the INF Treaty raises deep concern. The U.S. side is bringing an entire class of destabilizing weapons out of the shadows to ensure its military superiority over opponents.

👉 Such steps represent another powerful blow to strategic stability. Asia has already accumulated a lot of «hot» material, and the region is rapidly militarizing. The United States is purposefully escalating the level of military confrontation and fueling hotbeds of tension. They are creating new closed groupings and military-political alliances in the Asia-Pacific region. Thus, Washington is trying to return the world to the darkest times of the Cold War and balancing on the brink of a nuclear conflict.

❗The deployment of intermediate-range missiles by the Pentagon will be a dark day for international security. Let me remind you that the unilateral moratorium on the deployment of INF, declared by Russia, has clear conditions: we will not deploy such systems until similar U.S.-made systems appear in any region of the world.

☝ We urge the United States not to open Pandora’s Box and follow our country’s example by taking all necessary steps to ensure global stability and predictability. Otherwise, all responsibility for a new surge of tension in the world will fall on Washington.

April 17

Ali Bagheri Kani meeting Qassem Soleimani

🔸Tomorrow, the same Iranian deputy foreign minister who two days ago said, “Iran will respond within seconds in case of a new attack by Israel,” will be in Moscow. Meanwhile, much vain huffing and puffing in the media, as Anglo-Zionists figure out the best way to commit an emphatic, ostentatious suicide — befitting their Exceptional station.

💠 @Sputnik Africa:
🇮🇷🇷🇺 Iran Deputy Foreign Minister to visit Moscow on April 18-20, Russian Foreign Ministry says

“On April 18-20, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani will be in Moscow on a visit to participate in the Moscow Conference on Nonproliferation,” the ministry told Sputnik.

Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister is expected to hold several meetings with the leadership of the Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow, the ministry added.

@Middle East Spectator: Engrained in history, Arab traitors.

💠 @DDGeopolitics:
⭕ There is currently a fire at the US Army’s ammunition plant in Scranton Pennsylvania.
ℹ This is where much of the United States’ conventional artillery ammunition is manufactured.
🐻 Before anyone says ‘Russian sabotage’ just remember the state of the plant per the picture in this post.
[An already aging MIC workforce, and inadequate capacity to the overstretched ambition, now loses precious factory space…]

⭕❗A family from Russian Saratov found their grandmother in Avdeevka – they’d lost contact with her back in 2014!
The granddaughter saw her grandmother Lyudmila in the footage from the liberated town, and the volunteers helped organize their reunion. |video|

💠 @Sputnik Africa:
⭕ 🌍Three more African countries withdraw J&J baby syrup after toxicity reports
🔸Drug regulators in Zimbabwe, Rwanda and Tanzania have announced the recall of a shipment of Benylin baby syrup made by the US-based Johnson & Johnson unit Kenvue, following similar actions by South Africa and Nigeria over alleged toxicity.
🔸Nigeria’s health authority found dangerously high levels of diethylene glycol in children’s cough syrup last week, a toxic substance that can cause severe symptoms including abdominal pain, vomiting, and kidney injury, potentially leading to death.
🔸Johnson & Johnson has previously faced scrutiny in Africa for the alleged harmful effects of its products. Last year, Rwanda’s FDA recalled the company’s baby powder over cancer risk concerns.

Iran Strikes Israel

Par : AHH

Garland Nixon interviews Laith Marouf — West Asia update — on a seismic week which changed our world. Le roi est mort, vive le roi!

🔹Iran’s retaliation is historic for Palestine, the region, our world. Zio-USUK suffered a strategic defeat, on top of moral defeat of Gaza
🔹the regional war has moved from non-state actors to state-on-state [with the implications of aligned alliances a la 1914]
🔹Iran forced Anglo-Zionist-NATO alliance to reveal their air defenses (AD), including radars, locations, capabilities, occult allies (GCC), tactics, etc.  It made clear Franco-Brits are vassals; the combined West is a totalitarian Empire under a single diktat, for those oblivious the last six months of Genocide…
🔹Iran has started bleeding both their budgets/treasure ($3+ BILLION cost in a few hours!) and air defense interceptors/warjets wear & tear/munitions through massive unprecedented swarm of cheap drones
🔹Iran demonstrated, in addition to precision of its older drones/missiles (! Thx Comrades BeiDou & GLONASS), significant deterrence
🔹Israel demonstrated its survival is dependent on combined West – demoted to abject vassal like Bahrain from its former optical strut
🔹even this western defense is proven worthless, as in 404. US funded and part-built air defenses were thoroughly exposed.
🔹as they proved they could take down western AD using older drones and Scuds, in real war they would rapidly degrade airbases and hardware required for the sole remaining advantage of Anglo-Zionists – air power; Hamas has exposed ground war inadequacy and Houthis the lost naval force projection.
🔹Everything in Israel today exists by Grace of Iran (!!!). It can be leveled
🔹Hezbollah today salted the wounded by blasting another “Iron” Dome AD complex in north occupied Palestine
🔹during the Iranian aerial slap, Netanyahoo hid in the Jerusalem bunker of the messianic Jewish billionaire funding the Red Heifer sacrifice, destruction of Al Aqsa Masjid and building of the Third Temple on its ruins. The crazed want Armageddon. The Danger remains
🔹A lesson learned by multipolar Global Majority during this measured & mild Iranian deterrence action: the US will need to bring all its forces for zionazi proxy to have a chance! Thus dominoes will quickly fall everywhere else, whether 404, Korea, etc.. [unfortunately, this INCREASES risk of total West Asian war.. all now have a vested interest in finishing off the Last Satanic Empire in such a distant and predictable weak theater, also given its tenuous logistics and abject emotional messianic devotion. iow, an emotional albatross]
🔹As Houthis have same weaponry as Iran, they are shown to have pulled their punches in Red Sea.. more proof of imperial lunacy to keep fighting a lost war, merely for optics
🔹if USUK persist, they will end up third world countries at the end of this mad devotion to Zion [AHH: actually, a best case scenario at this point]
🔹Jordanian compradore regime will soon cease to exist; its fate is linked to zionism now
🔹the Arab region now plans for the day after collapse of Zion, and eviction of USUK (provided we’re still alive); this is not merely Greater Syria but other natural agglomerations which used to exist prior to arrival of West or even Turks
🔹Garland: the strike on Israel was an Exclamation Point of the [arrival] of the Multipolar World

Une personne sur huit dans le monde est obèse

Un milliard de personnes obèses. Cette barre symbolique a été dépassée dans le monde en 2022, d’après une étude de la revue médicale britannique The Lancet dévoilée en mars 2024, qui se base sur les données d’environ 222 millions de personnes dans plus de 190 pays. Cela représente une personne sur huit à l'échelle de la planète. Depuis 1990, l’obésité a plus que doublé dans le monde chez les adultes et quadruplé chez les adolescents, selon l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS). En France, 17 % de la population seraient concernés.

La majorité des adultes atteints d'obésité sont des femmes (504 millions, soit 57 %), mais c'est chez les hommes que la tendance a évolué le plus rapidement en trente ans. Pour eux, la prévalence a presque triplé, alors qu'elle a doublé chez les femmes. Chez les enfants, les garçons sont principalement touchés par l'obésité (94 millions, soit 59 %) et la prévalence augmente de manière similaire selon les sexes : un facteur 4 pour les filles et 4,4 pour les garçons.

Souvent complexe et multifactorielle, l’obésité est une maladie chronique. L’Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (Inserm) la définit comme « un excès de masse grasse et une modification du tissu adipeux, entraînant des inconvénients pour la santé et pouvant réduire l’espérance de vie ». Le surpoids et l’obésité sont diagnostiqués à partir d’un calcul de l’Indice de masse corporelle (IMC), qui est un rapport du poids en kilogrammes divisé par la taille en mètres carrés. « On considère qu’un poids est normal entre 19 et 25 kg/m2. Entre 25 et 30 kg/m2, on est en surpoids, et au-dessus de 30 kg/m2, en situation d’obésité », énumère Annick Fontbonne, épidémiologiste à l’Inserm. 

Si l’obésité résulte d’un déséquilibre entre les apports et les dépenses énergétiques, il est important de noter qu’elle n’est pas toujours synonyme de mauvaise santé. Néanmoins, elle peut être la cause de plusieurs maladies chroniques telles que le diabète de type 2, l’hypertension artérielle, certains cancers ou maladies cardio-vasculaires, voire des maladies articulaires. Ce sont donc « essentiellement des effets à moyens ou long terme », selon la chercheuse. 

À cela, il faut ajouter les problématiques psychologiques liées au body shaming , qui peuvent être la source de dépressions et autres troubles mentaux. Juliette Katz, influenceuse française, aborde régulièrement le sujet sur sa chaîne YouTube. « C’est au-delà du poids, c’est l’estime, le regard qu’on se porte et le regard des autres […] Je souffre profondément de la non-estime que je me donne », explique-t-elle dans une vidéo intitulée « 35 ans que ça dure », dans laquelle elle évoque sa relation compliquée à la nourriture et les remarques violentes qu’elle a pu subir de la part de ses proches. 

Notons que parmi les éléments déclencheurs de l’obésité, l’alimentation n’est qu’un facteur parmi d’autres. La génétique est aussi très importante. « Les études sur les jumeaux montrent qu’il peut y avoir une concordance de 70 %, c’est une maladie qui a un fort composant génétique », révèle Annick Fontbonne.

La sédentarité serait aussi un facteur de risque, notamment à travers l’augmentation significative du temps passé devant les écrans depuis l’épidémie de Covid-19. C’est ce que révèle un rapport de l’Observatoire National de l’Activité Physique et de la Sédentarité (Onaps), sur l’évolution des comportements des Français pendant le confinement. Ainsi, chez les enfants et les adolescents qui passaient moins de six heures par jour assis avant le confinement, 72 % ont augmenté leur temps total passé assis, contre 25 % des adultes.



En 2022, 390 millions d'adultes de dix-huit ans et plus à travers le monde étaient atteints d'insuffisance pondérale, tandis que 2,5 milliards étaient en surpoids, dont 890 millions de personnes obèses, selon l’OMS. Le problème de mal nutrition est donc double, surtout dans les pays à faibles et moyens revenus où une partie de la population n’a pas accès à un apport calorique suffisant, quand l’autre délaisse les produits frais pour la nourriture transformée de mauvaise qualité. Cela peut provoquer un passage très rapide de l’insuffisance pondérale à l’obésité. Selon l’étude parue dans The Lancet, les taux d'obésité dans ces pays sont maintenant supérieurs à ceux de nombreux pays industrialisés, en particulier en Europe. Et certaines îles d’Océanie atteignent des chiffres alarmants, comme le petit État insulaire de Nauru, où le pourcentage d’obèses était de 45,6 % selon les statistiques de l’OMS de 2014. 

Quant au reste du monde, « les États-Unis sont champions », avec plus de 40 % d’obèses. En Europe, « on est autours de 20 à 25 %, mais plutôt en voie de stabilisation », indique Annick Fontbonne. Selon l’experte, « le fait qu’il y ait de plus en plus d’obésité dans toutes les parties du monde est lié à cette globalisation de l’alimentation industrielle. On a une alimentation riche en gras et pauvre en nutriments. Ça joue énormément, car c’est quelque chose qui s’est beaucoup répandu dans le monde entier. »

Pour elle, les solutions relèvent plus de la volonté politique que des comportements individuels. « Agir sur le comportement alimentaire, c'est très difficile, surtout dans une ambiance obésogène. Il est difficile de dire aux gens "mangez moins et bougez plus". » Elle recommande de mettre en place des politiques et mesures collectives fermes, qui s'opposent aux lobbies de l'agro-alimentaire, à l’image de la taxe des sodas au Mexique ou même au nutri-score en France. D'après elle, cette mesure a fait que « les industriels qui l’apposent sur leurs produits ont changé les compositions de leurs aliments préparés. Les compositions sont donc meilleures et sans que les gens ne fassent rien. »

Enfin, l’organisation du temps de travail joue aussi un grand rôle dans l’alimentation. Pour Annick Fontbonne, il est essentiel de pouvoir prendre le temps de cuisiner, et donc avoir des horaires qui « permettent de faire les courses tranquillement et de préparer un repas ». Selon elle, les populations qui cuisinent le moins sont souvent les populations les plus défavorisées, et « plus un pays devient riche, plus l’obésité se développe dans les classes les plus défavorisées ». Or, elle estime que la « transmission » par la cuisine est essentielle à une bonne alimentation. 

Se tourner vers une alimentation moins transformée pourrait donc aider à prévenir de l’obésité. Pour autant, Annick Fontbonne rappelle que la maladie est « multifactorielle », et que la prise en charge est « à adapter à chaque personne. »

Six événements astronomiques à ne pas manquer en 2024

Les astronomes amateurs ont de quoi être comblés cette année : une série de merveilles célestes a déjà commencé à illuminer les cieux. Citons l’éclipse totale de Soleil qui a capté l’attention de millions de personnes en Amérique du Nord, ou encore la « comète du diable » 12P/Pons-Brooks, qui s'est déjà manifestée et devrait être particulièrement visible autour du 21 avril.

Mais cette année sera également marquée par des pluies d'étoiles filantes et d’éblouissantes aurores boréales, lesquelles devraient se faire plus nombreuses à mesure que le Soleil se rapprochera de sa période d’activité maximale, ainsi que par la convergence de la Lune et des planètes les plus proches et les plus brillantes, phénomène que l'on pourra facilement observer.

Voici donc une liste des plus beaux événements astronomiques à venir, qui méritent d’être inscrits sur votre calendrier.


Les amateurs d’étoiles filantes ne voudront pas manquer les Êta aquarides en 2024, car les conditions atmosphériques devraient être idéales au pic de cette pluie de météores. Vous devriez pouvoir observer au mieux le phénomène dans les heures précédant l’aube du 4 mai, lorsque le ciel sera particulièrement sombre car la Lune décroissante ne sera pas encore levée, ce qui vous permettra d’apercevoir même les étoiles filantes les plus ténues. Le radiant de l’essaim d’étoiles filantes, à savoir l’endroit d’où sembleront provenir les météores, sera proche de l’horizon sud-est, dans la constellation du Verseau (Aquarius, en anglais), laquelle a donné son nom aux Êta Aquarides. En raison de cet emplacement, le spectacle céleste favorise légèrement les astronomes amateurs de l’hémisphère sud.

N’oubliez pas de vous installer dans un endroit éloigné de la pollution lumineuse et de laisser vos yeux s’adapter à l'obscurité pendant au moins 20 minutes. Depuis l’hémisphère sud, vous devriez assister à un spectacle impressionnant car 20 à 30 étoiles filantes devraient défiler chaque heure, tandis qu’au nord vous pouvez vous attendre à 10 à 20 étoiles filantes par heure dans les heures précédant l’aube du 4 mai. Bien qu’il ne s’agisse pas de la pluie d’étoiles la plus spectaculaire, les Êta aquarides ont la particularité de provenir du nuage de poussière résiduelle laissée par la comète Halley, dont le dernier passage près de la Terre remonte à 1986.



Chaque année à la mi-août, la Terre traverse un nuage de débris rejetés par la comète Swift-Tuttle, ce qui provoque une pluie d’étoiles filantes lorsque de petits météores brûlent dans l’atmosphère. Il s’agit de la pluie de météores des Perséides, lors de laquelle on peut observer jusqu’à 60 étoiles filantes par heure au cours d’une année normale. Cette année promet d’être particulièrement favorable à l’observation des Perséides, car leur pic coïncidera avec un ciel sombre et sans Lune. En effet, la Lune gibbeuse se couchera vers minuit, ce qui offrira d’excellentes conditions d’observation plus tard dans la nuit et avant l’aube. La pluie de météores est plus visible dans l'hémisphère nord car les météores semblent émaner de la constellation de Persée, qui se trouve près de l'horizon pour ceux situés dans les latitudes méridionales éloignées.

Les meilleurs sites d’observation doivent être situés le plus loin possible de toute pollution lumineuse, mais même depuis un jardin ou un parc de banlieue, il devrait être possible d’observer des dizaines d’étoiles filantes toutes les heures en cas de ciel dégagé.



Les chasseurs de comètes surveillent de près le corps céleste A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS, repéré pour la première fois en février 2023, qui devrait donner lieu à un spectacle époustouflant à la fin de l’année 2024. Au début de l’été, il sera possible d'observer la comète au début de la nuit à l'aide d'un petit télescope. À l’approche du mois de septembre, l’orbite de la comète la rapprochera à la fois du Soleil et de la Terre pour la première fois depuis 80 000 ans. Selon les astronomes, elle devrait briller au point de devenir éventuellement visible à travers des jumelles ou même à l’œil nu, apparaissant bas dans le ciel de l’est avant le lever du soleil dans les latitudes méridionales.

Si la comète survit à son voyage autour du Soleil, les astronomes en herbe de l’hémisphère nord commenceront à l’observer vers le 12 octobre. Au fur et à mesure qu’elle s’élèvera dans le ciel du soir, la comète deviendra progressivement plus visible. Il est difficile de prédire le comportement d’une comète, mais Tsuchinshan-ATLAS, encore loin d’être au point de son orbite le plus proche de la Terre, promet déjà d’illuminer nos cieux de manière spectaculaire.



