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L’intérieur de la centrale de Fukushima filmé par des drones

Comment évoluer aisément au cœur du réacteur de la centrale de Fukushima, sans risque et en obtenant une bonne vue de la situation ? Comme le montre une vidéo publiée par le gestionnaire des installations, Tepco, c’est avec des drones miniatures que l’opération a eu lieu dernièrement dans les...

Tchernobyl : ces mystérieux vers ont réparé leur ADN face aux radiations !

Si la vie a repris ses droits dans la zone contaminée de la centrale de Tchernobyl, animaux et plantes restent sévèrement marqués génétiquement par une exposition continue aux radiations radioactives... sauf de minuscules vers, qui semblent posséder une incroyable capacité de résilience  !

L’étonnante résilience des nématodes aux radiations de Tchernobyl

Même si la vie a repris ses droits dans la zone contaminée de la centrale de Tchernobyl, animaux et plantes restent sévèrement marqués génétiquement par une exposition continue aux radiations radioactives. Sauf de minuscules vers, qui semblent posséder une incroyable capacité de résilience.

Une fiole de radium découverte dans une maison en Dordogne !

Des habitants de Ribérac, une paisible commune de Dordogne, ont fait, ce samedi 10 février 2024, une folle découverte dans leur maison. Une fiole remplie de sels de radium radioactifs ! D’où diable pouvait-elle venir ? Peut-être tout simplement de kits qui ont, un temps, été commercialisés pour...

Scandale des eaux minérales purifiées illégalement pour continuer la commercialisation

Une enquête de longue haleine vient d'être publiée par le journal Le Monde et Radio France. Au programme : tromperies et dissimulations sur la composition des eaux en bouteille et pratiques frauduleuses. À la barre des accusés, se retrouvent le groupe Alma et, sans surprise, le géant...

Le télescope James-Webb suggère que la vie aurait pu exister beaucoup plus tôt qu'on ne le pensait

Le cycle de naissance des étoiles à partir de nuages de matière sans cesse enrichis en éléments lourds synthétisés par des étoiles avant leur mort en supernovae fait évoluer chimiquement les galaxies. Le James-Webb vient de permettre d'évaluer les abondances d'oxygène dans les galaxies moins de...

Trou noir le plus léger ou étoile à neutrons la plus lourde ? Quel est cet objet mystérieux dans la Voie Lactée ?

C’est dans un amas d’étoiles, aux confins de notre Voie lactée, que des astronomes ont observé un objet mystérieux. Trop lourd pour être une étoile à neutrons et pas assez pour être un trou noir. Qu’il s’avère être l’un ou l’autre — ou même autre chose d’encore inconnu —, la découverte n’a pas...

Les secrets de la chaleur interne d’une lune potentiellement habitable du Système solaire

En attendant l’arrivée de la sonde Europa Clipper, les scientifiques continuent à s’intéresser de près à cette petite lune gelée de Jupiter. Une nouvelle étude révèle notamment que les marées internes que subit Europe pourraient être une importante source de chaleur.

Des centaines de nuages de gaz éjectés de la Voie lactée découverts par hasard

Au cœur de notre Voie lactée, il souffle des vents chauds et puissants. Et des astronomes viennent de découvrir que ces vents chassent des centaines de nuages de gaz du centre de notre Galaxie vers le milieu interstellaire.

L’origine du sursaut radio rapide le plus puissant a été identifiée et elle est surprenante !

Ce sursaut radio rapide (FRB) est le plus puissant, mais aussi le plus lointain jamais observé. Et désormais, il est aussi celui dont l’origine est la plus surprenante. Des chercheurs viennent de le localiser au cœur d’un groupe dense de pas moins de sept galaxies.

La Nasa révèle une vidéo de chat venu de l'espace par laser sur Terre

Il y a 10 ans, la Nasa avait montré que l'on pouvait communiquer par laser avec une sonde en orbite autour de la Lune. Or le laser permet d'envoyer des données plus vite, avec moins d'énergie et un dispositif de plus petite taille qu'une antenne radio classique. En préparation des contraintes...

