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Hier — 24 avril 2024Vos flux RSS

Another Nail in Israel’s Coffin

Par : AHH

The IRGC’s Operation ‘True Promise,’ much like the Palestinian Al-Aqsa Flood before it, is poised to be recorded in history as a pivotal, perhaps even terminal, moment for the brief history of the Israeli occupation state…

By Khalil Harb at The Cradle.

The ‘Isfahan incident’: a nail in Israel’s coffin

Tel Aviv’s underwhelming military counter to Iran’s 13 April military strike has destroyed decades of Israel’s carefully cultivated deterrence posture.

Iran’s Operation True Promise strikes on 13 April have reopened the deep wounds Israel incurred during Hamas’ 7 October attack. While Operation Al-Aqsa Flood shook the occupation state’s security bubble at its core, a single night of Iranian rockets and drones left Israelis straggling to hold on to even a sliver of their famed deterrence posture.

As military spokesman for Hamas’ Qassam Brigades Abu Obeida succinctly highlighted in his 23 April speech:

Iran’s response, in its size and nature, established new rules and confused the enemy’s calculations.

This is the region’s new status quo. And Israel’s mysterious ‘Isfahan attack’ has done nothing to shake Iran’s confidence. In short, the alleged Israeli counter has reaffirmed the regional view – militarily, at least – that Tehran has checkmated Tel Aviv and rewritten the rules of engagement.

After years of provocations, and for the first time in its history, Iran has launched a direct offensive against Israel, confidently claiming that it utilized only a fraction of its military capabilities – many of these “obsolete” missiles within its fast-evolving arsenal.

Iran targeted Israel’s key Nevatim and Ramon air bases precisely, despite the spectacular display of lights from intercepted decoy explosions that lit up the skies. Many, quick to judge, misinterpreted the massive salvo as a sign of a broader strategic offensive from the Unity of Fronts – the Resistance alliance that poses a multi-front dilemma for Tel Aviv – aimed at devastating Israel in one blow. 

A slap in the face 

In fact, Iran conducted the operation alone, which makes the seriousness of Iran’s “slap” all the more significant.

The night of the Iranian missile attack also demonstrated the limits of Iranian patience and Tehran’s strategic shift from caution to calculated aggression, necessitating the intervention of three western nuclear powers and the “Arab fig leaf,” Jordan, to counteract the assault.

The Iranians backed their military actions with public statements and shared images of their commanders orchestrating the operations. Conversely, Israel’s response to the events in Isfahan was ambiguous and poorly communicated, with only sporadic information leaking to the US and Israeli press in a feeble attempt to project resolve.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian mocked the Israeli response in an interview with NBC News, where he dismissed the Israeli drones as trivial, likening them to “toys that our children play with.”

Israel’s ‘ridiculous’ comeback

Israel’s military counter is now widely perceived as a dud, derided even within Israel itself by figures such as Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir, who describes it as “ridiculous.”

Despite Tel Aviv’s formidable military arsenal, which includes undeclared nuclear weapons, and its historical posture as a reliable western ally in the region, the events of 13 April have exposed gaping vulnerabilities in its ability to respond to credible threats, especially from Iran.

This ineffectiveness was highlighted amidst the symbolism of Isfahan – home to Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility – where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has long positioned himself as a stalwart against Iran’s nuclear ambitions, appeared uncharacteristically passive.

The Israeli PM’s lack of any tangible response was a departure from his usual hyperbole, painting a picture of Israel as unprepared and hesitant – retreating rather than confronting.

Furthermore, Iran’s nuclear program has paradoxically also emerged as a potent tool in Tehran’s strategic arsenal. The explicit warning from the Islamic Republic about possibly revising its nuclear doctrine in response to an escalated Israeli threat suggests a bold new stance, despite Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s fatwa (Islamic decree) against nuclear arms.

“On the Road to Quds”: Artwork depicts a Qassam Brigades paratrooper & motorcycle fighter armed with Al-Yassin 105, a Hezbollah fighter firing an anti-tank missile, a drone of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, and Yemeni ballistic missiles all converging on Al-Quds. The sunken British ship “Rubymar” is included off the Yemeni shore.

Is Israeli deterrence dead?