Les quatre derniers mois de l’année offriront une formidable séquence d’alignements célestes, car la Lune et Saturne se retrouveront côte à côte une fois par mois à partir du 17 septembre. Ce spectacle époustouflant, visible à l’œil nu, se répétera les 14 et 15 octobre, le 11 novembre et le 8 décembre. Les deux astres brillants seront visibles peu après le coucher du soleil, et il sera possible de les observer côte à côte à l’aide de jumelles à faible grossissement ; ils ne seront en revanche pas assez proches pour être observés en même temps à travers un télescope. Entre l’éclat argenté de la Lune et la teinte jaune distincte de la planète géante, le contraste des couleurs promet de donner une scène visuellement impressionnante.



Les spectateurs chanceux de l’hémisphère ouest auront droit à la deuxième éclipse solaire de 2024. La trajectoire de l'éclipse annulaire traverse principalement l’océan Pacifique, ce qui fait qu'elle ne sera visible que depuis quelques endroits sur la terre ferme. La première observation terrestre de l’éclipse annulaire aura lieu sur la pittoresque île de Pâques à 14 h 07, heure locale (19 h 07 UTC). Les habitants de l’île seront témoins d’une impressionnante annularité de 6 minutes et 23 secondes, moment paroxysmal de l’éclipse où la Lune occulte le centre du disque solaire, ce qui renvoie l’image d’un anneau de feu dans le ciel. Ce phénomène se produit lorsque la Lune est plus éloignée de la Terre que lors d’une éclipse solaire totale, et apparaît donc plus petite dans le ciel.

L’éclipse traversera ensuite une partie du sud du Chili et passera rapidement sur les Andes pour atteindre l’Argentine. Pendant ce temps, des millions de personnes dans la majeure partie du sud de l’Amérique du Sud pourront observer une éclipse partielle de soleil.



Les astronomes amateurs auront droit à un cadeau en début de soirée : la Lune et Vénus, les deux objets les plus brillants après le Soleil, s’uniront dans le ciel en début de soirée. Ces deux astres seront suffisamment proches pour être observés côte à côte à l’aide de jumelles. De plus, Vénus apparaîtra comme une version miniature du quart de lune à travers les télescopes. Pour profiter de cet alignement céleste, il vous suffira de chercher la Lune juste après le coucher du soleil, le 4 décembre.

De beaux moments se profilent à l’horizon !

Cet article a initialement paru sur le site en langue anglaise.

Iran’s ‘Strategic Patience’ lifts to Serious Deterrence

Par : AHH

Iran’s retaliatory strikes against Israel were not conducted alone. Strategic partners Russia and China have Tehran’s back, and their role in West Asia’s conflict will only grow if the US doesn’t keep Israel in check.

By Pepe Escobar at The Cradle.

A little over 48 hours before Iran’s aerial message to Israel across the skies of West Asia, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov confirmed, on the record, what so far had been, at best, hush-hush diplomatic talk:

The Russian side keeps in contact with Iranian partners on the situation in the Middle East after the Israeli strike on the Iranian consulate in Syria.

Ryabkov added, “We stay in constant touch [with Iran]. New in-depth discussions on the whole range of issues related to the Middle East are also expected in the near future in BRICS.”

He then sketched The Big Picture:

Connivance with Israeli actions in the Middle East, which are at the core of Washington’s policy, is in many ways becoming the root cause of new tragedies.

Here, concisely, we had Russia’s top diplomatic coordinator with BRICS – in the year of the multipolar organization’s Russian presidency – indirectly messaging that Russia has Iran’s back. Iran, it should be noted, just became a full-fledged BRICS+ member in January.

Iran’s aerial message this weekend confirmed this in practice: their missile guidance systems used the Chinese Beidou satellite navigation system as well as the Russian GLONASS system.  

This is Russia–China intel leading from behind and a graphic example of BRICS+ on the move.

Ryabkov’s “we stay in constant touch” plus the satellite navigation intel confirms the deeply interlocked cooperation between the Russia–China strategic partnership and their mutual strategic partner Iran. Based on vast experience in Ukraine, Moscow knew that the biblical psychopathic genocidal entity would keep escalating if Iran only continued to exercise “strategic patience.”

The morphing of “strategic patience” into a new strategic balance had to take some time – including high-level exchanges with the Russian side. After all, the risk remained that the Israeli attack against the Iranian consulate/ambassador’s residence in Damascus could well prove to be the 2024 remix of the killing of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

Marco Polo with elephants and camels arriving at Hormuz on the Gulf of Persia from India – Boucicaut Master

And don’t forget the Strait of Hormuz

Tehran did manage to upend the massive Western psychological operations aimed at pushing it into a strategic misstep.

Iran started with a misdirecting masterstroke. As US–Israeli fear porn went off the charts, fueled by dodgy western “intel,” the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) made a quick sideways move, seizing an Israeli-owned container ship near the Strait of Hormuz.

That was an eminently elegant manoeuvre – reminding the collective west of Tehran’s hold on the Strait of Hormuz, a fact immeasurably more dangerous to the whole western economic house of cards than any limited strike on their “aircraft carrier” in West Asia. That did happen anyway.

And once again, with a degree of elegance. Unlike that ‘moral’ army specialized in killing women, children, and the elderly and bombing hospitals, mosques, schools, universities, and humanitarian convoys, the Iranian attack targeted key Israeli military sites such as the Nevatim and Ramon airbases in the Negev and an intel center in the occupied Golan Heights – the three centers used by Tel Aviv in its strike on Iran’s Damascus consulate.

This was a highly choreographed show. Multiple early warning signs gifted Tel Aviv with plenty of time to profit from US intel and evacuate fighter jets and personnel, which was duly followed by a plethora of US military radars coordinating the defense strategy.

It was American firepower that smashed the bulk of what may have been a swarm of 185 Shahed-136 drones – using everything from ship-mounted air defense to fighter jets. The rest was shot down over Jordan by The Little King’s military – the Arab street will never forget his treachery – and then by dozens of Israeli jets.

Israel’s defenses were de facto saturated by the suicide drone-ballistic missile combo. On the ballistic missile front, several pierced the dense maze of Israel’s air defenses, with Israel officially claiming nine successful hits – interestingly enough, all of them hitting super relevant military targets.

The whole show had the budget of a mega blockbuster. For Israel – without even counting the price of US, UK, and Israeli jets – just the multi-layered interception system set it back at least $1.35 billion, according to an Israeli official. Iranian military sources tally the cost of their drone and missile salvos at only $35 million – 2.5 percent of Tel Aviv’s expenditure – made with full indigenous technology.

A mural in Palestine Square, Tehran, reads in Hebrew: “The next slap will be harsher”

A new West Asian chessboard

It took only a few hours for Iran to finally metastasize strategic patience into serious deterrence, sending an extremely powerful and multi-layered message to its adversaries and masterfully changing the game across the whole West Asian chessboard.

Were the biblical psychopaths to engage in a real Hot War against Iran, there’s no chance in hell Tel Aviv can intercept hundreds of Iranian missiles – the state-of-the-art ones excluded from the current show – without an early warning mechanism spread over several days. Without the Pentagon’s umbrella of weaponry and funds, Israeli defense is unsustainable.

It will be fascinating to see what lessons Moscow will glean from this profusion of lights in the West Asian sky, its sly eyes taking in the frantic Israeli, political, and military scene as the heat continues to rise on the slowly boiling – and now screaming – frog.

As for the US, a West Asian war – one it hasn’t scripted itself – does not suit its immediate interests, as an old-school Deep State stalwart confirmed by email:

That could permanently end the area as an oil-producing region and astronomically raise the oil price to levels that will crash the world financial structure. It is conceivable that the United States banking system could similarly collapse if the oil price rises to $900 a barrel should Middle East oil be cut off or destroyed.

It’s no wonder that the Biden combo, days before the Iranian response, was frantically begging Beijing, Riyadh, and Ankara, among others, to hold Tehran back. The Iranians might have even agreed – had the UN Security Council imposed a permanent ceasefire in Gaza to calm the regional storm. Washington was mute.

The question now is whether it will remain mute. Mohammad Bagheri, chief of the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, went straight to the point:

We have conveyed a message to America through the Swiss Embassy that American bases will become a military target if they are used in future aggressive actions of the Zionist regime. We will consider this as aggression and will act accordingly.

The US dilemma is confirmed by former Pentagon analyst Michael Maloof:

We have got some 35 bases that surround Iran, and they thereby become vulnerable. They were meant to be a deterrence. Clearly, deterrence is no longer on the table here. Now they become the American’ Achilles heel’ because of their vulnerabilities to attack.

All bets are off on how the US–Israel combo will adapt to the new Iranian-crafted deterrence reality. What remains, for the historic moment, is the pregnant-with-meaning aerial show of Muslim Iran singlehandedly unleashing hundreds of drones and missiles on Israel, a feat feted all across the lands of Islam. And especially by the battered Arab street, subjugated by decrepit monarchies that keep doing business with Israel over the dead bodies of the Palestinians of Gaza.

La Russie frappe un aérodrome ukrainien qui doit recevoir des F-16

aerodrome f16

aerodrome f16L’armée russe a attaqué la zone de l’aérodrome des Forces armées ukrainiennes dans la banlieue de Starokonstantinov, dans la région

L’article La Russie frappe un aérodrome ukrainien qui doit recevoir des F-16 est apparu en premier sur STRATPOL.

Kiev a attaqué le territoire russe avec… un ballon

attaque ballon

attaque ballonL’Ukraine a tenté d’attaquer la Russie à l’aide d’un ballon qui a été détruit par la défense aérienne au-dessus du

L’article Kiev a attaqué le territoire russe avec… un ballon est apparu en premier sur STRATPOL.

The Boys from the School of the Americas

Par : AHH

Sweet coordinated moves in our Juntaland, West African Sahelian branch, among the Axes of Resistance! 

Little noticed, just after Niger officially kicked out US troops (turning on the ticking clock, as with Frenchie earlier), and right after Russian advance troops arrived in town, China swooped in to provide sanctions-busting liquidity and lucrative deals. This effectively seals off Plunder Inc from one of most stupendous resource-rich regions on earth, easily to rival Russia itself. And Niger is projected to be Africa’s top growth economy this year….

Niamey, Niger protests against French occupation troops, July 2023.

💠 @Arab_Africa:  
⭕ The day after Russian troops arrived, Niger signed a $400 million oil deal with China. China asked for $400 million for the sale of crude oil. The official signing ceremony of the agreement between Niger and CNPC took place on April 12. It was attended by the Prime Minister of Niger, Mahamane Zein Lamin, and the Chinese Ambassador to Niamey. |video|

Niamey, Niger protests against French occupation troops, July 2023.

💠 @Africa Intel: 
⭕ 🇳🇪
Hundreds rally in Niger’s capital to push for U.S. military departure

Hundreds took to the streets of Niger’s capital on Saturday to demand the departure of U.S. troops, after the ruling junta further shifted its strategy by ending a military accord with the United States and welcoming Russian military instructors.

Marching arm in arm through central Niamey, the crowd waved Nigerien flags in a demonstration that recalled anti-French protests that spurred the withdrawal of France’s forces from Niger last year after the army seized power in a coup. |media|

☝☝ Oh, the Chinese fan the flames. And the key Junta leaders were trained in the famous USA torture academy AKA “School of the Americas,” located in Georgia, LOL!!!! 😁 🫡

Iran’s Retaliation: Early Implications

Par : AHH

Iran’s Retaliation: Implications of the Attack on Israel | Syriana Analysis W/ Mohammad Marandi

Join us as we explore the recent unprecedented Iranian attack on Israel, which consisted of a wave of drones and missiles launched in retaliation for an attack on the Iranian consulate in Syria. Dr. Mohammad Marandi, a Professor at the University of Tehran, provides insights on the implications of this attack.

“The era of strategic patience is over.” As with Bears forced to awaken over Genocide in Novorossiya, it is active deterrence from now on.

Gaza Genocide is Anglo-Zionist Policy

Par : AHH

Israel, Gaza and West Bank should be seen as the global blueprint for basically how to financialize genocide and destruction. Palestinians will either emigrate or be killed. Exodus or Annihilation. 

By Pepe Escobar at Strategic Culture Foundation. 

In what can be considered the most crucial podcast of 2024 so far, Professor Michael Hudson – the author of seminal works such as Super-Imperialism and the recent The Collapse of Antiquity , among others – clinically lays down the essential background to understand the unthinkable: a 21st century genocide broadcast live 24/7 to the whole planet.

In an email exchange, Prof. Hudson detailed he’s now essentially “spilling the beans” about how, “50 years ago when I worked at the Hudson Institute with Herman Kahn [the model for Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove], Israeli Mossad members were being trained, including Uzi Arad. I made two international trips with him, and he outlined to me pretty much what has happened today. He became head of Mossad and is now Netanhayu’s advisor.”

Prof. Hudson shows how “the basic Gaza plan is how Kahn designed the Vietnam War’s division into sectors, with canals cutting off each village, as the Israelis are doing to Palestinians. Also already at time, Kahn pinpointed Balochistan as the area to foment disruption in Iran and the rest of the region.”

It’s not by accident that Balochistan has been CIA jewel territory for decades, and recently with the added incentive of the disruption by any means necessary of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) – a key connectivity node of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Prof. Hudson then connects the major dots: “As I understand it, what the U.S. is doing with Israel is a dress rehearsal for it to move on to Iran and the South China Sea. As you know, there is no Plan B in American strategy for a very good reason: If anyone criticize Plan A, they’re considered not to be a team player (or even Putin’s Puppet), so critics have to leave when they see that they won’t be promoted. That’s why U.S. strategists won’t stop and re-think what they’re doing.”

Isolate them in strategic hamlets, then kill them

In our email exchange, Prof. Hudson remarked “this is basically what I said” in reference to the podcast with Ania K, drawing on his notes (here is the full, revised transcript). Fasten your seat belts: unvarnished truth is more lethal than a hypersonic missile hit.

On the Zionist military strategy in Gaza:

“My background in the 1970s at Hudson Institute with Uzi Arad and other Mossad trainees. My field was BoP, but I sat in on many meetings discussing military strategy, and I flew to Asia twice with Uzi and got to know him.

The U.S./Israeli strategy in Gaza is based in many ways on Herman Kahn’s plan that was carried out in Vietnam in the 1960s.

Herman’s focus was systems analysis. Start by defining the overall aim and then, how do we achieve it?

First, isolate them in Strategic Hamlets. Gaza has been carved up into districts, requiring electronic passes for entry from one sector to another, or into Jewish Israel to work.

First thing: kill them. Ideally by bombing, because that minimizes domestic casualties for your army.

The genocide that we are seeing today is the explicit policy of Israel’s founders: the idea of “a land without a people” means a land without non-Jewish people. They were to be driven out – starting even before the official founding of Israel, in the first Nakba, the Arab holocaust.

Two Israeli Prime Ministers were members of the Stern Gang of terrorists. They escaped from their British jail and joined to found Israel.

What we are seeing today is the Final Solution to this plan. It also dovetails into U.S. desires to control the Middle East and its oil reserves. For U.S. diplomacy, the Middle East IS (in caps) oil. And ISIS is part of America’s foreign legion since it was first organized in Afghanistan to fight the Russians.

That is why Israeli policy has been coordinated with the U.S.. Israel is the main U.S. client oligarchy in the Middle East. Mossad does most handling of ISIS in Syria and Iraq, and wherever else the U.S. may send ISIS terrorists. Terrorism and even the present genocide is central to U.S. geopolitics.

But as the U.S. learned in the Vietnam War, populations protest and vote against the President who supervises this war. Lyndon Johnson couldn’t make a public appearance without crowds chanting. He had to sneak out the side entrance of hotels where he was speaking.

To prevent an embarrassment such as Seymour Hersh describing the My Lai massacre, you block journalists from the battlefield. If they are there, you kill them. The Biden-Netanyahu team has targeted journalists in particular.

So the ideal is to kill the population passively, to minimize visible bombing. And the line of least resistance is to starve the population. That has been Israeli policy since 2008.”

And don’t forget to starve them

Prof. Hudson makes a direct reference to a Sara Roy piece in The New York Review of Books, citing a cable from the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv to the Secretary of State on November 3rd, 2008. The cable reads, “As part of their overall embargo plan against Gaza, Israeli officials have confirmed to [embassy officials] on multiple occasions that they intend to keep the Gazan economy on the brink of collapse without quite pushing it over the edge.”

That has led, according to Prof. Hudson, to Israel “destroying fishing boats and greenhouses of Gaza to deprive it from feeding itself.

Next, it has joined with the United States to block United Nations food aid and that of other countries. The U.S. quickly withdrew from the UN relief agency as soon as hostilities began, doing so immediately after the ICJ finding of plausible genocide. It was the major funder of this agency. The hope was that this would set back its activities.

Israel simply stopped letting food aid in. It set up long, long lines of inspections, that is, an excuse to slow the trucks to just 20% of their pre-Oct. 7 rate – from a normal rate of 500 a day to just 112. In addition to blocking trucks, Israel has targeted aid workers – about one a day.