Les secrets des sursauts radio rapides bientôt élucidés ?

Depuis qu’ils les ont détectés il y a une quinzaine d’années, les astronomes ne cessent de découvrir des caractéristiques déstabilisantes à ce qu’ils appellent les sursauts radio rapides. Ils ignorent toujours quelle est leur origine. Mais ils tiennent peut-être enfin un instrument qui pourrait...

La Nasa inaugure une nouvelle ère dans la communication interplanétaire

Il y a 10 ans, la Nasa avait montré que l'on pouvait communiquer par laser avec une sonde en orbite autour de la Lune : la mission Lunar Laser Communications Demonstration (LLCD). Le laser permet d'envoyer des données plus vite, avec moins d'énergie et un dispositif de plus petite taille qu'une...

Une start-up française capable de voir, depuis l'espace, des navires dits invisibles

À l'ère du New Space, toutes les bonnes idées d'utilisation de la donnée spatiale donnent naissance à des projets solides de satellites, dont certains sont réunis en constellations. Parmi les projets les plus innovants, redécouvrons celui du Français Unseenlabs et sa constellation de petits...

La sonde Psyché a ouvert la voie de la communication interplanétaire par laser

Il y a 10 ans, la Nasa avait montré que l'on pouvait communiquer par laser avec une sonde en orbite autour de la Lune : la mission Lunar Laser Communications Demonstration (LLCD). Le laser permet d'envoyer des données plus vite, avec moins d'énergie et un dispositif de plus petite taille qu'une...

Une émission radio semblable à celle d’une aurore boréale au-dessus d’une tache solaire

Lorsque des aurores boréales illuminent notre ciel, c’est que des particules chargées en provenance de notre Soleil ont interagi avec les atomes et les molécules de notre atmosphère. C’est un peu moins connu — et beaucoup moins spectaculaire — mais, dans leur précipitation, ces particules...

Les puissants champs magnétiques du trou noir supermassif M87* sont révélés sous un nouveau jour

Les trous noirs supermassifs accrétant de la matière et avec des jets de particules sont parmi les objets les plus énergétiques de l'Univers observable, en particulier quand ils se présentent sous la forme de quasars. Les membres de la collaboration de l’Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) font des...

13 Podcasts for Your Holiday Road Trip

Got a long drive ahead of you? In a car with people full of various tastes? It’s road trip season, and if you need a podcast to binge in the car, this list has you covered. You can pop in and out of short stories about family drama and scams, or buckle in for real life sagas of catfishing, CIA conspiracies, and a…


Today’s NYT Connections Hints (and Answer) for Thursday, November 9, 2023

I found today’s puzzle to be an EXERCISE in patience, the kind where you know one of the groups from the first glance but have to wait until the very end to narrow down its members. If you’re looking for the Connections answer for Thursday, November 9, 2023, read on—I’ll share some clues, tips, and strategies, and…


Un nouveau système à base d’ondes radio pour surveiller les stocks d’armes nucléaires

Un groupe de chercheurs a mis au point une méthode pour surveiller les stocks d’armes nucléaires grâce aux ondes radio. Ils ont utilisé un système de miroirs pour créer un dispositif sécurisé qui peut détecter tout changement dans une pièce, et plus particulièrement tout déplacement des ogives.

Des météorites martiennes, des laves crachées dans l'espace par le volcan géant Olympus Mons il y a une centaine de millions d'années ?

Il se confirme que les météorites martiennes sur Terre sont le plus souvent des laves jeunes, c'est-à-dire de quelques centaines de millions d'années tout au plus en général. Or il existe bel et bien des indices d'une activité volcanique sur Mars aussi voire plus récente, comme sur les pentes du...