The Isfahan incident did little to bolster Israel’s deterrence posture, which has been eroding since Al-Aqsa Flood and further weakened by Hezbollah’s operations in the north and Iran’s True Promise. These events have deeply impacted the Israeli psyche, challenging the foundational sense of security that underpins the Zionist vision of a “secure Jewish state” established on the lands of Palestine.

Against this backdrop, the conventional rules of engagement that have long governed regional interactions are being re-evaluated. Iran’s bold moves – despite US and Israeli warnings – signal a recalibration of power dynamics, indicating a potentially transformative period in West Asian geopolitics.

The Israeli response, both present and future, must now consider the possibility of a united front from the Axis of Resistance if it chooses to escalate further. This adds a layer of complexity to any military planning against Iran, likely prompting Israel to revert to its characteristic approach of covert operations. These may involve sabotage or targeted assassinations attributed to local agents rather than direct military strikes.

Meanwhile, the US, amid its own internal political issues and upcoming elections in November, is likely to play a dual role. It will monitor its ally’s actions closely while trying to moderate the regional tensions to prevent any significant escalation that could destabilize its broader strategic interests.

A point of no return 

Today, it is Iran – not the US, not Israel, and certainly not the Isfahan attack – which has restabilized the regional balance, even temporarily, pending the crystallization of the new rules of engagement.

Tel Aviv’s counterstrike tried hard to mitigate the possibility of any further Iranian retaliation – especially as Tehran’s next move would likely come without warning, involve Iran’s superior missiles, and potentially the mobilization of Iranian allies toward Israel’s borders.

The Axis of Resistance was happy to allow their Iranian ally to take center stage on 13 April and exact revenge for Israel’s miscalculated 1 April bombing of Iran’s diplomatic mission in Damascus. Any further bold moves from Tel Aviv would ensure that the Axis would activate on every front to swarm Israel.

So, for the moment, Tel Aviv does not dare to compromise Iran’s security directly, instead turning their impotent rage toward vulnerable Rafah, where over a million Palestinian civilians are stranded without food, shelter, and water.

The Hebrew media is already spinning for all its worth, promoting Tel Aviv’s “gains” from demonstrating restraint against Iran – whether from last week’s UN Security Council veto of a Palestinian state or the new $26 billion aid package the US Congress just approved for Israel, or obtaining White House support for the occupation army’s Rafah invasion.

Dr Hussein al-Musawi, the spokesman for the Iraqi Harakat al-Nujaba, tells The Cradle that Israel has, in effect, received a blank check for bad behavior from Washington:

It is not surprising that the US supports and defends Israel, regardless of its violation of international norms, and this undoubtedly embarrasses the Iraqi government, which seeks to take a clear position on the US military presence in Iraq.

For these and many other reasons, Israeli leaders are now acutely aware that any overtly aggressive action will not go unnoticed in the current geopolitical climate. The region is embroiled in what could be described as a ‘mini-international-regional war,’ characterized by intermittent flare-ups and periods of relative calm.

True Promise, much like Al-Aqsa Flood before it, is poised to be recorded in history as a pivotal, perhaps even terminal, moment for the brief history of the Israeli occupation state, which now finds itself more isolated than ever and facing an increasingly uncertain future.


La convocation par la police de Mathilde Panot est d’une gravité exceptionnelle.Aucun démocrate ne peut accepter ce qui est en train de se produire. La présidente du groupe parlementaire LFI est convoqué dans , le cadre d’une procédure pour apologie… Lire la suite

Palestinian Resistance Continues

Par : AHH

Jon Elmer takes a look at last week’s videos from the resistance in Gaza and the West Bank. As in 404, to the last zionazi invader …. the Holy Land, the eternal Black Hole devourer of Empires beyond count

Accelerants of Armageddon

Par : AHH

It needs to be understood there’s calculated purpose behind ostentatious bestiality. Listen to this very short piece. If you have imagination, and understand what is being done in a traditional region with ancient sense of honor, justice, and chivalry, and that Palestinians are not alone but enveloped in a larger matrix, everything becomes clear about the nature of the provocation. I omit the visual horrors and details, ubiquitous throughout social media… this is how to detonate the Earth and ensure the end of the Old Order

L’aide américaine à l’Ukraine approuvée

aide ukraine

aide ukraineL’administration du président américain Joseph Biden a remporté des succès majeurs. Elle a réussi à convaincre la Chambre des représentants

L’article L’aide américaine à l’Ukraine approuvée est apparu en premier sur STRATPOL.