The United States sought to avoid being condemned by pretending to build a wharf to unload food by sea. The intention was that by the time the wharf was built, Gaza’s population would be starved out.”

Biden and Netanyahu as war criminals

Prof. Hudson succinctly draws the key connection in the whole tragedy: “The U.S. is trying to blame one person, Netanyahu. But that has been Israeli policy since 1947. And it is U.S. policy. Everything that is occurring since October 2, when the Al-Aqsa mosque was raided by Israeli settlers, leading to Hamas’s [Al-Aqsa Flood] retaliation on October 7, was closely coordinated with the Biden administration. All the bombs that have been dropped, month after month, as well as blocking United Nations aid.

The U.S. aim is to prevent Gaza from having the offshore gas rights that would help finance their own prosperity and that of other Islamic groups that the United States views as enemies. And to show the neighboring countries what will be done to them, just as the U.S. has done to Libya just before Gaza. The bottom line is that Biden and his advisors are just as much war criminals as is Netanyahu.”

Prof. Hudson stresses how “the U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Blinken and other U.S. officials have said the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling of genocide and calling for it to stop is Non-Binding. Then, Blinken has just said that no genocide is taking place.

The U.S. aim of all this is to end the rule of international law as represented by the UN. It is to be replaced by the U.S. ‘rules-based order,’ with no rules published.

The intention is to make the U.S. immune to any opposition to its policies based on legal principles of international law or local laws. A totally free hand – chaos.

U.S. diplomats have looked forward and seen that the rest of the world is seeing to withdraw from the U.S. and European NATO orbit.

To cope with this irreversible movement, the U.S. is trying to de-tooth it by wiping away all remaining traces of the international rules that underlay the UN’s founding, and indeed the Westphalian principle back in 1648 of non-interference in the affairs of other countries.

The actual effect, as usual, is just the opposite of what the U.S. intended. The rest of the world is being forced to create its own New UN, along with a new IMF, new World Bank, new International Court at the Hague and other organizations controlled by the U.S..

So the world’s protest against the Israeli genocide in Gaza and the West Bank – don’t forget the West Bank – is the emotional and moral catalyst to creating a new multipolar geopolitical order for the Global Majority.

Disappear or die

The key question remains: what will happen to Gaza and the Palestinians. Prof. Hudson’s judgement is ominously realistic: “As Alastair Crooke has explained, there now cannot be any two-state solution in Israel. It has to be either all Israeli or all Palestinian. And the way it looks now is all-Israeli – the dream from the outset in 1947 of a land without non-Jewish people.

Gaza will still be there geographically, along with its gas rights in the Mediterranean. But it will be emptied out, and occupied by the Israelis.”

On who would “help” to rebuild Gaza, there are a few solid takers already: “Turkish building companies, Saudi Arabia financing developments, UAE, American investors – maybe Blackstone. It will be foreign investment. If you look at the fact that the foreign investors of all these countries are looking for what they can get out of the genocide against Palestinians, you realize why there’s no opposition to the genocide.”

Prof. Hudson’s final verdict on “the great benefit to the U.S.” is that “no claims can be brought against the U.S. – and against any of the warfare and regime change that it is planning for Iran, China, Russia and for what has been done in Africa and Latin America.

Israel, Gaza and West Bank should be seen as an opening of the New Cold War. A plan for basically how to financialize genocide and destruction. Palestinians will either emigrate or be killed. That has been the announced policy for over a decade.”

Votre chien vous mangerait-il si vous mouriez ?

En 1997, un expert médico-légal berlinois a raconté dans la revue Forensic Science International l’un des cas les plus étranges auxquels il avait été confronté. Un homme de 31 ans s’était retiré pour la soirée dans l’abri de jardin aménagé situé à l’arrière de la maison de sa mère où il vivait avec son berger allemand. Vers 20h15, les voisins ont entendu un coup de feu.

Quarante-cinq minutes plus tard, la mère de l’homme et ses voisins l’ont découvert mort, touché d’une blessure par balle à la bouche, un pistolet Walther sous les mains, avant de retrouver un message d’adieu laissé sur une table. La police a ensuite fait une découverte encore plus macabre : son visage et son cou portaient des marques de morsures.

Cette énigme a rapidement trouvé sa solution quand le berger allemand de l’homme a régurgité des tissus humains, notamment de la peau avec des poils de barbe encore reconnaissables. Il ne s’agissait pas là d’un chien affamé se résolvant à dévorer son maître pour survivre ; une gamelle de nourriture pour chien à moitié pleine était encore à terre quand la police est arrivée. L'ami le plus fidèle de l’Homme n’est peut-être pas si fidèle après tout.

Comme des chercheurs médico-légaux l’ont fait observer dans un article remarqué publié en 2023 dans la revue Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology, personne ne surveille formellement la fréquence à laquelle les animaux domestiques cherchent à se nourrir du corps de leurs maîtres décédés. Selon les scientifiques, cette absence d’informations crée un problème pour les enquêtes sur les décès. En effet, les médecins légistes ont besoin de connaître les signes potentiels de charognage, qui peuvent brouiller les causes de la mort ou le moment du décès.

Malgré tout, les témoignages individuels faisant état d’un comportement charognard de la part d’animaux domestiques ne manquent pas dans les revues médico-légales, et ce sont les meilleurs aperçus dont nous disposions sur cette question que la plupart des propriétaires d’animaux n’aiment pas se poser : nos animaux de compagnies seraient-ils vraiment capables de nous manger ? Ne sommes-nous qu’une source de nourriture pour eux, d’une manière ou d’une autre ?

Les études sur les comportements charognards des animaux domestiques peuvent nous fournir des éléments de réponse, mais également révéler combien nous nous trompons dans l’interprétation du comportement des animaux, incapables que nous sommes parfois de voir les choses de leur point de vue. Voici ce que la médecine légale révèle à ce sujet.



Certaines personnes pensent que les chats n’ont aucun scrupule à dévorer leur maître. Mais il se trouve que relativement peu de rapports publiés étayent cette théorie. Un rapport publié en 2010 dans la revue Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine décrit le cas d’une femme morte d’une rupture d’anévrisme et découverte le lendemain matin. Les tests médico-légaux ont révélé que son chien avait dévoré la majeure partie de son visage, tandis que ses deux chats ne l’avaient pas touchée.

Quand cela se produit, les chats ne font en général pas autant de dégâts que les chiens. D’après Carolyn Rando de l’University College de Londres, ils ont tendance à préférer le visage, en particulier ses parties molles telles que le nez et les lèvres.

« En tant que propriétaire de chat, cela ne me surprend pas, confie-t-elle. Si vous êtes en train de dormir, ils ont tendance à frapper votre visage pour vous réveiller. » Donc un chat est susceptible de commencer par essayer de « réveiller » un propriétaire décédé et ensuite de commencer à mordre s’il y échoue.

Bien plutôt, la plupart des charognages documentés ayant visé des restes humains sont le fait de chiens. Comme le faisait observer une étude parue en 2016 dans la revue Journal of Veterinary Behavior, « le charognage canin dans les environnements intérieurs est rarement déclaré, mais régulièrement observé dans les pratiques médico-légales. » Les médecins légistes le confirment. Joseph Prahlow, médecin légiste du Michigan, constate des traces de prédation d’animaux domestiques lors d’une autopsie « au moins deux fois par an », et généralement le coupable est un chien, et non un chat.

Cela tombe en fait sous le sens si l’on s’intéresse aux comportements alimentaires des chiens et des chats. En général, les chiens sont les mangeurs les plus opportunistes. Ils sont davantage susceptibles de chercher à manger des animaux morts, comme peut en attester toute personne dont le chien est allé renifler un écureuil mort sans se faire prier. Et bien les chiens comme les chats fouillent dans les poubelles, ces premiers ont tendance à moins faire les difficiles quant à la potentielle nourriture qui peut leur passer sous la patte.



« Les chiens descendent des loups », rappelle Stanley Coren, psychologue qui a écrit des livres et animé des émissions de télévision sur les chiens. « Si nous nous trouvons dans une situation où le propriétaire meurt et qu’il n’y a pas de source de nourriture, qu’est-ce qu’ils vont faire ? Ils vont prendre n’importe quelle chair à disposition. »

Dans certains cas, il est clair que le comportement charognard des animaux résulte d’un instinct de survie. En 2007, un chow-chow et un labrador croisé ont survécu pendant un mois environ en consommant le corps de leur maître décédé, ne laissant que le haut du crâne et un assortiment de fragments d’os.

Pourtant, dans l’affaire de suicide de 1997, le berger allemand avait commencé à dévorer des parties de son maître juste après sa mort, comme le rappelle Markus Rothschild, médecin légiste qui est intervenu sur les lieux. Si beaucoup partent du principe qu’un chien ne  mangerait son maître que s’il était affamé, écrit-il, « l’expérience médico-légale montre que c’est clairement faux ».

Selon une analyse de 2015 portant sur soixante-trois affaires de chiens ayant fait preuve d’un comportement charognard à l’égard de leur maître, dans un quart des cas, moins d’une journée avait passé avant que l’on ne retrouve un corps partiellement dévoré. Par ailleurs, certains de ces chiens avaient accès à de la nourriture qu’ils n’avaient pas mangée.

À bien y réfléchir, si les chiens ne mangeaient que leurs maîtres parce qu’ils avaient faim, on pourrait s’attendre à ce qu’il le fasse de la même manière que les canidés le font dans la nature. Mais ce n’est pas le cas.

Les canidés qui s’en prennent aux charognes dans la nature (à la fois les coyotes et les chiens domestiques) suivent un schéma bien documenté : ils ouvrent la poitrine et l’abdomen pour manger les organes riches en nutriments d’abord, puis les membres. Les blessures à la tête ne concernent que 10 % de ces cas.

En revanche, en ce qui concerne les chiens qui s’en prennent à leurs maîtres décédés en intérieur, il y avait des morsures au visage dans 73 % des cas, et des morsures à l’abdomen dans seulement 15 % des cas. Cela suggère que les chiens domestiques interagissent avec le visage de leur maître plutôt que de traiter leur corps comme de la simple nourriture.



Il est tentant de penser que si vous êtes proche de votre chien et que vous l’avez bien traité, vous serez épargné en cas de décès.

Mais le comportement des chiens n’est pas aussi bien défini. Aucune des études de cas que j’ai lues ne faisait état de quelconques mauvais traitements infligés aux animaux. Au contraire, plusieurs rapports soulignaient le fait que les maîtres avaient de très bonnes relations avec leur chien, selon les témoignages d’amis et de voisins.

À la place, essayons d’imaginer l’état psychologique de l'animal : « Une explication possible pour un tel comportement est que pour aider un maître inconscient, un animal domestique va d’abord le lécher et lui donner des petits coups de museau », écrit Markus Rothschild dans son rapport. « Mais lorsque cela ne produit aucun résultat, le comportement de l’animal peut devenir plus frénétique et, dans un état de panique, donner lieu à des morsures. »

Comme le souligne Carolyn Rando, à partir d’une morsure, on conclut hâtivement que le chien cherchait à dévorer son maître ou sa maîtresse. « Le chien ne souhaite pas nécessairement manger, mais le goût du sang éveille sa faim. »



Carolyn Rando ajoute que les différentes races de chiens ont différents tempéraments, ce qui pourrait jouer un rôle dans leur réaction à la mort de leur maître. Les cas publiés concernent un divers bâtards, mais aussi plusieurs races de chiens de chasse ou de chiens de travail. Mais cela n’empêche pas de nombreux types de chiens d’apparaître dans les rapports faisant état de comportements charognards, et notamment d’adorables labradors et golden retrievers.

Dans l’ensemble, ces chiens étaient de taille moyenne à grande, le beagle étant la plus petite race à avoir fait preuve d’un tel comportement (un seul cas). Cependant, puisque les chiens plus gros et plus puissants peuvent causer davantage de dégâts, les cas les concernant ont davantage de chances d’être remarqués.

Par exemple, dans trois cas distincts, les propriétaires décédés ont été décapités, chaque fois par un berger allemand. Pourtant, pour ce que nous en savons, un loulou de Poméranie ou un chihuahua arracheraient aussi une tête s’ils le pouvaient.

Carolyn Rando se demande si le tempérament d’un chien donné ne compte en fait pas davantage que ce l’on veut bien croire. Un chien manquant d’assurance et craintif qui montre régulièrement des signes d’anxiété liée à la séparation peut être davantage susceptible d’avoir un comportement frénétique et de finir par mordre et dévorer son maître.



Il n’existe aucun moyen de garantir que votre animal ne vous dévorera pas, hormis le fait de n’en posséder aucun. Même les hamsters et les oiseaux sont connus pour leurs comportements charognards en certaines occasions.

Selon Carolyn Rando, la meilleure façon de limiter les risques est de faire en sorte d’avoir des proches qui feront un saut chez vous s’ils n’ont pas de vos nouvelles. Si vous avez des voisins âgés, malades ou vulnérables, prenez de leurs nouvelles régulièrement.

« C’est une bonne raison de faire en sorte d’être entouré par d’autres personnes, comment-t-elle. Avoir une activité sociale quand on vieillit est bon pour tout le monde. »

Les tentatives des animaux de compagnie de réveiller leur maître dans les situations de détresse suggèrent que la perte d’un compagnon humain est pour eux une expérience traumatique. Nous ne pouvons pas attendre d’animaux confrontés à un traumatisme qu’ils se comportent comme des humains en deuil. En un sens, nous les avons élevés pour nous aimer… à la mort.

Erika Engelhaupt est l’autrice de Superpowered, ouvrage sur les superpouvoirs qui existent vraiment et qui paraîtra en 2026, ainsi que de Gory Details et Go to Hell

Cet article a initialement paru sur le site en langue anglaise.

Ces nouveaux fossiles révèlent l'un des plus petits titanosaures jamais découverts

Un nouveau dinosaure découvert en Patagonie rejoint le groupe des plus petits géants. Baptisé Titanomachya gimenezi, cet herbivore au long cou appartient à une famille de dinosaures généralement immenses : les titanosaures. Mais même à l'âge adulte, Titanomachya avait la taille d'une vache (une vache tout de même très lourde).

Le nouveau dinosaure a été découvert par Diego Pol, paléontologue au Museo Paleontológico Egidio Feruglio et explorateur National Geographic, qui avec ses collègues menait une quête scientifique visant à comprendre quelles étapes avaient marqué la fin de l'ère des dinosaures en Amérique du Sud. À ce jour, la majorité des connaissances des paléontologues sur la fin de l'ère des dinosaures - une période connue sous le nom de fin du Crétacé - provient de fossiles découverts dans l'hémisphère nord, et en particulier en Amérique du Nord.

Mais comme le démontrent Pol et d'autres paléontologues travaillant en Amérique du Sud, le continent possède plusieurs points chauds fossilifères cruciaux qui permettent de mettre au jour d'innombrables nouvelles espèces et d'avoir une vision plus détaillée de la vie terrestre durant les millions d'années qui ont précédé l'impact d'un astéroïde qui a mis fin au Crétacé avec fracas, il y a environ 66 millions d'années.

Ce nouveau titanosaure est la dernière découverte faite dans la région. Jusqu'à présent, Pol et ses collègues ont mis au jour plus de vingt sites riches en fossiles datant de la fin du Crétacé en Argentine. C'est dans l'un d'eux, la formation de La Colonia, en Patagonie centrale, que les chercheurs ont trouvé quelques ossements d'un sauropode à long cou. Aucun sauropode n'avait été découvert auparavant dans cette formation.

« Avant cette découverte, il n'existait aucune trace de dinosaures sauropodes dans cette région », explique Diego Pol. La découverte a été décrite le 11 avril dans la revue Historical Biology.



Selon les chercheurs, reconstituer le dinosaure s'est apparenté à la reconstitution d'un gigantesque puzzle.

« Les restes étaient désarticulés mais placés très près les uns des autres », raconte Diego Pol.

De retour au laboratoire, l'équipe a découvert des côtes, des vertèbres, des os et une partie d'une hanche. Ils ont baptisé le reptile Titanomachya gimenezi en référence au moment où Zeus et la première génération de dieux olympiens ont affronté les titans dans la mythologie grecque, un épisode connu sous le nom de titanomachie, et aux travaux de la paléontologue Olga Giménez.

Malgré la présence d'un seul squelette partiel, les os se distinguent suffisamment des autres dinosaures pour justifier la documentation d'une nouvelle espèce, étaye Pablo Gallina, paléontologue à l'université Maimónides et explorateur National Geographic, qui n'a pas pris part à la nouvelle étude. Ce qui est particulièrement frappant, c'est la taille de ce nouveau dinosaure.

« Lorsque l'on pense à ces sauropodes titanosaures, on pense à un grand dinosaure avec un long cou et une longue queue », explique Gallina. « Surtout en Patagonie, où l'on trouve les plus grands titanosaures, qui peuvent peser plus de 70 tonnes. Ce dinosaure n'a qu'une fraction de cette taille. »

D'après les dimensions des os fossilisés, Diego Pol et ses coauteurs estiment que Titanomachya pesait entre 5 et 10 tonnes, mais que son corps avait les dimensions d'une grosse vache, avec un long cou et une longue queue, atteignant environ 6 mètres de long, soit à peu près la longueur d'un minibus.