Grande première ! Le film d'une éclipse solaire annulaire en ondes radios

On étudie les émissions radio du Soleil depuis le début de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle. Tout récemment, des radioastronomes du Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research (NJIT-CSTR) de l'Institut de technologie du New Jersey ont capturé l'image d'une éclipse solaire d’une manière jamais vue...

Ce ne sont pas des sursauts radio rapides, mais des sursauts radio ultra-rapides !

Les astronomes les qualifient de sursauts radio rapides parce qu’ils ne durent pas plus de quelques millièmes de seconde. Ils viennent d’en identifier qui sont encore plus brefs. Des sursauts radio ultra-rapides qui s’éteignent quelques millionièmes de seconde après s’être allumés.

These Indoor Digital TV Antennas (Might) Actually Work

No one wants to screw over the cable companies over more than me. When Comcast almost doubled my rate a few years ago I decided it was time to ditch the box and try something else, which led me to digital antennas.


Add Bluetooth to Almost Any Device for $46

The EVE II Bluetooth Transmitter and Receiver allows you to add Bluetooth capabilities to a device that doesn’t already have it—and it normally costs $59, but has been temporarily marked down to $45.99.


L’énigme du moment cinétique : comment les bébés étoiles survivent-elles à leur propre rotation ?

Pour qu’un nuage de gaz et de poussière s’effondre puis se condense suffisamment pour donner naissance à une étoile, il faut l’intervention d’un vent cosmique. La théorie le prédisait. Des astronomes viennent enfin de le confirmer par l’observation.

Certains des mystérieux sursauts radio seraient des séismes d'étoiles à neutrons

Les étoiles à neutrons sont des cadavres stellaires où la masse du Soleil peut se retrouver dans une sphère de quelques dizaines de kilomètres de diamètre. On soupçonne depuis des années un lien entre ces objets et les mystérieux sursauts radio rapides pouvant libérer en une fraction de seconde...

Le plus lointain sursaut radio rapide détecté a émis l'énergie du Soleil en 30 ans

Les sursauts radio rapides sont des sources radio mystérieuses dont on ne connaît pas encore la nature même si elles sont probablement des étoiles à neutrons. On vient de détecter le plus lointain connu à ce jour, et avec sa formidable puissance lumineuse il éclaire littéralement le mystère des...

Pourquoi la Chine construit-elle un radiotélescope de 40 mètres de diamètre ?

Comme toutes les grandes puissances spatiales, la Chine fait face à un problème de communication avec ses sondes spatiales et de relais de données. Or, avec ses programmes habités sur la Lune, qui prévoient l’installation d’une base pour vivre et travailler sur le sol lunaire à l’horizon d’une...

Une mission sur la Lune pour observer la période de l'Univers la plus méconnue

L'astronomie moderne s'apprête-t-elle à franchir une étape significative en ouvrant une fenêtre sur la période de l'Univers la plus énigmatique, celle des Âges sombres ? « Oui » veulent croire la Nasa et les scientifiques de la mission LuSEE-Night. Cette mission de démonstration de technologie...

The Easiest Way to Ask Your Bank for a Higher Credit Limit

Having a higher credit limit on your credit card can be beneficial in several ways. It can help improve your credit score by lowering your credit utilization ratio. It also gives you more purchasing power and flexibility with your spending. But automatic credit limit increases aren’t automatic—you have to ask your…


New “TED Radio Hour” three-part series explores “Mind, Body, Spirit”

Par : TED Staff

For millennia, humans have debated the connection between the mind, body and spirit. But today, the phrase sounds trite — a hallmark of the #selfcare industry. Over three episodes of this special series on TED Radio Hour, TED speakers will investigate fresh perspectives on how we think, move and feel.

In the first hour: the mind. The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. It gives us control over our bodies and shapes our thoughts, memories and emotions. But how? And can we coach ourselves to think better? The series kicks off with an investigation into the different ways we think and understand the world, what new brain-computer interfaces could do for sharing our thoughts and a story about taming that voice in our head that makes us miserable. Plus, a poem about preparing your mind to be more open to creative ideas. Mind-blowing stuff? Hell yes. Guests explore the internal and external influences on our minds, including animal behaviorist and autism activist Temple Grandin, podcast host and meditation advocate Dan Harris, neurointerventionist Tom Oxley and poet Sarah Kay.