L’opposition moldave s’unit à Moscou

opposition moldave

opposition moldaveLe 21 avril à Moscou, quatre forces politiques moldaves ont annoncé la création d’un bloc au nom ambitieux de «

L’article L’opposition moldave s’unit à Moscou est apparu en premier sur STRATPOL.

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Décryptage de la propagande communiste sur la résistance Yougoslave


Le documentaire «L’imposture communiste yougoslave» de Miloslav SAMARDJIC dévoile qui étaient les vrais clandestins de la résistance contre les Nazis

L’article Décryptage de la propagande communiste sur la résistance Yougoslave est apparu en premier sur STRATPOL.


Sauville, M. Illustrateur. La Gueuse. Impression photomÈcanique en couleurs. 1903. BibliothËque historique de la Ville de Paris.

« La seconde des idées révolutionnaires, le principe d’Egalité, constitutif du régime démocratique, livra le pouvoir au plus grand nombre, aux éléments inférieurs de la nation, producteurs moins énergiques et plus voraces consommateurs, qui font le moins et mangent le plus. Découragé, s’il est entreprenant, par les tracasseries de l’Administration, représentante légale du plus grand nombre, mais, s’il est faible ou routinier, encouragé par les faveurs dont la même administration fait bénéficier sa paresse, notre Français se résigna à devenir un parasite des bureaux, de sorte que se ralentit et faillit s’éteindre une activité nationale où les individus ne sont pas aidés à devenir des personnes et les personnes étant plutôt rétrogradées jusqu’à la condition des individus en troupeaux. »

(Charles Maurras, Romantisme et Révolution, Préface Lorigine commune)

Contradiction apparente

Nous abordons le deuxième volet du désordre social, en contradiction apparente avec le premier. En effet, à première vue, liberté absolue et égalité sont des termes antinomiques. La liberté sans bornes offre aux membres de la société la loi de la jungle où le fort écrase le faible. Sous la Révolution, la loi Le Chapelier, mère du problème ouvrier en fut un exemple illustre. La destruction des corporations au nom de la Liberté livra l’ouvrier à l’arbitraire patronal.

Mais, contraires selon les règles de la logique classique, les deux éléments de la doctrine républicaine, le libéralisme et l’égalitarisme, sont complémentaires dans la mystique démocratique en cela qu’ils ressortent tous deux du même principe erroné ; l’autonomie de l’individu.

Il existe certes une égalité spécifique entre tous les hommes, mais cette égalité par essence n’empêche pas l’inégalité individuelle des conditions, l’inégalité accidentelle qui fonde les droits relatifs des membres d’une société saine et raisonnable.

Les conséquences de l’Egalité

Le pouvoir, en République, va donc être en apparence livré à la masse, et, reprenant les analyses que saint Thomas a tirées d’Aristote et de Cicéron, Maurras évoque la foule de ceux qui coûtent au corps social plus qu’ils ne lui rapportent, le grand nombre de ceux qui, poussés par les démagogues, voteront les dépenses que le petit nombre règlera. La foule gaspillera, les créateurs de richesses s’épuiseront, et la société sombrera dans l’appauvrissement.

La liberté sans frein ayant engendré l’administration, car il faut bien que l’élu tienne son électeur, cette dernière va se mettre naturellement au service de l’égalité socialisante. Le Français actif et indépendant connaîtra d’abord les freins et les brimades des bureaux mis au service de l’envie égalitaire, et bientôt le citoyen qui pouvait contribuer à la prospérité générale, qui était une personne, c’est-à-dire un être conscient et responsable, conscient de ses droits, de ses devoirs et de ses possibilités, se dégradera en simple individu, consommateur assisté de l’Etat-Providence.

En prétendant concilier des principes frères, dangereux séparément, mortels quand ils sont associés, la démocratie désagrège la société et ravale les personnes au rang d’individus soumis.