C'est tout à fait dérisoire par rapport aux autres titanosaures. Les plus grands titanosaures mesuraient plus de 30 mètres de long et pesaient plus de 70 tonnes. Titanomachya était un petit animal qui errait dans ce qui est aujourd'hui l'Argentine à la toute fin du Crétacé, il y a environ 67 millions d'années.

Le monde de Titanomachya était très différent de la Patagonie que les paléontologues parcourent aujourd'hui. Selon Diego Pol, à la fin du Crétacé, la région était parsemée de lagunes côtières et d'estuaires. C'était un endroit humide et marécageux, patrouillé par les Carnotaurus, des dinosaures saurischiens prédateurs, et par un ensemble d'autres espèces de dinosaures que les paléontologues commencent à peine à distinguer. D'autres expéditions menées dans la formation de La Colonia, où ce titanosaure a été mis au jour, ont jusqu'à présent permis la découverte, entre autres, d'hadrosaures à bec de canard et d'ankylosaures cuirassés. Titanomachya n'est peut-être que la partie émergée d'un iceberg fossile.

La raison pour laquelle Titanomachya était si petit reste cependant un mystère. « La taille du corps est particulièrement frappante, non seulement pour cette espèce, mais aussi pour d'autres titanosaures qui vivaient en Patagonie vers la fin du Crétacé », souligne Pol.

Les experts étudient plusieurs hypothèses pour expliquer cette taille minuscule. Selon l'une d'elles, cette taille serait le résultat de l'adaptation des titanosaures aux pressions environnementales.

« L'une des possibilités est la réduction de la surface disponible en raison de la transgression de l'océan Atlantique, qui recouvrait une grande partie de la Patagonie », avance Diego Pol. Environ la moitié de la superficie de la Patagonie était autrefois recouverte d'une mer peu profonde. Les paléontologues disposent de preuves provenant d'autres sites fossiles, tels que les vestiges d'îles du Crétacé dans ce qui est aujourd'hui la Transylvanie, qui montrent que les espèces de dinosaures sauropodes ont parfois évolué pour devenir plus petites afin de survivre dans des espaces restreints où la nourriture était moins abondante.

D'autres changements environnementaux pourraient également avoir joué un rôle. « Des changements importants dans les écosystèmes et le climat auraient pu avoir une incidence sur la taille des titanosaures », développe Diego Pol. Les chercheurs qui étudient les fossiles de la région continueront à se pencher sur cette question.



Un plus grand nombre de fossiles permettra de mettre en évidence des tendances environnementales plus larges. Pour brosser ce tableau, ils devront faire appel à des espèces bien plus diverses que les dinosaures. « Nous pensons que nous commençons à peine à découvrir le monde de la fin du Crétacé en Patagonie », partage Diego Pol.

« Notre projet se concentre non seulement sur les dinosaures, mais aussi sur les plantes, les invertébrés et d'autres groupes d'animaux. » À terme, il souhaite contribuer à la création d'une image détaillée des écosystèmes du Crétacé avant qu'ils ne soient anéantis par une catastrophe.

Une telle vision globale de la vie dans les années précédant l'impact de l'astéroïde qui a mis fin à l'ère des dinosaures est, à son tour, essentielle pour comprendre comment le monde a changé à la suite de cet événement d'extinction massive.

« L'extinction de la fin du Crétacé a été une crise mondiale de la biodiversité », souligne Diego Pol, qui a besoin de preuves provenant du monde entier pour en comprendre tous les tenants et aboutissants.

Dans la Patagonie de l'époque du Crétacé, par exemple, les paléontologues ont trouvé des preuves que la terre, la flore et la faune subissaient des changements importants. Les titanosaures comme Titanomachya commençaient à disparaître, tandis que d'autres herbivores, comme les hadrosaures et les ankylosaures, jouaient de nouveaux rôles dans l'écosystème. En fin de compte, ce minuscule titan a marqué un changement qui se termina par l'une des plus grandes catastrophes de tous les temps.

Cet article a initialement paru sur le site en langue anglaise.

L’armée russe frappe des mercenaires français à Slaviansk

Les forces armées russes ont frappé l’emplacement des mercenaires français à Slaviansk, contrôlé par les Forces armées ukrainiennes, a déclaré

L’article L’armée russe frappe des mercenaires français à Slaviansk est apparu en premier sur STRATPOL.

Iran’s Retaliatory Strikes

Par : AHH

Last night, Iran carried out retaliatory strikes on Israel in response to the Israeli attack on the consulate in Damascus. We are joined by veteran war correspondents Hala Jaber and Elijah J. Magnier to discuss the significance of the strike, what it means for the conflict in Gaza, and its geopolitical implications.

Hala Jaber, a Lebanese-British journalist, was honored with the Amnesty International Journalist of the Year Award in 2003. She garnered the title of Foreign Correspondent of the Year at the British Press Awards in both 2005 and 2006 for her exceptional coverage of the Iraq War.

Elijah J. Magnier, a veteran war correspondent with over 37 years of experience covering West Asia. He has resided in Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, and Syria for extended periods, specializing in political assessments, strategic planning, terrorist organizations, and non-state actors.

Roots of Gaza Genocide

Par : AHH

Prof. Hudson discusses his early career with Herman Kahn (the real Dr. Strangelove) alongside Mossad agents. 

The roots of current annihilation of Palestinians lies in alliance between Anglo-Americans and Zionists, an alliance of convenience.

An agreed Grand Strategy, developed from lessons of Vietnam, includes targeted assassination of journalists to minimize exposure of extermination; destruction of hospitals to expedite the same; targeting of aid workers, UNRWA, green houses, farms, stores warehouses, fishing boats, etc.. to ensure comprehensive civilian starvation — and so on.

A systematic planning designed decades ago, steadily implemented piecemeal, and waiting for the right opportunity to roll out en masse “to tip over” the captive Palestinian population into absolute collapse.

Key point: USUK is not a hostage to messianic Judaism. The Empire actively ensures and supports implementation of the Policy at all levels. The merciless de-arabization ethnic cleansing objective of the zionists is supported at all costs, both to ensure the hegemonic proxy survival of the settler state (“our aircraft carrier”) and to introduce Chaos into the entire world, rolling back the modern International Law derived from post-Westphalian Treaty norms. And there is no Plan B.



Gaza: The Strategic Imperative
By Michael Sunday, April 14, 2024


ANIA: Hello, everyone. Welcome back to my channel. Today I have with me for the fourth time, I’m still counting, a very, very special guest, one of the best professors in economics and financial analysts in the world. And I’m very glad we are reconnecting with Professor Hudson again.

I want to start this live stream with asking all of you to check all my links down below this live stream, because being on other platforms, especially nowadays, is very important. So you have my locals there, you have mailing lists, and every other link if you choose to support my work as well.

Also, Professor Hudson’s three links. You have the website (, Patreon (, and all the books that Professor Hudson has published so far, you can order. It’s all the way down below this live stream. I’m sure this video will bring you immense value, and I would like you to hit this like, because it helps other people to see it, since YouTube recommends videos with a lot of likes. Leave the comments and also share the video, because the knowledge that you will be hearing today, it’s priceless.

Welcome back, Professor Hudson. Thank you so much for joining me today for this conversation.

MICHAEL HUDSON: Thanks for having me back again.

ANIA: And I would like to say to the audience as well that this video is dedicated to what is taking place, especially in Gaza and Israel. Of course, we will address other countries related to this situation, but Professor Hudson has sent me a very in-depth email after our last live stream a week ago, also on Friday, and we actually decided after we ended that live stream to have this particular topic to be the main topic of this video. So, I give this to you, Professor Hudson, where would you like to start this conversation, please?

MICHAEL HUDSON: I think I should start with my own background, because 50 years ago, in 1974, I was working with the Hudson Institute, with Herman Kahn, and my colleagues there were a number of Mossad agents who were being trained. Uzi Arad was there, and he became the head of Mossad and is currently the main advisor to Benjamin Netanyahu.

So, all of what is happening today was discussed 50 years ago, not only with the Israelis, but with many of the U.S. defense people, because I was with the Hudson Institute, which was a national security agency, because I’d written Super Imperialism, and I was a balance of payments expert, and the Defense Department used my book Super Imperialism not as an expose, but a how-to-do-it book. And they brought me there as a specialist in the balance of payments. Herman brought me back and forth to the White House to meet with cabinet members and to discuss the balance of payments. He also brought me to the War College and to the Air Force think tanks.

So, all of what is happening now was described a long time ago, and Herman was known as a futurist. He was Dr. Strangelove in the movie. That was all based for him on his theories of atomic war, but he was also the main theorist behind Vietnam. And nobody seems to have noticed that what is happening in Gaza and the West Bank now is all based on what was the U.S. strategy during the Vietnam War. And it was based on the “strategic hamlets” idea, the fact that you could cut back, you could just divide all of Vietnam into little parts, having guards at all the transition points from one part to another. Everything that Israel is doing to the Palestinians in Gaza and elsewhere throughout Israel was all pioneered in Vietnam.

And Herman had me meet with some of the generals there to explain it. And I think I mentioned I flew to Asia twice with Uzi Arad. We had a chance to [get to] know each other very much. And I could see that the intention from the very beginning was to get rid of the Palestinians and indeed to use Israel as the basis for U.S. control of Near Eastern oil. That was the constant discussion of that from the American point of view. It was Israel as a part of the oil.

So, Herman’s analysis was on systems analysis. You define the overall aim and then you work backward. How do you do it? Well, you can see what the Israeli policy is today. First of all, you isolate the Palestinians and strategic hamlets. That’s what Gaza had already been turned into for the last 15 years. It’s been carved up into districts requiring electronic passes from one sector to another to go into Israel, to go to Jerusalem, or to go to Israel for jobs to work.

The aim all along has been to kill them. Or first of all, to make life so unpleasant for them that they’ll emigrate. That’s the easy way. Why would anyone want to stay in Gaza when what’s happening to them is what’s happening today? You’re going to leave. But if they don’t leave, you’re going to have to kill them, ideally by bombing because that minimizes the domestic casualties. Israel doesn’t want its soldiers to die any more than Americans do. So, the American form of war, as it was in Vietnam, is bombing them. You don’t want person-to-person contact because people fighting for their lives and liberty tend to be better fighters because for them it’s really essential. For the others, they’re just doing soldier’s work.

So, the genocide that you’re seeing today is an explicit policy, and that was a policy of the forefathers, the founders of Israel. The idea of a land without people was a land without Arabs in it, the land without non-Jewish people. That’s really what it meant. They were to be driven out starting even before the official funding of Israel, the first Nakba, the Arab Holocaust. And the two of the Israeli prime ministers were members of the Stern gang of terrorists. The terrorists became the rulers of Israel. They escaped from British jail and they joined to found Israel. So, what you’re seeing today is the final solution to this plan. And the founders of Israel were so obsessed with the Nazis, essentially, they wanted to do to them what they did to us, is how they explained it to people.

For the United States, what they wanted was the oil reserves in the Middle East. And again and again, I heard the phrase, ‘you’re our landed aircraft carrier in Israel’. Uzi Arad, the future Mossad head, would be very uncomfortable at this because he wanted Israel to be run by the Israelis. But they realized that for Israel to get by with the money that it needed for its balance of payments, it had to be in a partnership with the United States.

So, what you’re seeing today isn’t simply the work of one man, of Benjamin Netanyahu. It’s the work of the team that President Biden has put together. It’s the team of Jake Sullivan, the National Security Advisor, Lincoln, and the whole deep state, the whole neocon group behind them, Victoria Nuland, and everyone. They’re all self-proclaimed Zionists. And they’ve gone over this plan for essentially America’s domination of the Near East for decade after decade.

But as the United States learned in the Vietnam War, populations protest, and the U.S. population protested against the Vietnam War. What the Biden administration wants to avoid is the situation that President Johnson had in 1968. Any hotel, any building that he went to, to give a speech for his re-election campaign, there were crowds shouting, LBJ, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today? President Johnson had to take the servants entrance to get away from the press so that nobody would see what he was doing. And essentially, he went on television and resigned.

Well, to prevent this kind of embarrassment, and to prevent the embarrassment of journalists who were doing all this, Seymour Hersh described the [Mai Lai] massacre, and that helped inflame the opposition to Johnson. Well, President Biden, who’s approved Netanyahu’s plan, the first people you have to kill are the journalists. If you’re going to permit genocide, you have to realize that you don’t want the domestic U.S. population or the rest of the world to oppose the U.S. and Israel. You kill the journalists. And for the last, ever since the October 2nd Al-Aqsa event, you’ve had one journalist per week killed in Israel. That’s part of it.

The other people you don’t want, if you’re going to bomb them, you have to start by bombing the hospitals and all of the key centers. That also was part of the idea of the Vietnam War. How do you destroy a population? This was all worked out in the 1970s, when people were trying to use systems analysis to think, how do you work back and see what you need? And the idea, if you bomb a population, you can’t really hide that, even if you kill the journalists. How do you kill a population passively? So you minimize the visible bombing. Well, the line of least resistance is to starve them. And that’s been the Jewish, the Israeli policy since 2008.

You had a piece by Sarah Roy in the New York Review, citing a cable from 2008, from Tel Aviv to the embassy saying, as part of their overall embargo plan against Gaza, Israeli officials have confirmed to the embassy officials on multiple occasions that they intend to keep the Gaza economy on the brink of collapse without quite pushing it over the edge. Well, now they’re pushing it over the edge.

And so Israel has been especially focusing after the journalists, after the hospitals, you bomb the greenhouses, you bomb the trees, you sink the fishing boats that have supplied food to the population. And then you aim at fighting the United Nations relief people.

And you’ve read, obviously, the whole news of the last week has been the attack on the seven food providers that were not Arabs. And this was, again, from a systems analyst point, this is exactly what the textbook says to do strategically. If you can make a very conspicuous bombing of aid people, then you will have other aid suppliers afraid to go, because they think, well, if these people, aid suppliers, are just shot at, then we would be too.

Well, the United States is fully behind this. And to help starve the Gazan people, Biden immediately, right after the ICJ finding of plausible genocide, withdrew all funding from the United Nations relief agencies. The idea, again, the hope was to prevent the United Nations from having the money to supply food.

So when the United States is now trying to blame one person, and Biden goes on a television recorded call with Netanyahu saying, please be humane when you’re dropping your bombs, do it in a humane way. That’s purely for domestic consumption. It’s amazing how nakedly hypocritical all this.

And ever since the Al-Aqsa Mosque was raided by Israeli settlers on October 2, leading to Hamas’s Al-Aqsa Flood retaliation on October 7, it was closely coordinated with the Biden administration. All the bombs have been dropped day after day, week after week, with the whole of the US. And Biden has said on a number of occasions, the Palestinians are enemies.

So I think I want to make it clear that this is not simply an Israeli war against Hamas. It’s an American-backed Israeli war. Each of them have their own objectives. Israel’s objective is to have a land without non-Jewish population. And America’s aim is to have Israel acting as the local coordinator, as it has been coordinating the work with ISIS and the ISIS commanders to turn them against targets provided by the United States.

Basically, that’s the duopoly that’s been created.

And I think Alastair Crooke has cited Trita Parsi, one of the Israeli political leaders, saying the objective really in all this, of Israel’s conflict and Biden’s acquiescence to it, is that Israel is engaged in a deliberate and systematic effort to destroy existing laws and norms about warfare. And that’s really it.

You have people, you have reporters, such as Pepe Escobar, saying that the United States is a chaos agent. But there’s a logic in this. The United States is looking forward to what it’s going to be doing in the Near East, in Ukraine, and especially in the China Sea and Taiwan. Looking forward, the United States says, how do we prevent other nations moving against us in the international court or suing or somehow putting sanctions against us? Israel is the test case, not simply for what’s happening there in Israel and Palestine itself, but against anything that the United States will be doing through the rest of the world.

That’s why the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., echoed by Lincoln and other U.S. officials, said there’s no court of justice ruling against genocide, that it was a non-binding ruling. Well, of course it was binding, but it has no means of enforcement. And both Lincoln and yesterday, the head of the army said, there is no genocide taking place in Gaza. Well, what that means is you have to go to a court, and that’s going to take years and years. And by the time the court case is over and there’s any judgment of reparations due, then you’re going to, by then the Gazans will all be dead. So the U.S. aim is to end the rule of international law that is why the United Nations was founded in 1945.

And in fact, this international law goes way back to 1648 with the peace of Westphalia in Germany to end the 30 years war. All the European nations agreed not to interfere with the internal affairs of other countries. Well, that also was part of the United Nations principle.

And yet you have the United States explicitly advocating regime change in other countries, and most specifically in Russia and throughout the Middle East. So if you can end the whole kind of rule of law, then there’s really no alternative to the United States rules-based order, which means we can do whatever we want, chaos.

And if you look at what’s happening in Gaza is facilitating a transition from a orderly world of the United Nations to chaos, then you’re going to understand basically what the whole, the big picture, the long range picture that’s been put in place really over a series of decades. That’s why the United States, and the United States has no plan B. It only has the plan A to do this. It’s not taking into account the counter reactions and the feedback. Maybe we can discuss that a little later. I’d better leave the questions up to you.