The second hour focuses on the body. We know it’s important to listen to our bodies and trust how we feel, but it’s not always easy. In part 2 of our series, TED speakers explore ideas about movement, pleasure and rest. Guests include choreographer Ryan Heffington, news anchor Lee Thomas, aerialist Adie Delaney and therapist KC Davis.

In the third and final episode we hear from speakers who’ve found unique ways to rekindle the human spirit and, as the saying goes, stay “true” to themselves. Guests include author, researcher and podcaster Tania Lunar, renowned artist JR and serial entrepreneur Artur Sychov. Their challenges include invasions of privacy, incarceration, exile and simply facing human mortality. Their tactics? Sidestepping linear time with innovation, embracing uncertainty by incorporating surprise into our daily lives and using beauty to overwhelm the ugly side of humanity. Their stories will spark your zest for life, too.

You can get all three episodes of our “Mind, Body, Spirit” series, as well as more episodes of TED Radio Hour, on Apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.


TED launches TED Audio Collective for podcasts

Par : TED Staff

On February 22, 2021, TED launches the TED Audio Collective to house its growing collection of podcasts.

While broadly known for its global conferences and signature TED Talk videos, TED is also one of the top podcast publishers in the world. TED podcasts are downloaded 1.65 million times per day in virtually every country on earth. Our shows have been consistently ranked by Apple Podcasts as “most downloaded” of the year, and TED Talks Daily was the second most popular show globally on Spotify in 2020. Now the TED Audio Collective expands upon that foundation, creating a home for shows co-developed by TED and our speakers as well as shows developed and produced independently by inspiring thinkers and creators.

The podcasts in the TED Audio Collective are for listeners curious about everything from philosophy and psychology to science, technology, business and unexpected pathways in between — all curated through TED’s lens of “ideas worth spreading.” Here’s a sneak peek of exciting new content to expect over the coming months.

New in the TED Audio Collective:

Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter

Dr. Jen Gunter is on a mission to make us experts on the way our bodies work. Body Stuff is an original show developed by TED that aims to demystify the systems of the body while debunking medical myths along the way. Did you know that you don’t actually need eight glasses of water a day? That you can’t “boost” your immune system?

With humor and wit, Dr. Jen Gunter, a celebrated OB/GYN, pain medicine physician and TED speaker, aims to share accurate, evidence-based medical information in a fun and accessible way.

(Season 1 launches May 2021)

Lost Birds with Mona Chalabi

From COVID to electoral politics, people are turning to data to make sense of the world as never before. But how well do we understand what those numbers actually mean? Interpreting data has never been more timely or relevant to fight misinformation and understand the world around us.

In this original, sound-rich series, data scientist Mona Chalabi will take listeners on an inquiry into the central question: How can we use data to make sense of our lived experiences, and what are the limits of that data? Along the way, she will tackle urgent, random and sometimes deeply personal questions: How does Google calculate walking speeds? What happens when cities get louder? When will my heartache end?

(Season 1 launches June 2021)

Conversations with People Who Hate Me 

TED alum Dylan Marron is joining the TED Audio Collective to continue exploring what happens when online feuders step out from behind the keyboard and get to know the human on the other side of the screen.

In an internet era characterized by comment section wars, devastating clapbacks and anonymous vitriol, Dylan Marron connects people who have clashed online — from old friends to complete strangers — to explore why we believe what we believe, how we relate to each other on the internet and just what a phone call can accomplish. Don’t be fooled by the title! It’s actually a loving show that fosters unlikely connections in an age of increasing digital isolation. 