« Les libertés, cette énonciation est un non-sens. La Liberté est. Elle a cela de commun avec Dieu, qu’elle exclut le pluriel. Elle aussi dit : sum qui sum. » le lecteur aura reconnu les accents inimitables de Victor Hugo quand il se prend pour un penseur. Leconte de Lisle a dit qu’il était bête comme l’Himalaya. C’est pourtant à l’ombre de l’inégalité reconnue, protectrice, que peuvent fleurir les libertés qui assurent l’épanouissement de la personne, sa réalisation pour le Bien commun.

Gérard Baudin

L’article EGALITÉ est apparu en premier sur L'Action Française.


L’émission est destinée à présenter, si possible en présence des auteurs, des livres dont nous considérons qu’ils éclairent l’actualité. Histoire de se détendre, et pour supporter une actualité difficile, il sera aussi question de littérature. Aujourd’hui Régis de Castelnau reçoit… Lire la suite


LES ÉCLAIRAGES DE VUDUDROIT LE CONFLIT MONDIAL, VIDÉO N°83 Régis de Castelnau & Alexandre Robert Alexandre Robert est l’auteur et animateur de la chaîne « HISTORY LEGENDS »     SOMMAIRE : Introduction   I)         Regard sur l’état de l’armée… Lire la suite


LE CONFLIT MONDIAL VIDÉO NUMÉRO 82 Régis de Castelnau Général Jean Bernard-Pinatel SOMMAIRE : Préambule 1:09 I) La guerre en Ukraine 17:52 Grande offensive de printemps, ou pas ? Régler le problème ou poursuivre l’attrition ? Que penser des véritables… Lire la suite

Unprecedented Trauma in Gaza

Par : AHH

As Surgeons, We Have Never Seen Cruelty Like Israel’s Genocide in Gaza. We urge anyone who reads this to publicly oppose sending weapons to Israel as long as this onslaught continues.

By Feroze Sidhwa and Mark Perlmutter at Common Dreams.

On March 25 the two of us, an orthopedic surgeon and a trauma surgeon, traveled to the Gaza Strip to work at Gaza European Hospital in Khan Younis. We were immediately overwhelmed by the overflown sewage and the distinct smell of gunpowder in the air. We made the short journey from the Rafah crossing to Khan Younis, where Gaza European Hospital stands as one of the last remaining semi-functional hospitals for the 2.5 million human beings—half of them children—in the Gaza Strip. As humanitarian surgeons we thought we had seen all manner of cruelty in the world, but neither one of us has ever experienced anything like what we found when we arrived in Gaza.

We exited the van into a sea of children, all shorter and thinner than they ought to have been. Even over their screams of joy at meeting new foreigners, the snowmobile-like hum of Israeli drones could be heard overhead. It quickly became background noise, an omnipresent reminder that violence and death can rain down on anyone at any time in this besieged and ransacked territory.

Our limited sleep was constantly interrupted by explosions that shook the hospital’s walls and popped our ears, even well after the United Nations Security Council declared a cease-fire must be implemented. When warplanes screamed overhead, everyone braced for a particularly loud and powerful explosion. The timing of these attacks always coincided with “iftar,” when families in this overwhelmingly Muslim county broke the daily fast of Ramadan and were most vulnerable.

We as Americans must acknowledge that we are responsible for this crime against humanity, now in its seventh month and unfolding in full view of the entire world.

We walked through the wards and immediately found evidence of horrifying violence deliberately directed at civilians and even children. A three-year-old boy shot in the head, a 12-year-old girl shot through the chest, an ICU nurse shot through the abdomen, all by some of the best-trained marksmen in the world. Every square inch of the hospital’s floor is taken up with makeshift tents where displaced families live, desperate to find some semblance of safety. They are the lucky several hundred who get to live indoors, unlike the tens of thousands sheltering outside on the hospital’s grounds.

As we got to work we were shocked by the violence inflicted on people. Incredibly powerful explosives ripped apart rock, floors, and walls and threw them through human bodies, penetrating skin with waves of dirt and debris. With the environment literally embedded in our patients’ bodies we have found infection control to be impossible. No amount of medical care could ever compensate for the damage being inflicted here.