ANIA: Thank you. You actually have already answered many of my questions in that intro, but I want to ask you this now. I will jump a little bit now. I have a question about something that you wrote to me in your email.

I believe looking at many, many situations that are taking place in the world, that sometimes all you really need to do is to follow the money and it will give you a lot of answers. So as you said in your email that, let me check, where is it? The Israeli developers already are planning to turn Gaza into luxury beachfront properties.

So let me ask you here, Professor Hudson, What is really the main goal for Israel’s existence? And in this case, is this really about their luxurious properties, oil? What else is this region really about? Why is it so crucial?

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, it’s not just about beach properties. It’s what’s off the beach, the gas, the natural gas that they’ve discovered right offshore the Mediterranean that belongs to Gaza. So the Israelis are after the gas.

But your basic question, you’d sent me a list of questions you were going to go through. And I think if you keep to that sequence, it’s good. What you’re really asking is, you know, what’s the main goal for Israel’s existence? And I think if people don’t really, their sense of justice is so strong that they can’t believe what the original goal was. And the initial goal in the 19th century was formed in a period where Europe was anti-Semitic. The most anti-Semitic part of all was Ukraine. If you read Leon Trotsky’s autobiography of growing up in Odessa, he described the pogroms there. And so the Zionists, the first wave of Zionists, were looking for how can the Jewish people escape from this anti-Semitism.

Here’s the problem. By 1947, when Israel was formed, anti-Semitism was passé. Most Jews in the United States, certainly who I grew up with, they were all assimilated. Of course, they had well wishes for Israel. There was very little talk of the Arabs. But you had two arms of Judaism.

The one arm were the people who remembered with a vengeance what was done for them against them in Ukraine and Russia, and especially by Hitler and the Holocaust. They wanted to be separate and to have just to be protected.

But most of the Jewish population in America and Europe was thoroughly assimilated. And the last thing they wanted was to be separate. They wanted just the opposite. They wanted anti-Semitism to end.

But the Zionists who were in charge of Israel, the Stern Gang leaders, were obsessed with the old antagonisms. And in a way, they were obsessed with Nazism and said, well, we want to do to them what they did to us.

And again, the idea of a land without a people meant a land— we intend to make Israel into a land without non-Jewish people. That’s what a land without people, their slogan, meant. And from the very beginning, they started by driving Arabs out of Palestine, destroying their olive trees, destroying their orchards, taking their houses, and just killing them. That’s why the English threw them in jail before turning around and said, well, it’s true that we’ve thrown all the leaders in jail, but let’s recognize Israel and make Israel a whole country to do what these leaders that we were before throwing in jail were doing.

ANIA: Thank you.

You said also in your email that ISIS is part of America’s foreign legion. Can you please elaborate on that?

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, ISIS was organized originally to fight in Afghanistan against the Russians. And al-Qaeda, which was the parent of ISIS, was simply the roster of people who were willing to fight under the U.S. command.

Well, part of al-Qaeda turned against America on 9-11, but most, especially the Sunni followers of Wahhabi theology, were very eager to fight against the Shiites. Islam is divided into two parts, the Sunni Islam of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Republics, and much of the Near East, and the Shiites from Iran and maybe half of Iraq and parts of Syria also.

So you had these two sectarian groups fighting each other, and the United States provided the funding and the organization to them and essentially delegated to Israel much of the organization of organizing ISIS to fight against Assad, to fight against whomever the United States designated as our enemies, meaning we want to take their oil lands. America has taken Iraqi oil and won’t leave, is taking Syrian oil and won’t leave.

So essentially, the U.S. has used ISIS to fight against all of the Shiites on the theory that the Shiite Islam is all controlled by Iran, and they want to essentially wipe out the Shiites as they’re doing in Gaza, even though I think the Palestinians are mainly Sunni, but you should think of the ISIS as America’s foreign legion. They’ve hired them, they pay them, and they recruit from them.

You’ve just seen in what happened in Russia from the Ukrainians, Oregon recruited Sunni terrorists from Tajikistan. You’ve seen the United States trying to use ISIS to recruit, to fight in Russia’s southern periphery in Central Asia and to fight in the Uyghur territories of Xinjiang in Western China. They’re using ISIS to try to essentially attack the integrity of China, Russia, and Syria and any other area where the United States wants a regime change to put in the usual client oligarchy.

ANIA: So interesting, and they sell it under the description that this is the enemy and terrorist, and they are founding it. And the public is still buying this, Professor Hudson. How is this possible?

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, this is hypocritical. Everybody throughout the world is appalled by the cruelty and the barbarism of ISIS. The United States is not going to come right out and say, hey, that’s us that they’re fighting. We’re directing ISIS from the presidential office. We love ISIS.

Well, Biden loves ISIS, and Blinken loves ISIS, and the entire neocons, the CIA loves ISIS because they’re all running it, but they can’t say it to the American public. They have to pretend just like they’re pretending with Netanyahu that, oh my heavens, look at [what] ISIS is doing. We’ve really got to fight against it.

And for instance, when it put in the white helmets in ISIS, these were the American supplied public relations unit to essentially do false propaganda, false images, make false flag attacks. All of these false flag attacks, all of the white helmets and the propaganda has all been coordinated by the United States.

ANIA: I want to ask you now a question that to some extent you actually answered already. Does Israel make any independent decisions that are not consulted with the United States in regards to bombing Gaza?

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, the question is, what is the United States or what do you mean by the United States? They don’t need official approval. There’s already a broad agreement in principle. Do whatever you have to do.

The United States has given them a free hand saying, we’re not going to interfere. You’re our managers on site. Just as you’re managing ISIS, you can manage certainly your own country. The U.S. has given blanket approval for Israel’s genocide. That’s why it says there’s no genocide there.

And it shares the aim of extending the war to fight Iran. Again and again, what Netanyahu is saying, we’re not going to be safe until we defeat Iran. Well, the United States has, that’s America, that’s the neocon plan outlined in the 1990s. It was spelled out, I think, by General Petraeus of first Afghanistan, then Iraq, then Syria, and then Iran. All of this was worked out from the beginning. The United States is trying to figure out, how do we do it?

Well, there’s a general expectation that one way to do it is to have Israel mount a false flag attack, something Iran does that is so bad that Israel retaliates and then, as it just bombed the Iranian embassy in Syria, that Iran is going to then do something to Israel and the United States will come to protect our Israeli brothers and world peace and prevent the genocide that the Gazans are trying to do against Israel and that Iran is trying to do against the rest of the world and bomb Iran.

Back in 1970s, there were discussions of what do you do? What will Iran do to fight back? Well, there’s one thing that Iran can do, that it doesn’t have to bomb American troops in Syria or Iraq. It doesn’t have to bomb Israel. All it has to do is sink a ship in the Strait of Hormuz. That’s the big strait. You’ve seen what happened, what the Houthis have done with the Red Sea. The big traffic is the Strait of Hormuz. That’s where Saudi Arabian oil and we could call it the oil gulf. It’s called the Persian Gulf, but it’s really the oil gulf. That’s where all the oil trade is. If you sink a ship or two in the oil gulf, that’s going to push oil prices way, way up because that’s going to cut most of the world off for as long as Iran wants from the Middle Eastern oil supply.

Well, that’s what really terrifies Biden because he’s pretending that there’s no inflation in the United States and that the economy is quite heavy. The inflation that would follow from Iran sinking a ship in Hormuz will essentially be crowning the American opposition to Biden, which is growing.

It’s one thing to be against genocide and killing people, but much more important is if your gas prices go up, the American people think that that’s really much more important than the fact of genocide and crimes against humanity. That’s really what is frightening the US.

The question is right now, how do they make the Israeli provocation against Iran— an excuse for the United States to come in with all of NATO’s and European support and somehow prevent Iran from having the power to close down the Straits of Hormuz. That’s what they’re trying to figure out now. I don’t know what they’re going to do, but when Blinken has said, Israel has not broken any rules. It’s all okay. What the United States really is [saying], if they can get away with this, they can say there are really no rules at all for the whole world. We can do whatever we want. Right now is coming to a peak. It’s the follow-up that was all thought in advance of the whole Israeli movement against Gaza.

ANIA: Thank you, Professor Hudson.

Next question that is about targeting civilians, journalists, and workers. Again, you’ve addressed this already, but I will ask you this. Why is the Israeli army targeting all those groups?

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, it’s targeting everyone. It’s targeting all civilians because it wants a land without Palestinian people. It’s targeting the most critical people necessary for a Gazan society to survive. It targets the journalists because it doesn’t want the world to see what it’s doing, because Israel has already lost its standing in the world. The United States tells them, especially, you’ve got to kill the journalists because if you don’t kill them, we, the Biden administration, are going to look bad. We already have the Americans turning against the war.

There’s only one anti-war candidate running in the presidential elections for this November. That’s Jill Stein. Every other candidate is completely backing Israel in the war, but the American people, the majority of Americans look at what’s happening in Israel as genocide and as a crime against humanity. They’re not going to vote for Biden. Biden is going to lose the election or certainly not win it. It may go into the House of Representatives if nobody wins it.

In order to drive the rest of the Gazan populations out, you have to, number one, get rid of the journalists. Number two, you want to get rid of the hospitals. As you’re bombing the people, a lot of them are going to get injured. You want all the injured people from the bombs to die. For that, you have to bomb the hospitals. You especially have to target the doctors for killing. Not only will there not be doctors to heal the wounded people, but other doctors, doctors without borders from other countries, will be afraid to go into Gaza because if you go there, you know that if you’re a food worker bringing aid or a doctor or an aid worker, you’re going to get shot because you’re at the top of the target list.

ANIA: It’s horrible. Just listening to this, you know, it’s very hard to…

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, imagine how I used to feel sitting in meetings and all of this was just said as if this is part of a game and this is how we’re planning it all out. All of this was what was discussed. How do we do evil? I mean, this…

ANIA: Yeah, but those are not humans to me. They are not humans to me.

MICHAEL HUDSON: That’s right.

ANIA: Soulless beings that are not humans. That’s all I say here.

Professor Hudson, next question is about those Israeli developers who, as you said in your email, are already planning to turn Gaza into luxury beachfront properties. So what do you really know about this? They are already planning this? Like they have plans for those properties?

MICHAEL HUDSON: The Americans made a start. They began by building docks. You not only want beachfront property, you want docks for the buyers to have a place to tie up their yachts or their sailboats.

And so the United States is building these piers. One reason it’s doing it is it can pretend that it can say, we’re not building the piers for Israeli property owners to have yachts, we’re going to deliver food. But by the time we finish building the piers, there’ll be no more Gazans. I mean, that’s the whole point. By building the piers, they’ve enabled Israel to prevent the food trucks from coming in from the south. So building the piers is a means of pretending to help without doing anything at all to help actually [deliver] food to Israel.

So yes, all throughout the news, there have been statements by the Israeli real estate companies saying, Gaza could have been a nice place to live if there weren’t Arabs in it. And now if we can clear the land of Arabs, make it a land without those people, then this is a wonderful property. And it has natural gas to help the Israeli balance of payments. So the whole idea is to make this a center of Israel luxury development.

ANIA: Again, absolutely disgusting to me, just listening to this. I want to ask you now about, were Gaza [to cease] to exist completely, what will happen to all the Palestinians who survived?

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, the land is going to be there, and it’ll be beachfront property. Alastair Crooke has been, I think, the clearest writer. He was one of the negotiators between Israel and the Palestinians. He’s explained that there cannot be a two-state solution anymore.

The Israelis say, we are going to kill all of the Palestinians. The Palestinians say, well, we can’t exist with the Israelis, and we have to defend ourselves. If we don’t kill them, they’re going to kill us. So Israel has to be either Palestinian or Israeli. It can’t be both. That is ended forever. So anyone who talks of a two-state solution, they’re just not looking it up.

So the question is, how is Gaza going to exist? Either it’s going to be all Israeli, and the Gazans will be forced to flee. The Israelis want them to flee by boats and to be sunk, most of them will be sunk in the Mediterranean, just like after America and France destroyed Libya. The Libyans tried to flee in boats, and they were sunk.

So either they will drown, or they will somehow work their way into a prison camp that Egypt and its leader is setting up for Gazan refugees. And then the Gazans will somehow try to gain entry into Europe or other countries. So you can expect a huge influx of Gazans into Europe.

Some people have suggested, well, now that Ukraine is turning into a land without a people, maybe either the Gazans can turn Ukraine over to the Palestinians, or we could give it to the Israelis, saying, well, this is your ancestral land, this is where all of the pogroms that started Zionism began. Now you can go back and there are no more Ukrainians. They have programs against you. Maybe the Israelis should go to Ukraine. One population or the other has to emigrate.

Well, Israelis already have been losing a huge chunk of their population, especially their working age population, especially those who have jobs in information technology or highly paying jobs. So, you’re already seeing a population outflow.

So, Gaza will exist geographically, but we have no idea about what is going to be the demographic composition.

And I think the Israeli Defense Forces Chief, Herzi Halevi, said just last Sunday that Israel, he announced Israel knows how to handle Iran, just as they’re handling Gaza, that they’ve prepared for this. They have good defensive systems. And he said, we are operating and cooperating with the USA and strategic problems partners in this region. So, the US is going to be putting pressure on Egypt to expand the concentration camps that it’s setting up and to pressure the Europeans. Maybe so many Germans are leaving their country now that there’s no more work for them. Maybe the Palestinians will go to Germany and other European countries, and wherever they can find some kind of refuge.

America was willing to give the Jewish population refuge as long as the Jewish population served European imperialist aims of controlling the Near Eastern oil. But what can Palestine offer to be protected? If the Palestinians don’t have anything to offer the Europeans or the Americans, their governments simply do not care. They’ve done absolutely nothing to protect the Palestinians because they don’t care if there’s no money in it for them. And the Arab countries with money, the Saudi Arabians, the United Arab Republics have not really lifted a hand to help this. Even though a large labor force in Saudi Arabia is already Palestinian, they don’t need more Palestinians there. So, that’s basically what’s happening.

ANIA: Thank you, Professor Hudson. You know, before I ask you my last question, you know, people’s beliefs that the governments care about them. This is the most… I don’t understand how people can still believe that any government really cares about them in the world, looking at the situation like this. It’s heartbreaking. Just listening to what you said is a lot for me to take in.

The last question is when the bombing will stop and who is going to rebuild Gaza Strip?

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, the bombing will stop when there are no more Palestinians to bomb. Israel doesn’t have the money to rebuild it or the intention of rebuilding. And even if Israel wants to rebuild it with nice homes all the way to the beachfront, who is going to do the building?

Well, already Israel has made a deal with India to get a lot of Indian construction workers from the poorest provinces of India coming over there. But again, who’s going to pay them? You can give them work permits, but the answer is who will pay them will be the contractors who are given the contracts to rebuild homes and offices and the new Israeli compound in Gaza, unless the world works and says, no, the Israelis have to give back all the land and it’s Israel that will be a minority under a Palestinian government.

You cannot have an Israeli government that is over the whole region because its policy is to kill the Palestinians. So I don’t see that, again, you can’t have a two-state solution. It doesn’t look like anyone’s supporting the Palestinians right now.

Who would help rebuild it? Well, the Turkish builders might come in and build it. Other Middle Easterners would rebuild it. Saudi Arabia could finance huge developments there. The United Arab Republics could buy land. American investors, maybe Blackstone could help develop there, but it’ll be foreign investment.

And if you look at the fact that the foreign investors of all these countries are looking for what they can get out of the genocide against Palestinians, you realize why there’s no real opposition to the genocide that’s taking place.

And the great benefit to the U.S. of all this is that as a result of this absence of any kind of the moral feeling that you’ve just expressed, no claims can be brought against the United States for any of the warfare, any of the regime change, interference that it’s planning for Iran, China, Russia, and as it’s been doing in Africa and Latin America. So Israel and Gaza and the West Bank should be seen, I think, as an opening of the new Cold War. And whatever you see happening in Gaza after the Gazans are driven out, you see this is really the plan for what the United States wants to do in China, in Russia, in Africa, in the whole rest of the world. You’re seeing a plan for basically how to financialize and make money out of genocide and the destruction of society. And in order to do that, you have to prevent anything like the United Nations of having any authority at all.

And the irony in all this is that the United States is creating just the opposite of what it wanted to do. I mean, obviously, while this is happening in Gaza, most of the global majority that we’ve spoken before, the world outside of NATO, America and Europe, are appalled. And the only way of stopping what’s happening in Gaza happening in the rest of the world is to create an alternative to the United Nations, an alternative to the World Bank, to the IMF, an alternative to all the organizations that the United States has controlled to turn the whole rest of the world into Gaza, if it can.

ANIA: Dr. Hudson, Professor Hudson, I want to thank you for coming back. I want to thank you for telling me after our last live stream to address this, because you shared it with me and with the audience. And I really hope that you will spread this video, guys, you will share it.