(New episodes launching Fall 2021)

Design Matters 

The iconic Design Matters with Debbie Millman pulls back the curtain on how incredibly creative people design the arc of their lives. It’s the world’s first podcast about design — an inquiry into the broader world of creative culture through wide-ranging conversations with designers, writers, artists, curators, musicians and other luminaries of contemporary thought. Design Matters joined the TED Audio Collective in October 2020 and is produced independently, with TED amplifying the podcast to its global audience. 

(New episodes every Monday. Watch out for upcoming conversations with Adam Grant, Jacqueline Woodson, Nick Cave and many more.)

Plus, new episodes from:


Hosted by Manoush Zomorodi, ZigZag is a business show about being human. Manoush takes listeners on a journey to discover new ways we can align our business ambitions with systemic change that’s good for our fellow human beings and the world. In March 2021, Manoush will release season six: “The Zig Zag Project.” Over six weeks, she’ll lead a boot camp for listeners who want to make big changes in their work life by finding ways to align their personal values with their professional ambitions.

(Season 6 launches March 2021)

TED Business 

Columbia Business School professor Modupe Akinola hosts TED Business, a show that explores the most powerful and surprising ideas that illuminate the business world. After hearing a TED Talk, listeners get a mini-lesson from Modupe on how to apply the ideas from the talk to their own lives. Because whatever your business conundrum — how to land that new promotion, set smarter goals, undo injustice at work or unlock the next big thing — there’s a TED Talk for that.

(New episodes every Monday)

WorkLife with Adam Grant 

WorkLife with Adam Grant is back with its fourth season! Organizational psychologist Adam Grant takes listeners inside the minds of some of the world’s most unusual professionals to explore the science of making work not suck. Season four kicks off with a bonus episode where JJ Abrams interviews Adam Grant about his new book, Think Again

  • Taken for Granted: TED is also launching a companion series inspired by Adam’s popular long-form interviews with luminaries like Esther Perel. Starting with Brené Brown, Malcolm Gladwell, Jane Goodall and Glennon Doyle, he’ll sit down with his favorite thinkers about the opinions and assumptions we should all be revisiting. 

(Season 4 launches March 2021, and Taken for Granted launches February 2021)

The TED Interview 

In The TED Interview, Head of TED Chris Anderson speaks with some of the world’s most interesting people to dig into the most provocative and powerful ideas of our time. From Bill Gates to Monica Lewinsky, Chris follows his curiosity across myriad topics and disciplines, diving deep with the most compelling thinkers from the TED stage and beyond. Entering the sixth season of the show this year, Chris investigates “The Case for Optimism” and why there’s still reason for tremendous hope in these trying times.

(Season 6 launches April 2021, featuring interviews with climate activist Xiye Bastida, inventor of CRISPR Jennifer Doudna and many more.)

TED Radio Hour

In each episode of TED Radio Hour, host Manoush Zomorodi explores a big idea through a series of TED Talks and original interviews, inspiring us to learn more about the world, our communities and, most importantly, ourselves. TED Radio Hour is a co-production of NPR and TED.

(New episodes every Friday. Watch out for an exciting episode in March called “Through The Looking Glass” about the tools that scientists, physicians and artists use to extend our perception of what we can see and our boundaries of consciousness — featuring TED speakers Emily Levesque, Ariel Waldman, Rick Doblin and more.)

Our Partners: TED Partnerships, working in collaboration with the TED team and podcast hosts, strives to tell partner stories in the form of authentic, story-driven content developed in real-time and aligned with the editorial process — finding and exploring brilliant ideas from all over the world. Past and current partners are wide-ranging and diverse, including Accenture, Bonobos, Unilever, Hilton, JP Morgan Chase & Co, Lexus, Marriott Hotels, Morgan Stanley, Warby Parker, Verizon, Women Will, a Grow with Google program and more. Learn more here

Other podcasts in the TED Audio Collective: Far Flung with Saleem Reshamwala, Sincerely, X, Checking In with Susan David, TED Talks Daily, TED Health, How to Be a Better Human, TEDx SHORTS, TED en Español and TED in Chinese.