So I personally believe that we are fighting evil. And the way that I feel I am in a small way contributing to this is to trying to seek the truth and bring people who have knowledge and understanding and can share the facts and the truth with the world. Because if you don’t know what you’re fighting against, what you’re fighting with, then you’re like Don Quixote. You have to know what is the problem. And I am immensely grateful for guests like yourself to be on my channel and to share your knowledge with the audience. I can only imagine knowing all of this, what you shared with us today, living with this for so many years and watching the [unfolding] of those events in the world. For someone who has feelings and emotions, it’s very hard to bear. I can only imagine. So thank you for your contribution.

MICHAEL HUDSON: I’m on your show, Ania, because you see that this is evil, and it is evil.

ANIA: Yes. Thank you so much. I know you have to go. And I want to invite you again, of course, in the near future. Hopefully, you find time for our next conversation. To everyone who’s watching, make sure to check all the links to Professor Hudson that are already attached down below this live stream. And like I said, please share the video. Hit this like. It’s free of charge, and it helps the channel also. And more people can hear this information in the world. Thank you, everyone. And until next time.

Iran on the Rise

Par : AHH

Peter Koenig
14 April 2024

The warning was on the wall. Ever since Israel attacked “out of the blue” on 1 April 2024 the Iranian Consulate in Damascus, Syria, killing 7, including two generals, an Iranian retaliation was to be expected.

The New York Times (NYT) reports “Iran mounted an immense aerial attack on Israel on Saturday night, launching more than 200 drones [other sources talk about 300 drones] and missiles in retaliation for a deadly Israeli airstrike in Syria two weeks ago, and marking a significant escalation in hostilities between the two regional foes.”

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) say there were over 300 aerial threats, including some 200 drones, 100 ballistic missiles, and 30 cruise missiles. See this.

Israel and her western friends claim that many of the drones were intercepted by IDF and the help from allied military support. The latter apparently include the UK, France, and Jordan – and most likely also US-NATO forces that have long been stationed in the region.

Nevertheless, according to several RT reports, a large-scale missile and drone attack against Israel has been a success, Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has said in a statement published by IRNA news agency. The Islamic Republic’s military managed to “hit and destroy” some “important military targets,” it added, without providing any further details.

Short video clips published by Iranian media on social networks, viewing Islamic Republic’s missiles hitting their targets in Israel. Several missiles appeared to have been striking targets in a settlement, RT reports, however without being able to confirm the veracity of the clips.

The Guardian informs, that it was the Islamic Republic’s first-ever direct attack on the Jewish State, a development that brings the two countries to the brink of all-out conflict after more than a decade of shadow war and soaring stress six months into Israel’s war in Gaza, following the Hamas attack last October.

It was reported on Israeli television that Iran had launched more than 100 drones as well as cruise missiles towards Israel, and Iran later said it had fired a “first wave” of ballistic missiles. See this.

This latest war theatre is in full development. At this point it is unclear what exactly happened and to what level the conflict may escalate. A regional war – that could expand to a WW-scenario is a real danger. It depends largely to what extent foreign – non regional – players, will get involved. Arab states have already warned against any “foreign”, meaning non-regional, intervention. Specifically, that means the US / NATO. The latter would include of course almost all of the spineless European nations.


Iran has many reasons for retaliation. Other than the Syrian Consulate event, the killing of General Qasem Soleimani with a targeted US drone attack on 3 January 2020 in Baghdad. This assassination was still carried out under President Trump, but the question remains, did he act on behalf of Israel – as many analysts suspect?

After a public mourning of Major General Soleimani, Iran launched missiles against US military bases in Iraq wounding at least 110 troops. Deaths were not officially reported.

Over the past several decades Israeli provocations on Iran abounded no end. Israel’s intent is to wipe out Iran as part of its “master plan” towards “Greater Israel”, and control of the Gulf of Hormuz with access to the Arabian Sea – and ultimately Asia. And in the north, where Israel is currently attempting to brutally genociding Palestinians – evicting them from their homeland, an atrocious slaughter supported by most western un-human leaders (sic).

This is not only Apartheid “social cleansing” – it is also taking possession – stealing – of tens or hundreds of billions worth of Gazan off-shore gas reserves.

To be sure, Israel is an illegal state, on Palestinian land stolen through the 1917 UK-sponsored Zionist-initiated Balfour Declaration, with the support in 1948 of the then 52-member young US-dominated United Nations. See this.


For the past 100 years or so, Washington was – and still is – tacitly as well as openly manipulated by a strong worldwide Zionist movement. Zionists control the world’s – at least the western world’s – financial system, Big Finance, Wall Street, and not least the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), in Basle Switzerland, also called the Central Bank of all central banks, controlling about 90% of the worldwide monetary flow. All in Zionists command.

There is a strong symbiotic relationship, an interdependence between the Zionists, today’s Israel, and the US. The Zionists, the self-declared Chosen People, wield the scepter of Big Finance, aspiring for world domination through Greater Israel (see provisional map, below), with the might of military power by the United States.

Iran is the major stumbling block for Israel’s Zionists to achieve their goal. Once Iran is conquered, they dream, Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf States will fall in place.

Zionist-Israel has been allowed by the discreet influence of the US and UK secret services to become a “clandestine” nuclear power. They know they can count not only on the US tax-payers financial support, but more importantly, also with the Pentagon’s military might. By the way, US tax-payers have been footing a considerable portion of Israel’s budget for its 75-year existence.

Sounds controversial, doesn’t it – with the Zionists in control of worldwide Big Finance.

Israel’s provocations on Iran are openly or tacitly supported or even encouraged by Washington. The Washington war-mongers would love to go to war with Iran, a military and economic heavy weight, way beyond the Middle East.

And now, as a new BRICS member (BRICS-plus 5 [the sixth nation, Argentina, dropped out]), Iran’s strength has expanded almost exponentially, with such heavy-weight allies like China and Russia.


Israel’s assault on the Iranian Consulate in Damascus, may have been the spark that lit the fire. The extent of the “fire” cannot be assessed yet, as it will depend on clear-thinking and levelheadedness – or not – of western decision makers – specifically NATO countries.

President Biden has been clear, so western media: “Our support for Israel’s security is ironclad. The United States will stand with the people of Israel and support their defense against these threats from Iran.”

How serious is this American promise? – There is more at stake than words, especially considering Israel’s ever deeper falling within the world’s sympathy for her non-stop onslaught against Gaza and Palestine in general – having killed more than 35,000 Palestinians, about 70% of whom are women and children.

Strategically speaking, can the US afford this “unwavering” support for an outright genocide nation? And secondly, Washington knows that Iran has full support from Russia and China, Iran’s BRICS allies. BRICS association has similar meaning to that of NATO’s: Attack one country means you attack them all – and retaliation may be massive.

Are there still a few clear-thinking western political human strategists left, not to risk total destruction of civilization as we know it? – As President Putin has warned on several occasions, A Third World War, turning nuclear has no winner.

Let us hope reason and the sense for Peace will prevail.


Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020)

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).
He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.


Five Nations Attack Zion

Par : AHH

Forgive the young man, radiant and exuding like the Sun. We were all firebreathers once. He doesn’t realize this is round one. Last night, the messianic midgets received the biggest gift of their foreshortened lives; they will run with it now, fully suiciding USUK and the demented Old Order….

Unprecedented Trauma in Gaza

Par : AHH

As Surgeons, We Have Never Seen Cruelty Like Israel’s Genocide in Gaza. We urge anyone who reads this to publicly oppose sending weapons to Israel as long as this onslaught continues.

By Feroze Sidhwa and Mark Perlmutter at Common Dreams.

On March 25 the two of us, an orthopedic surgeon and a trauma surgeon, traveled to the Gaza Strip to work at Gaza European Hospital in Khan Younis. We were immediately overwhelmed by the overflown sewage and the distinct smell of gunpowder in the air. We made the short journey from the Rafah crossing to Khan Younis, where Gaza European Hospital stands as one of the last remaining semi-functional hospitals for the 2.5 million human beings—half of them children—in the Gaza Strip. As humanitarian surgeons we thought we had seen all manner of cruelty in the world, but neither one of us has ever experienced anything like what we found when we arrived in Gaza.

We exited the van into a sea of children, all shorter and thinner than they ought to have been. Even over their screams of joy at meeting new foreigners, the snowmobile-like hum of Israeli drones could be heard overhead. It quickly became background noise, an omnipresent reminder that violence and death can rain down on anyone at any time in this besieged and ransacked territory.

Our limited sleep was constantly interrupted by explosions that shook the hospital’s walls and popped our ears, even well after the United Nations Security Council declared a cease-fire must be implemented. When warplanes screamed overhead, everyone braced for a particularly loud and powerful explosion. The timing of these attacks always coincided with “iftar,” when families in this overwhelmingly Muslim county broke the daily fast of Ramadan and were most vulnerable.

We as Americans must acknowledge that we are responsible for this crime against humanity, now in its seventh month and unfolding in full view of the entire world.

We walked through the wards and immediately found evidence of horrifying violence deliberately directed at civilians and even children. A three-year-old boy shot in the head, a 12-year-old girl shot through the chest, an ICU nurse shot through the abdomen, all by some of the best-trained marksmen in the world. Every square inch of the hospital’s floor is taken up with makeshift tents where displaced families live, desperate to find some semblance of safety. They are the lucky several hundred who get to live indoors, unlike the tens of thousands sheltering outside on the hospital’s grounds.

As we got to work we were shocked by the violence inflicted on people. Incredibly powerful explosives ripped apart rock, floors, and walls and threw them through human bodies, penetrating skin with waves of dirt and debris. With the environment literally embedded in our patients’ bodies we have found infection control to be impossible. No amount of medical care could ever compensate for the damage being inflicted here.

As humanitarian trauma surgeons we have both seen incredible suffering. Collectively, we were present at Ground Zero on 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, the Boston Marathon bombing, and the 2010 earthquake in Haiti on the first day of these disasters. We have worked in the deprivation of southern Zimbabwe and the horrors of the war in Ukraine. Together we have worked on more than 40 surgical missions in developing countries on three continents in our combined 57 years of volunteering. This long experience taught us that there was no greater pain as a humanitarian surgeon than being unable to provide needed care to a patient.

But that was before coming to Gaza. Now we know the pain of being unable to treat a child who will slowly die, but also alone, because she is the only surviving member of an entire extended family. We have not had the heart to tell these children how their families died: burned until they resembled blistered hotdogs more than human beings, shredded to pieces such that they can only be buried in mass graves, or simply entombed in their former apartment buildings to die slowly of asphyxia and sepsis.

The United States has heavily funded and overwhelmingly armed what is called “the occupation” of Palestine, but the term is misleading. Israel’s first president, Chaim Weizmann, declared that the existence of the Palestinians was simply “a matter of no consequence.” Thirty years later, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan told the Israeli cabinet that the Palestinians “would continue to live like dogs…and we will see where this process leads.”

Now we know: This is where it leads. It leads to Gaza European Hospital, and to two surgeons realizing that the blood on the floor of the trauma bay and the operating room is dripping from our own hands. We Americans provide the crucial funding, weapons, and diplomatic support for a genocidal assault on a helpless population.

The two of us continue to hope against hope that American politicians, and especially President Joe Biden, will abandon their support for Israel’s war on the Palestinians. If they do not, then we have learned nothing from the history of the past hundred years. Polish poet Stanislaw Jerzy Lec quipped that “no snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible,” but we as Americans must acknowledge that we are responsible for this crime against humanity, now in its seventh month and unfolding in full view of the entire world.

By December, the Israeli Air Force had dropped so much American ordinance on Gaza that it exceeded the explosive force of two of the atomic bombs that destroyed Hiroshima. Nearly 14,000 children have been killed in Gaza in the past six months, more than were killed in all war zones in the entire world in the past four years combined. No conflict of any size in history has ever been this deadly to journalists, healthcare workers, or paramedics. Indeed, we and our entire team lived in constant fear that Israel would attack Gaza European Hospital directly, as it has with so many others. The complete and utter destruction of al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, along with the killing, kidnapping, and torture of the healthcare staff, only heightened this sense of dread.

We came to Gaza as two individual snowflakes trying to stop this avalanche of death and horror, and yet we also feel responsible for it. We urge anyone who reads this to publicly oppose sending weapons to Israel as long as this genocide continues, until the Israeli siege of Gaza is lifted, and until an end to the occupation can be negotiated.

Hamas Imposes A Gaza Withdrawal

Par : AHH

War Update with Jon Elmer at The Electronic Intifada

Jon Elmer details the complex resistance ambush that chased the Israeli military from Khan Younis. Nora Barrows-Friedman, Asa Winstanley, Ali Abunimah and Jon Elmer of The Electronic Intifada were joined by independent investigative journalist Antony Loewenstein, on the day 187 livestream.

Hamas Has Final Say

Par : AHH

Knocking at the wrong door. Egypt and Qatar can’t ‘deliver’ the Hamas leadership in Gaza

By Abdel Bari Atwan at Rai Al Youm.

This week, US President Joe Biden called Egyptian President Abdelfattah as-Sisi and the emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin-Hamad to press them to threaten Hamas and force it to agree to a ‘temporary’ cease-free to pause the war and exchange captives. Hamas did not reply directly, but hinted the proposal was unacceptable.

The exercise demonstrates the US president’s astonishing degree of ignorance about his two supposed Arab allies, and also about Hamas and the nature of its on-the-ground leadership in the Gaza Strip.

I have been closely following the ongoing negotiations in Doha and Cairo, the roles played by the mediators, and the way Hamas has been handling — and foiling — the plans that emerged from the earlier four-way meeting of intelligence chiefs in Paris.

Several points stand out.

First, Biden and his entourage seem incapable of understanding that it is the Hamas leadership in the Gaza Strip led by Yahya al-Sinwar that has the final say. They still think certain Arab rulers or former PLO leaders can decide matters on its behalf.

Secondly, the Egyptian and Qatari mediators have no means of putting pressure on the Sinwar’s leadership.

Egypt lost its strongest card — the Rafah crossing — by failing (not wanting or not being able) to open it for humanitarian aid over the past six months, and by opting for ‘neutrality’ regarding Israel.

Qatar and its emir also lost their only card, the $30 million in financial aid they used to provide monthly to Hamas in the Gaza Strip monthly, transferred via Tel Aviv with prior coordination.

Third, the amended US proposal is confined to the humanitarian needs of the Gaza population and offering temporary, not permanent, solutions, aimed at rescuing Israel. It does not address their legitimate demands for freedom, liberation, and a dignified life, but treats them as supplicant beggars.

Fourth, Hamas’ leaders in Gaza do not know the Arab world’s leaders, especially those who revolve in the US orbit, and do not want to make their acquaintance. They decided form the start to keep their distance from them, not trust them, and rely on themselves, with assistance and political support from the Axis of Resistance. Most of them have barely travelled outside the Gaza Strip, other than when being released from Israeli prisons back to their refugee camp homes.

Fifth, by contacting the Egyptian and Qatari rulers to demand they pressure Hamas into agreeing a temporary truce, Biden effectively conceded Israel’s defeat in the war. But he also demonstrated his inability to extract any meaningful concession from Netanyahu. He therefore turned his pressure on the Arab and Palestinian sides.

Sixth, Biden avoided calling for an immediate ceasefire or unconditional access for humanitarian aid for the past six months. The reasons he is now so keen on them is not out of sympathy for the suffering children of Gaza, but to prevent Iran retaliating for Israel’s airstrike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus. He knows a temporary cease-fire might avert or postpone such retaliation, which could expand the Gaza war into a region-wide war.

I hope Sinwar will reject the poisoned US prisoner exchange agreement that is on the table, and hold fast to his demands for a permanent ceasefire, withdrawal of Israeli forces, return of displaced people, and resumption of relief and reconstruction operations.

The US intelligence community, composed of 18 different agencies, conceded in its latest annual report that Israel would never be able to eradicate Hamas and would continue to face armed Palestinian resistance for many years to come.

Netanyahu’s repeated threats to invade Rafah will not make any difference. He may have succeeded in cowing and intimidating Arab leaders, but his methods won’t work with the leaders of the Palestinian resistance in Gaza.

Defeats Foretold

Par : AHH

the main discussion begins around 30 min; the preamble is worthwhile too. He discusses the first glimmers of dawning realization of absolute defeat in the messianic madmen — a Haaretz article from yesterday (paywall). Nothing new to the “Reality-based” but the limits appear to have been reached in saner liberal quarters — beyond the cope of drugs, hedonism and mindless chest-thumping.

What happens when conventional means are no longer sufficient, effective attrition and siege have been laid, and one’s sugar daddy is shown to be a naked, flaccid and geriatric dementia-patient long denied admittance to the padded sanitary homes for the criminally insane?? We are about to find out…….

Israel Has Been Defeated – a Total Defeat
🔸The war’s aims won’t be achieved,
🔸the hostages won’t be returned through military pressure,
🔸security won’t be restored
🔸Israel’s international ostracism won’t end


Certaines personnes ne sont jamais stressées. Sont-elles pour autant plus heureuses ?

La passion de Susan Charles ? Trouver ce qui nous rend heureux. Au cours de sa carrière dans l'étude des processus émotionnels à l'âge adulte, cette professeure de sciences de la psychologie au sein de l'université de Californie à Irvine s'est intéressée à plusieurs reprises à ce sujet. La plupart des émotions sont ressenties dans un contexte social, donc « ce qui nous rend heureux coïncide souvent avec ce qui nous donne un sentiment de sécurité », dit-elle. « Ce qui nous permet de continuer à profiter des personnes qui ajoutent du sens à nos vies. » Et la quantification des facteurs de stress du quotidien est essentielle pour percer les secrets de ce bonheur.

La majorité de ses données provient d'une véritable mine d'informations connue sous le nom de Midlife in the United States (MIDUS), une étude longitudinale révolutionnaire menée par l'université du Wisconsin à Madison qui évalue la santé et le bien-être de ses participants à travers des journaux quotidiens et des entretiens téléphoniques. Trois vagues majeures de collecte des données ont eu lieu à ce jour ; une par décennie en 1995, 2005 et 2015, avec une quatrième enquête spécialement menée en 2012 pour évaluer les effets de la crise économique de 2008. À l'heure actuelle, les chercheurs recueillent des données relatives aux effets de la pandémie de coronavirus.

Pendant huit jours d'affilée, les participants à chaque vague de l'étude se sont entretenus avec un chercheur au téléphone à propos de leur journée. Les sondés évoquaient notamment leurs éventuelles sources de stress, comme une dispute avec un ami, un problème au travail ou d'autres événements qui ne mettent pas leur vie en danger mais restent perturbateurs. Susan Charles s'est immergée dans ces enquêtes avec la volonté de découvrir dans les réponses les réactions de différents individus face au stress. Régulièrement, elle devait se résoudre à exclure une petite partie des données.

Dans toutes les vagues de l'étude MIDUS, chaque fois que les chercheurs demandaient aux participants s'ils avaient eu une expérience stressante au cours de la journée, 10 % d'entre eux répondaient « non ». En d'autres termes, pendant huit jours d'affilée, ces participants n'avaient pas vécu le moindre stress quotidien. Au départ, ces exceptions ne présentaient pas un grand intérêt pour notre professeure de sciences psychologiques, car quiconque ne perçoit ou ne ressent aucun stress ne pourrait pas l'aider à comprendre comment la population gère ce stress. Puis, après un temps, elle s'est demandé qui pouvaient bien être ces personnes.



Si une vie dénuée de stress vous semble idyllique… détrompez-vous. En 2021, Susan Charles s'est intéressée à ces exceptions miraculeuses à travers son étude « Les bénéfices mitigés d'une vie sans facteur de stress » et si elle a choisi ce titre, ce n'est pas pour son côté accrocheur.

Charles et ses collègues ont découvert que les participants dénués de stress avaient tendance à signaler un niveau de bonheur supérieur à la population générale et un niveau inférieur de maladies chroniques, mais ils présentaient également des signes de déclin cognitif, comme une baisse de l'attention et de la concentration, une mémoire à court et à long terme moins efficace, ainsi que des difficultés à résoudre les problèmes ou à contrôler les comportements indésirables.

Le message véhiculé par ce type de travaux n'est pas de nous inviter à chérir chaque source de stress sur notre chemin. Toutes les instances de réaction au stress ne se ressemblent pas. Lorsque les chercheurs parlent de stress bénéfique pour la population, « nous ne parlons pas d'événements réellement négatifs comme les traumatismes, mais de choses plus courantes dans la vie quotidienne », précise Jeremy Jamieson, spécialiste du stress à l'université de Rochester.

Jamieson n'a pas participé à l'étude de Susan Charles, mais il étudie comme elle les bienfaits de certains types de stress, une expérience qui jouit généralement d'une mauvaise réputation. « S'attaquer à un devoir difficile ou à une tâche complexe au travail, ce sont des défis que l'on rencontre tout le temps et ils ne sont pas nécessairement négatifs, mais ils sont souvent présentés comme tels », déclare Jamieson.

Comme pour la douleur, l'expérience générale du stress est universelle, mais la façon dont ce mécanisme se déclenche est hautement subjective. Deux personnes capables de ressentir le stress peuvent être confrontées à un même événement, par exemple un rôle dans une pièce de théâtre, et y réagir de manière différente. La première pourrait se décomposer sous les projecteurs et la seconde se sentir parfaitement à l'aise sur scène.

Le parallèle avec la douleur ne s'arrête pas là : le fait de ne pas ressentir de stress peut aider une personne à éviter un problème, tout en lui en créant d'autres. Si une personne insensible à la douleur échappe à l'une des sensations les plus déplaisantes de notre existence, elle est également plus sujette aux blessures, puisque la douleur déclenche un réflexe qui assure notre sécurité, en nous invitant par exemple à retirer notre main du feu. En l'absence de douleur, rien n'empêche de se brûler.

De son côté, le stress nous permet de ressentir pleinement la vie et favorise l'apprentissage. L'hippocampe, cette région du cerveau qui joue un rôle central dans l'apprentissage à travers la mémoire, raffole de la nouveauté. Le fait de surmonter les petits facteurs de stress du quotidien constitue une source intarissable de nouveautés et d'évolution. Lorsque notre cerveau est privé de ces défis inoffensifs, il souffre. Ce phénomène est probablement à l'origine du déclin de la mémoire et de la capacité à résoudre des problèmes observé par Charles chez les participants non affectés par le stress dans la population de l'étude MIDUS.

« Dès les premiers signes de stress, notre réaction est souvent de couper court à la situation, de battre en retraite et de fuir, mais ce n'est pas une obligation », déclare Jamieson. « Apprendre à être résilient et à persévérer malgré les défis et les difficultés est une compétence primordiale. Il ne s'agit pas d'un trait de caractère inné mais bien d'un comportement que l'on peut apprendre et mettre en œuvre. »

Charles n'obtiendra jamais les réponses à ses questions sur l'identité de ceux dont l'existence échappe au stress. Les données personnelles des répondants sont scrupuleusement tenues secrètes par Carol Ryff, psychologue et responsable de l'étude MIDUS pour l'université du Wisconsin à Madison.

En revanche, Charles connaît très bien le profil général de ces individus : ce sont souvent des hommes âgés, non mariés, possédant un niveau d'éducation inférieur à celui des participants qui ont signalé au moins un facteur de stress quotidien au cours des huit jours de l'enquête. Ces étrangers au stress signalent également un nombre nettement inférieur d'activités quotidiennes par rapport au reste de l'échantillon, à l'exception de la télévision qu'ils regardent avec bien plus d'assiduité que ceux dont la vie est ponctuée d'expériences stressantes.

Charles attire notre attention sur un détail particulièrement intéressant de son étude : en apparence, moins une personne aurait d'interactions sociales, moins elle serait stressée… mais la réalité est plus complexe. Parmi les activités quotidiennes recensées par l'étude MIDUS, les personnes non stressées ont déclaré consacrer moins d'heures que les personnes stressées aux activités qui impliquent généralement une interaction sociale : le travail, le volontariat et apporter ou recevoir un soutien émotionnel.

Pourtant, comme le souligne Charles, le soutien émotionnel est un allié redoutable contre le stress. « Les autres sont souvent une source de stress dans notre vie quotidienne », déclare Charles en riant, avant d'ajouter : « Mais ils sont absolument nécessaires pour nous ; nous sommes des créatures sociales. »

Il semble donc y avoir un juste milieu, une quantité idéale de soutien social bénéfique pour nos capacités cognitives avant que le temps consacré aux autres ne devienne sa propre source de stress. Le rôle des réseaux sociaux est un sujet qui n'a pas fini d'éveiller l'intérêt des chercheurs, tout comme de nombreux autres aspects du stress.

Cet article a initialement paru sur le site en langue anglaise.

Proche-Orient : la vérité est autorisée en Israël, mais interdite en France.

En France, il faut faire attention. La liberté d’expression, celle qui devrait être garantie par la Déclaration des Droits de l’Homme et donc par la Constitution, n’existe plus. Alors, le système Macron poursuit méthodiquement son objectif qui est de la… Lire la suite

Une centaine d’instructeurs militaires russes est arrivée au Niger

instructeurs niger

instructeurs nigerDes spécialistes militaires russes sont arrivés au Niger, où ils formeront l’armée nigériane. C’est ce qu’a rapporté la Radiotélévision du

L’article Une centaine d’instructeurs militaires russes est arrivée au Niger est apparu en premier sur STRATPOL.


Par : AHH

.. enter the ‘Cuban’ missile crisis, only this time it’s on steroids

With thanks to our own Colin Maxwell of New Zealand.

Please see: Part 1 ; Part 2Part 3 ; Part 4

NB – AN EXPLANATION OF ACRONYMS/TERMS/ETC used in the article are listed at the end of this discussion piece.

1. Introduction

My sincere apologies for this delay in my sequel. I picked up a very nasty bug and at the same time experienced some major computer glitches.

In the mean time it is my grim conclusion that the Western world won’t escape this gigantic financial hole it has dug for itself without going through a major systemic financial meltdown. Only with a tragic event will the critical mass of society actually rise up to demand the massive reform that is required to have any hope of recovering functional and sustainable economies.

I see no political escape from of the U$ train wreck (described earlier in eCONomics Part I) because the various components of the uni-party have almost identical financial and foreign policies. None of the POTUS candidates even bother to address the financial situation, let alone offer up any remotely workable solutions.

So too, history is massively against any hope of a successful independent POTUS, and the fact that RFK Jr is going to take votes from both sides of the ‘aisle’ means that IF the election actually takes place, Trump will be almost certainly be the winner.

This is despite the fact that he is a proven compulsive liar who still brags about his godfather role in the development of the experimental mRNA killer toxins. He also showed his true colours when he backstabbed Assange – whose published revelations paved the way for Trump to beat the truely dreadful and dangerous Hillary Clinton in 2016. What a truly sad commentary when a truly inept braggart like this is the only option available that would avoid a second term by the appalling ‘Crash Test Dummy’.

However, as the old cliche states – “seven days is a long time in politics” – however seven months is practically an eternity – especially given the dire financial situation and the multiple global military flash points.

Also, how soon could the pitchforks and riots manifest in the streets, and subsequently give the Biden camp the excuse they crave to declare Martial Law, in doing so creating the perfect opportunity to further tighten the noose on society’s freedom, by implementing a retail CBDC and it’s associated social credit controls?

The other possible titles I considered were…

KEEP PRINTING OR CRASH – nope, it’s keep printing and crash anyway.

IMMINENT GOLD REVALUATION – a worthy title too, as arguably this is the most significant single factor in a perfect storm of events that will be the end of the reign of the Western hegemon.

2. A Collision Of No Less Than Twelve Events In A Perfect Storm

#1 The Ukraine debacle exposing how utterly demented the U$ and NATOstan are in their hegemonic lust for control of resources, perpetual war and general mayhem. The comprehensive loss of yet another war is bad enough, but their attempts to hide this loss and extend the blood bath, makes NATOstan’s actions even more reprehensible.

#2 The Palestinian debacle – and Israel and the U$’s desire to genocide their population. The U$ and Israel play good cop, bad cop, whilst they carry on deliberate and overt genocide. Both countries have effectively torched the tiny skerrick of diplomatic capital they had left.

Many Palestians are already at level 5 starvation and yet this is being used as a weapon – even using aerial food drops as bait with Israeli troops stationed nearby with machine guns to gun them down as they try to retrieve food for their starving families.

#3 The build up in the tensions in the South China Sea and Warshington’s brazen prediction of a full scale war.

#4 The general weaponisation of the dollar and Western based payment systems.

#5 The idiotic 16,000 sanctions wrought on Russia – a reminder to the entire planet that this strategy doesn’t work – it only succeeds in providing a huge extra helping of bad karma for the voracious Western Hegemon.

#6 An announcement of a revaluation of gold by BRICS+ is imminent – as soon as this happens the Western fiat currencies will begin to implode – this as a corollary, with a return to hard backed currencies, may well turn out to be the single most crippling factor of all.

#7 The stability of the BRICS+ multiple commodity trade-only instrument will be
extremely compelling – not only will it be hard backed by gold, more than likely silver, and a host of other commodities (perhaps, as many as 20), but the smoothing effects of this system will come into effect and give countries the confidence to use it.

#8 The cooperative nature of the member nation’s currencies will encourage their use and an increasing percentage of trade will be done using swaps and bartering of goods for goods.

#9 Gresham’s Law will kick in – countries/people will liquidate their weak money and hold as reserves money which is regarded as strong and stable. This is when the exponential ramp up in hurt for the West will begin.

#10 The fact that it is almost impossible to miss the fact that Uncle $laughter has deliberately set about trying to destroy Europe – this gradual realisation by Mainstreet Europe, as the reality finally bites in, will never be lived down. Kissinger’s prophetic words should ring in the ears of the entire RoW.

#11 The absolutely disgraceful treatment of LatAm and the explicit Monroe Doctrine of raping this entire continent – and no more shocking example of the last century of atrocities than the sellout of the immensely resource rich Argentina by the utterly feckless Milei to Western imperial plutocrats. Refer – General Richardson’s recent visit to Buenos Aires – I just hope that our friend Jorges is travelling OK amongst all of this madness.

Second from left: the new Argentinian President ‘Mad Dog Javier Milei standing next to the archetypical neocon U$ Four Star General Richardson

#12 The highlighting of the centuries of the raping of the African Continent by Western Imperialism – the most recent and habitual protagonist being, you guessed it – Uncle $laughter.

3. Gold Stacking By The Global South

this constitutes the twilight of the fiat currency system

The World Bank reports that central banks bought 1037 tons of gold bullion in 2023, which is only slightly below the all time record set in 2022.

The astute entities, particularly in the ME and Asia are realising that keeping funds in U$ dollars is becoming too much of a liability.

Foreigners who own $14 trillion in stocks in the U$ and a further ~$8 triilion in treasuries are slowly waking up to the fact that they are not even the legal owners of this paper…. see eCONomics Part (I), section (iii) ‘The Great Taking’.

This stacking of bullion is enabled by the U$’s vain obsession of trying to protect the value of its currency. The Global South will continue to stack as the U$ facilitates the suppression of the real price with the COMEX.

It seems incredible, but the MSM has only just managed to figure out that the strength in gold is due to massive central bank buying. Apparently the casino house didn’t see these macro trends either – they were all to far too busy chart-painting and gambling to even look at the underlying fundamentals of why gold and silver were about to break out and head for the hills.

This subject was extensively covered in eCONomics Part (I) and so I won’t regurgitate it here.

Paraphrased from the one and only Alasdair Macleod…

“Money is the back stop of credit, which is why gold is so important. The dollar is not money, it is credit – it relies on the faith we have in the U$ Govt (oh dear!).

This is what is likely to come unstuck, as the entire colossal credit system begins to fall down around our ears.

Insurance has to be money in this event – not BitCoin, but gold. Silver has been demonetised, remaining very much an industrial metal controlled by industrial interests, particularly within China.

However, this control may well be slipping with the Indians buying so much silver, with deliveries on the COMEX this year over 1200 tons. As China loses control of the silver price its monetary characteristics will return.

When credit really does fall apart, people will go for anything tangible – obviously this does not include financial securities – in them there is no protection against inflation because they are in themselves credit which will get swept up in the collapse.”

Into the Maelström

4. Gold, Silver, or Bitcoin — which one(s) will Dah Fed concentrate on manipulating now?

Recently, the ‘cost to borrow’, meaning the cost to short sell GLD shares began to rise sharply from just under 40 BPS (0.4%) by almost 3x to a mind-numbing 1.06%.

Remember too that these borrowed shares ultimately have to be paid back as the price rises further the borrower is left in a ever deepening hole -who on earth would take this risk? – So who is the ‘who’ then? – it has to be dah Fed itself because no TBTF first tier bank compliance team would allow these huge high risk naked short bets to be made.

As the brilliant Andy Maguire recently stated – (paraphrased)…

“Why – because they are attempting to swamp the gold rally by adding borrowed supply in the hope that officials can repay these borrowed supply bets at a lower price. Yes we know that the Fed can print as much as they like, but this is all set to backfire spectacularly.

The Fed is the only remaining CB betting against a higher gold price and they are reduced to deploying the only tool in the tool box, which is using leveraged paper gold to try to chart paint the top of the rally.

Meanwhile, almost every other CB is swapping their excess dollars for physical gold and capitalising on being able to convert the COMEX synthetically driven supply prices into deliverable NSFR compliant bullion through the EFT mechanism. The Fed is now severely limited as to how many CTAs they can suck into puking up their long term bets to repay these GLD shares.”

The Fed is the only remaining global CB (dumb enough) to bet against a higher gold price and to use leveraged paper gold to continue to manipulate the price. Meanwhile any other CB, with half a brain, is swapping their excess dollars for physical gold.

Basically, available gold stocks have contracted ~50% in 4 years and many CTA positions are no longer rinse-able. The ringleaders now appear to be shifting their attention to injecting instability into Bitcoin, and phasing out gold and silver price fixing, as they become more and more badly burnt whilst the organic price discovery process advances.

Clearly, it is far more profitable to play around with cryptos than to have to eventually cough up gold bullion, which is ultimately NSFR compliant, and physically deliverable, leaving them in a deeper and deeper hole.

It is much easier just to print cash to bale themselves out, as their ability to print cash is virtually limitless – as opposed to eventually having to cough up physical gold that they don’t hold anyway.