TED announces an exciting new slate of podcasts

Par : TED Staff

TED Travel returns 

Escape with host Saleem Reshamwala and journey across the globe in search of the world’s most surprising and imaginative ideas. TED Travel isn’t a travel show, exactly. It’s a deep dive into the ideas that shape a particular spot on the map, brought to you by the people who live there.

New episodes will take listeners to Lima, Peru, where hip-hop artists are trying to save an endangered language (and restore the nation’s pride along the way); then over to Rapa Nui (aka Easter Island), one of the most remote places on earth, where the pandemic has inspired a complete reimagining of island life; and on a road trip to find a real-life Black utopia in North Carolina — and the possibilities it inspires for future generations.

TED Travel is made possible with support from Marriott Hotels and Women Will, a Grow with Google program.

TED Travel returns with four new episodes beginning October 14.

Design Matters joins the family 

A show about how incredibly creative people design the arc of their lives, the iconic Design Matters with Debbie Millman will join the TED family in October. It’s the world’s first podcast about design: an inquiry into the broader world of creative culture through wide-ranging conversations with designers, writers, artists, curators, musicians and other luminaries of contemporary thought. Design Matters will continue to be produced independently, with TED amplifying the podcast to its global audience. 

Design Matters episodes are available on TED platforms in October.

Sincerely, X is free and available to the public 

Some ideas are too risky to share in the open. Sincerely, X is a space to share those controversial ideas anonymously. Hosted by poet, performer and educator Sarah Kay, this powerful show is a window into stories that usually stay hidden, an honest look at experiences typically too painful or difficult to share.

Previously only on the Luminary app, season two is being made available on all podcast platforms. In the first episode, we hear from a small-town preacher in the Deep South with a radical secret: he doesn’t believe in hell. We’ll also meet a sociopath who reveals what society can learn from her condition; a former cult member who teaches us how to let go of the past; and much more. 

Sincerely, X episodes drop on TED’s platforms October 22, with a new episode every week for 10 weeks.

Also from TED…

TED Business, hosted by Modupe Akinola, associate professor of management at Columbia Business School, will take listeners through some of the most creative and surprising TED Talks that illuminate the business world. Strictly business topics are just the beginning: TED Business will also dig into relevant talks on psychology, science, design, democracy — stretching listeners’ sense of what really matters in business.

Episodes available weekly, starting October 12

TED Health provides a curated selection of the best health-related TED Talks. From smart daily habits to new medical breakthroughs, doctors and researchers share discoveries and ideas about medicine and well-being.

Episodes available weekly, starting October 13

Twenty Thousand Hertz is hosted by Dallas Taylor, creative director of Defacto Sound. The lovingly crafted podcast reveals the stories behind the world’s most recognizable and interesting sounds. In upcoming episodes, modern paleontology shares what dinosaurs really sound like (October 7) and how we might create a sonic utopia in the future (November 11).

New episodes available every other Wednesday

TED Talks Daily, TED’s flagship podcast, will begin publishing talks from Countdown — a global initiative to combat climate change — beginning in mid-October. The first TED Talk to publish will be from Prince William, The Duke of Cambridge, followed by talks from climate impact scholar Johan Rockström, electrification advocate Monica Araya and UK parliament member David Lammy. These talks will also be published in a special Countdown podcast to showcase the most exciting ideas about fighting climate change.

Talks from Countdown will begin publishing October 10

TED Radio Hour investigates the biggest questions of our time with the help of the world’s greatest thinkers. Can we preserve our humanity in the digital age? Where does creativity come from? And what’s the secret to living longer? In each episode, host Manoush Zomorodi explores a big idea through a series of TED Talks and original interviews, inspiring us to learn more about the world, our communities and, most importantly, ourselves.