5. Silver — massive extra demand for silver, notably in India and China.

We now witness an explosion in silver demand for use in the solar industry particularly in India, but it is strong in China too. India’s solar module production demand is likely to grow by ~60% by 2025.

This market requires thousands of extra tons, but the demand is also ramped up even further by the relatively higher price of gold – another perfect storm leading to unprecedented physical demand.

The extra thousands of tons of demand for silver will inevitably force the price much higher during 2024 – this cannot be contained by the bankster’s usual playbook of tricks.

Since the 1930s the gold to silver mining production ratio has stayed remarkably close to 8:1.

The Exeter Pyramid helps us to gain a perspective on how massively undervalued gold and silver bullion is relative to other financial assets and real estate.

When you look at the risk arrows which clearly indicate that there should be movement into gold and silver bullion, at the very least as an insurance hedge, it reveals just how huge the natural impending price discovery process could be.

Ownership of precious metals in the U$ are really only the equivalent of a pimple on an elephants arse – it represents the equivalent of a pitifull 0.5% of their assets.

As Andy Schectman points out – what happens when the population finally flicks up as to the extent of the great taking and if they advance their PM holdings to even a lowly 5%? – that alone would amount to a 10x increase in demand.

This is much like the COMEX debacle where the open interest is 1750% higher than the amount of bars held in their vaults. The dirty word is rehypothecation – meaning that most entities will have no access to physical gold, just as they won’t with silver.

The planned Moscow Metal Exchange could at any time set a relatively modest price for gold at $3000, and silver at say $50-$100. Just like that all of the Western markets could arbitrage straight to the East setting a real price – this would break the COMEX and the London Metal Exchange, and immediately break the dominance and the manipulation by the Western players.

6. Unsustainable Levels of Public Debt – the Destruction of the Middle Class

Daniel Lacalle wrote an excellent piece which was published on ZH April 9, 2024…

“When the fiscal position is unsustainable, the only way for the state to force the acceptance of its debt—newly created currency—is through coercion and repression.

A state’s debt is only an asset when the private sector values its solvency and uses it as a reserve. When the state imposes its insolvency on the economy, its bankruptcy manifests in the destruction of the purchasing power of the currency through inflation and the weakening of real wage purchasing capacity.

The state basically conducts a process of slow default on the economy through rising taxes and weakening the purchasing power of the currency, which leads to weaker growth and erosion of the middle class, the captive hostages of the currency issuer.

Of course, as the currency issuer, the state never acknowledges its imbalances and always blames inflation and weak growth on the private sector, exporters, other nations, and markets. Independent institutions must impose fiscal prudence to prevent a state from destroying the real economy. The state, through the monopoly of currency issuance and the imposition of law and regulation, will always pass on its imbalances to consumers and businesses, thinking it is for their own good.

The government deficit is not creating savings for the private economy. Savings in the real economy accept public debt as an asset when they perceive the currency issuer’s solvency to be reliable. When the government imposes it and disregards the functioning of the productive economy, positioning itself as the source of wealth, it undermines the very foundation it purports to protect: the standard of living for the average citizen.

Governments do not create reserves; their debt becomes a reserve only when the productive private sector economy within their political boundaries thrives and the public finances remain under control.

The state does show its insolvency, like any issuer, in the price of the I.O.U. it distributes, i.e., in the purchasing power of the currency. Public debt is artificial currency creation because the state does not create anything; it only administers the money it collects from the same productive private sector it is choking via taxes and inflation.

The United States debt started to become unsustainable when the Federal Reserve stopped defending the currency and paying attention to monetary aggregates to implement policies designed to disguise the rising cost of indebtedness from unbridled deficit spending.

Artificial currency creation is never neutral. It disproportionately benefits the first recipient of new currency, the government, and massively hurts the last recipients, real wages and deposit savings. It is a massive transfer of wealth from the productive economy and savers to the bureaucratic administration.

More units of public debt mean weaker productive growth, higher taxes, and more inflation in the future. All three are manifestations of a slow burn default.

So, if the state can impose its fiscal imbalances on us, how do we know if the debt it issues is unsustainable?
First, because of the units of GDP created, adding new units of public debt diminishes rapidly.
Second, the erosion of the currency’s purchasing power persists and accelerates.
Third, because productive investment and capital expenditure decline, employment may remain acceptable in the headlines, but real wages, productivity, and the ability of workers to make ends meet deteriorate rapidly.

Today’s narrative tries to tell us that nothing has happened when a lot has. This includes the destruction of the middle class and the deterioration of the small and medium enterprise fabric in favour of a rising bureaucratic administration that consumes higher taxes but still generates more debt and deficits. It does end badly. And all empires end the same way, with the assumption that nothing will happen.

The currency’s acceptance as a reserve does come to an end. The persistent erosion of purchasing power and declining confidence in the legally imposed “lowest risk asset” are some of the red flags some are willing to ignore, maybe because they live off other people’s taxes, or because they benefit from the destruction of the currency through asset inflation. Either way, it is profoundly anti-social and destructive, even if it is a slow detonation.

The fact that there are informed and intelligent investors who willingly ignore the red flags of weakening the middle class, declining purchasing power of the currency and deteriorating solvency and productivity shows why it is so dangerous to allow governments to maintain fiscal imprudence.

The reason why government money creation is so dangerous is because the government is always happy to increase its power over citizens and blame them for the problems its policies create, presenting itself as the solution.”

The CPI – what Rick Rule refers to as the CP LIE
– doesn’t include food or fuel which makes it an utterly contrived index. Worse still, it does not even include taxes and yet this is the biggest expense of all – for many it is larger than food, shelter, energy and transportation combined.

Rick notes that for people like himself and the basket of goods he buys, and adding in taxes, it means he is losing around 7% per year on his money.

On a ten year treasury with a coupon value of say 4.1%, which sounds like one hell of a lot better than the 2.0% of days gone by, you are being scammed. If you work out the true rate, it is a disgraceful and debilitating negative 3.9% every year for 10 years compounded on your original investment.

Even the lower echelon within the Fed admit to Rick that the real inflation rate is far higher than what the public is led to believe – this means that there is absolutely no way that they could cut rates, because this would cause even more dramatic loses for depositors and bond holders.

Clearly, the institutional view within the Fed is to not reduce the rate, but within Congress there is a bipartisan desire to reduce rates and particularly within the Biden admin who desperately want to win the next election.

7. BRICS+10 — BRICS+16

onwards and upwards – this subject was discussed extensively back in eCONomics Part (III) of the sequel

Sergei Glazyev’s white paper has received the green light from the Kremlin’s Yuri Ushakov (Putin’s Assistant for Foreign policy) and will be presented to the Kazan summit May 14-19. I will try to do a proper update shortly after we hear the outcome of this important summit.

In the meantime the BRICS+ progress remains relentless, especially given that the BRICS+10 control the lion’s share of the global energy complex – the scale of the de-dollarisation process is poised to reach a completely new level. This is an utterly terrifying and self- inflicted situation that the Western hegemon finds itself in – they dug their own hole and are still digging.

We are now witnessing the creation of an immense socioeconomic-security bloc that will have more than 90% of global wealth and resources to back it up.

8. Don’t Blame COVID for the Looming Meltdown

— in fact the u$ economy was on the rocks well before any of us had even heard of covid – see the implosion of repo market in August 2019 on Trump’s watch.

Suffice to say the repo market that completely imploded on Trump’s watch when none of the banks trusted one another’s collateral any longer – even treasuries were not trusted any longer, as it became known that there could be multiple claims on them too. The repo market never recovered, and now sits at around $2 trillion as reverse repo – obviously the banks don’t want money on the street, and would rather hand it over to the Fed overnight.

Some of the big players see what is coming down the pipeline now too, and they are sucking PMs out of the exchanges.

NB – the U$ dollar is worth only 3 cents now compared to its value when the ‘Creature from Jekyll Island’ was incorporated. The next step is the road to a big fat ZERO cents worth, which is where all fiat ends up sooner or later.

There is also the opportunity for the PBS and FTT models to be deployed in sovereign countries where they can be introduced without hegemonic retribution and intimidation.

Within the BRICS+ block, it will be a case of letting 190 flowers bloom with the sharing of the success stories within so that the models that work in a particular set of circumstances can be embraced by other regions/countries with the confidence of them being already proven working models.

This would be an ongoing organic process that involves continued decentralisation and bottom up governance in a mix of cooperative endeavour that works to develop the real economy and to create permanent wealth for all of society, rather than just permanently feathering the nests of the parasitic financial casino economy.

I’m not going to label the new paradigm with any of the existing ism’s because this will be something completely novel. There should really be only one central maxim necessary – ‘treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself’ – that’s it!

The ongoing transition should be be a gradual orderly and organic evolution as new models prove their worth in the real world leading to a renaissance of the true human spirit.

9. The Hegemon’s Rapidly Deteriorating Financial State

On current trends the Biden Admin looks set to increase the existing debt of $34.5 trillion by $7.3 T to a mind-numbing $41.8 trillion.

If they could foist a retail CBDC on the country, then there are effectively no limits as to how low they can push interest rates. Negative rates could be invoked to eat up principle. Imagine that, when they have already destroyed 97% of the purchasing power of the dollar.

Using the existing commercial banks for the retail account doesn’t make CBDCs any more palatable as they would simply be using the commercial banks to distribute their policy, whilst achieving much the same effect as every man and his dog having a personal bank account at the Fed.

It is impossible for me to imagine any scenario where a retail CBDC is desirable

… but the absolute worst case is if it was administered as a retail account at the central bank in the case of the farcical Fed model, where that entity is 100% owned by a cartel of thieving and parasitic private banksters.

Even in a highly developed and extensive public utility banking system retail CBDCs would be a completely unworkable disaster. They would by definition, completely preclude a highly competitive banking system where a multitude of banks and models all compete with the result being beneficial interest rates and a high standard of customer services for society at large.

Retail CBDCs would be tantamount to the Soviet era Gosbank model where for ~70 years there was only one banking entity in the entire country. The result was as disastrous as it was predictable.

Even more alarming is the fact that the U$ FDIC is essentially trying to guarantee ~$20 trillion of deposits with a fund of a minuscule $121.8 billion – that amounts to a truly farcical 0.5 cents insurance on the dollar.

Even Bloomberg admits the fact that with $929 billion of CRE debt becoming due in the next 9.5 months, this could potentially topple hundreds of U$ banks.

10. BITCOIN — A Trojan Horse? — rolled out in during the Lehman debacle

QE started then – TPTB endeavoured to have everything looking as normal as possible so that the public was oblivious to what was going on.

As a rule people who go for gold, silver, and cryptos have the same wish – ie, to operate outside the main system, but does bitcoin really belong in that category?

Surely bringing in a Bitcoin ETF is rendering it into the casino system anyway. Initially they were very appealing to the libertarian who sees the debasement of fiat and is looking for an alternative – but aren’t crypto currencies technically fiat anyway? This is made even more precarious when there are ~10,000 different crypto currencies.

Perhaps we all need to consider the fact that this might have been a cunning plan to get digital currencies out and about in the public domain and normalised in the minds of society at large.

Who was Satoshi Nakamoto anyway, the so-called author of the original white paper and who devised the first blockchain database? Supposedly the work began in the second quarter of 2007, and the domain name was registered in August 2008.

He allegedly continued in the development of the software until mid-2010 before handing over control of the source code depository and domains to various entities, ending his recognised personal involvement in the project.

According to Wiki, Nakamoto had some $73 billion worth of Bitcoin in 2021, making him the 15th richest person on the planet.

Given that the Japanese term ‘satoshi’ can mean ‘intelligent’ and ‘nakamoto’, ‘central’ was there a playful suggestion behind the name as to who was really behind the scene – ‘Central Intelligence’? – what a horrible thought.

Is this just another ploy to keep money from going into gold and silver and exposing yet another dying fiat currency.

11. mRNA Toxins — Another Extremely Bearish Factor 

The massive rate of toxic mRNA jabs deployed in Western counties is an extremely depressing subject, but it would be remiss to not mention this as another giant debacle that will help seal the hegemon’s fate and virtually guarantee a debilitating debt death spiral for much of the West

Ed Dowd’s numbers suggest that globally ~ 2.2 billion people have been either killed or are permanently disabled by the toxic jab roll-out – that’s the same one that Trump still brags about.

97% of the US military were jabbed and their own data shows cancer rates are up ~1000%. Heart disease is up 970% in the US military.

In the UK, 18-39 year olds, jabbed 4 times are 318% more likely to die than their unjabbed contemporary control group.

The German Govt recently admitted that there was no pandemic and that figures demonstrate that the fully jabbed on average surrender 25 years of their life.

In the U$, CDC data revealed that each jab increased mortality by 7%.
▪ Highly jabbed regions showed ~15% higher mortality than 2021.
▪ 2 doses and 3 boosted were 35% more likely to die in 2022 than 2021.
▪ By contrast, the unjabbed were no more likely to die in 2022 than 2021.

This will have a disastrous effect on productivity, as not only is the fully productive work force dramatically depleted, but the care of the seriously jab injured will soak up even more labour resources and other expenses.

12. Wrap Up

Oh, and I just located some good news, albeit though, very much confined to the Global South realm. There is a much lower level of debt in the RoW and developing economies, compared to the ravenous NATOstan – it is completely self evident even within the figures released by that dreadful IMF creature…

2022 IMF DATA – % of debt to GDP
▪ World 238%
▪ Advanced’ economies 277%
▪ Euro Area 254%
▪ UK 252%
▪ U$ 273%
▪ Emerging market economies 191%
▪ Others 124%
▪ Low income developing countries 88%

In fact this debt could become almost negligible if the BRICS+ in unison, gave the economic Western hitmen the middle finger salute in all cases where they have made deliberately cynical, unpayable, and predatory loans in the first place.

The new socio-economic paradigm will be premised on cooperative goodwill and mutual progress for all participating countries. In this blueprint a minimum of resources will be spent on killing one another, and member nations will enjoy the security provided by an immense bloc that has more than 90% of global wealth and resources to back it up.

There is also the opportunity for the PBS and FTT models to be deployed in sovereign countries where they can be introduced without retribution from the hegemon – the fiscal and monetary aspects of this model were covered in eCONomics Part II.

Within the block it could be a case of letting 190 flowers bloom with the sharing of the success stories within the group, so that the models that work in a particular set of circumstances can be embraced by other regions/countries with the confidence of them being already proven working models.

This would be an ongoing organic process that involves continued decentralisation and bottom up governance in a mix of cooperative endeavour that works to develop the real economy in order to create permanent wealth for all of society – rather than just permanently feathering the nests of the shadowy figures ensconced behind the parasitic financial casino economy.

I’m not going to label the new paradigm with any of the existing ism’s because it will be something completely novel. There should be only one central maxim necessary – ‘treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself’ – that’s it!

Fingers and toes all crossed, the ongoing transition should be be a gradual orderly and organic evolution, as new models prove their worth in the real world in a monumental transition and a complete renaissance of the very essence of the true human spirit.

And how prophetic were the words of the great Leonard Cohen (my all time favourite Canadian, my friend Emerson) in his epic song ‘Anthem’ which took him some 10 years to complete.

Verse 5 nails what is happening right now, as a torrent of countries clamour join the BRICS+ juggernaut…

You can add up the parts
You won’t have the sum
You can strike up the march
There is no drum
Every heart
Every heart to love will come
But like a refugee

Such a tragedy that this great man passed and never got to see this massive event beginning to unfold.

— strap on a good quality headset, crank up the volume, and accompany Cohen on an incredible journey.

Colin Maxwell – April 11, 2024

AKA = Also Known As
CB = Central Bank
CTA = Commodity Trade Advisor
COMEX = The Commodity Exchange Inc. = the world’s leading derivatives marketplace for trading metals – formed 50 years ago specifically to rig gold and silver prices, to try to protect Western fiat currencies
CPI = Consumer Price Index
CTA = Commodity Trade Advisor
ETF = Exchange Traded Funds
EFP = Exchange of Futures for Physical
Global South = all countries apart from NATOstan = AKA RoW
GLD = the SPDR EFT gold share Nasdaq ticker/symbol
NSFR = Net Stable Funding Ratio
NATO = North Atlantic ‘Terror’ Organisation
NATOstan = NATO plus its yapping lapdogs and sundry hangers on – sadly this group includes both NZ and Australia
Repo = Repurchase Agreement – a form of short term (often overnight) form of borrowing for dealers in government securities
Reverse Repos = the reverse of a Repo – it is the party originally buying the security
Rinse-able = this term refers to investors that can be lured out of their long positions
RoW = Rest of the World
SPDR = one of the family of ETFs managed by State Street, the TBTF largest asset manager on the planet with around $44 trillion in assets under management, custody and administration – it tracks the price of gold bullion in the over-the counter market – the SPDR gold share ETF is known as GLD
TPTB = The Powers That Be

Eurasia versus NATOstan

Par : AHH

In this interview, we are joined by the renowned geopolitical expert Pepe Escobar, who delves into the pages of his latest book “Eurasia v. NATOstan”. Brace yourself for an insightful exploration of the imminent collision between the Western Empire of Chaos and the emerging multipolar world order led by Eurasia. @SyrianaAnalysis