In October, TED Radio Hour will release an exciting episode featuring the cohost of NPR’s All Things Considered Mary Louise Kelly, biophysicist and neuroscientist Jim Hudspeth, writer and “part-time cyborg” Rebecca Knill, musician and acoustic engineer Renzo Vitale and TED’s own Dallas Taylor, the host of Twenty Thousand Hertz.

New episodes available every Friday

Our partners: TED strives to tell partner stories in the form of authentic, story-driven content developed in real time and aligned with the editorial process — finding and exploring brilliant ideas from all over the world. This season’s podcasts are made possible with support from Change Healthcare, Lexus, Marriott Hotels, Women Will, a Grow with Google program, and more.


A first glimpse at the TEDSummit 2019 speaker lineup

Par : TED Staff

At TEDSummit 2019, more than 1,000 members of the TED community will gather for five days of performances, workshops, brainstorming, outdoor activities, future-focused discussions and, of course, an eclectic program of TED Talks — curated by TED Global curator Bruno Giussani, pictured above. (Photo: Marla Aufmuth / TED)

With TEDSummit 2019 just two months away, it’s time to unveil the first group of speakers that will take to the stage in Edinburgh, Scotland, from July 21-25.

Three years ago, more than 1,000 members of the TED global community convened in Banff, Canada, for the first-ever TEDSummit. We talked about the fracturing state of the world, the impact of technology and the accelerating urgency of climate change. And we drew wisdom and inspiration from the speakers — and from each other.

These themes are equally pressing today, and we’ll bring them to the stage in novel, more developed ways in Edinburgh. We’ll also address a wide range of additional topics that demand attention — looking not only for analysis but also antidotes and solutions. To catalyze this process, half of the TEDSummit conference program will take place outside the theatre, as experts host an array of Discovery Sessions in the form of hands-on workshops, activities, debates and conversations.

Check out a glimpse of the lineup of speakers who will share their future-focused ideas below. Some are past TED speakers returning to give new talks; others will step onto the red circle for the first time. All will help us understand the world we currently live in.

Here we go! (More will be added in the coming weeks):

Anna Piperal, digital country expert

Bob Langert, corporate changemaker

Carl Honoré, author

Carole Cadwalladr, investigative journalist

Diego Prilusky, immersive media technologist

Eli Pariser, organizer and author

Fay Bound Alberti, historian

George Monbiot, thinker and author

Hajer Sharief, youth inclusion activist

Howard Taylor, children safety advocate

Jochen Wegner, editor and dialogue creator

Kelly Wanser, geoengineering expert

Ma Yansong, architect

Marco Tempest, technology magician

Margaret Heffernan, business thinker

María Neira, global public health official

Mariana Lin, AI personalities writer

Mariana Mazzucato, economist

Marwa Al-Sabouni, architect

Nick Hanauer, capitalism redesigner

Nicola Jones, science writer

Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland

Omid Djalili, comedian

Patrick Chappatte, editorial cartoonist

Pico Iyer, global author

Poet Ali, Philosopher, poet

Rachel Kleinfeld, violence scholar

Raghuram Rajan, former central banker

Rose Mutiso, energy for Africa activist

Sandeep Jauhar, cardiologist

Sara-Jane Dunn, computational biologist

Sheperd Doeleman, black hole scientist

Sonia Livingstone, social psychologist

Susan Cain, quiet revolutionary

Tim Flannery, carbon-negative tech scholar

Tshering Tobgay, former Prime Minister of Bhutan


With them, a number of artists will also join us at TEDSummit, including:

Djazia Satour, singer

ELEW, pianist and DJ

KT Tunstall, singer and songwriter

Min Kym, virtuoso violinist

Radio Science Orchestra, space-music orchestra

Yilian Cañizares, singer and songwriter


Registration for TEDSummit is open for active members of our various communities: TED conference members, Fellows, past TED speakers, TEDx organizers, Educators, Partners, Translators and more. If you’re part of one of these communities and would like to attend, please visit the TEDSummit website.