As humanitarian trauma surgeons we have both seen incredible suffering. Collectively, we were present at Ground Zero on 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, the Boston Marathon bombing, and the 2010 earthquake in Haiti on the first day of these disasters. We have worked in the deprivation of southern Zimbabwe and the horrors of the war in Ukraine. Together we have worked on more than 40 surgical missions in developing countries on three continents in our combined 57 years of volunteering. This long experience taught us that there was no greater pain as a humanitarian surgeon than being unable to provide needed care to a patient.

But that was before coming to Gaza. Now we know the pain of being unable to treat a child who will slowly die, but also alone, because she is the only surviving member of an entire extended family. We have not had the heart to tell these children how their families died: burned until they resembled blistered hotdogs more than human beings, shredded to pieces such that they can only be buried in mass graves, or simply entombed in their former apartment buildings to die slowly of asphyxia and sepsis.

The United States has heavily funded and overwhelmingly armed what is called “the occupation” of Palestine, but the term is misleading. Israel’s first president, Chaim Weizmann, declared that the existence of the Palestinians was simply “a matter of no consequence.” Thirty years later, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan told the Israeli cabinet that the Palestinians “would continue to live like dogs…and we will see where this process leads.”

Now we know: This is where it leads. It leads to Gaza European Hospital, and to two surgeons realizing that the blood on the floor of the trauma bay and the operating room is dripping from our own hands. We Americans provide the crucial funding, weapons, and diplomatic support for a genocidal assault on a helpless population.

The two of us continue to hope against hope that American politicians, and especially President Joe Biden, will abandon their support for Israel’s war on the Palestinians. If they do not, then we have learned nothing from the history of the past hundred years. Polish poet Stanislaw Jerzy Lec quipped that “no snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible,” but we as Americans must acknowledge that we are responsible for this crime against humanity, now in its seventh month and unfolding in full view of the entire world.

By December, the Israeli Air Force had dropped so much American ordinance on Gaza that it exceeded the explosive force of two of the atomic bombs that destroyed Hiroshima. Nearly 14,000 children have been killed in Gaza in the past six months, more than were killed in all war zones in the entire world in the past four years combined. No conflict of any size in history has ever been this deadly to journalists, healthcare workers, or paramedics. Indeed, we and our entire team lived in constant fear that Israel would attack Gaza European Hospital directly, as it has with so many others. The complete and utter destruction of al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, along with the killing, kidnapping, and torture of the healthcare staff, only heightened this sense of dread.

We came to Gaza as two individual snowflakes trying to stop this avalanche of death and horror, and yet we also feel responsible for it. We urge anyone who reads this to publicly oppose sending weapons to Israel as long as this genocide continues, until the Israeli siege of Gaza is lifted, and until an end to the occupation can be negotiated.

Hamas Imposes A Gaza Withdrawal

Par : AHH

War Update with Jon Elmer at The Electronic Intifada

Jon Elmer details the complex resistance ambush that chased the Israeli military from Khan Younis. Nora Barrows-Friedman, Asa Winstanley, Ali Abunimah and Jon Elmer of The Electronic Intifada were joined by independent investigative journalist Antony Loewenstein, on the day 187 livestream.

Proche-Orient : la vérité est autorisée en Israël, mais interdite en France.

En France, il faut faire attention. La liberté d’expression, celle qui devrait être garantie par la Déclaration des Droits de l’Homme et donc par la Constitution, n’existe plus. Alors, le système Macron poursuit méthodiquement son objectif qui est de la… Lire la suite

Une centaine d’instructeurs militaires russes est arrivée au Niger

instructeurs niger

instructeurs nigerDes spécialistes militaires russes sont arrivés au Niger, où ils formeront l’armée nigériane. C’est ce qu’a rapporté la Radiotélévision du

L’article Une centaine d’instructeurs militaires russes est arrivée au Niger est apparu en premier sur STRATPOL.

Swine Lake

Par : AHH

A Brief History of Bullshit in America – Everything, that is EVERYTHING, is presented counter to reality. There aint NO Money for nothin’ and NO chicks for free. And that’s the whole enchilada …

with thanks from FiveGunsWest and penned by Bones!

Judge Napolitano: “I told Trump, ‘you promised you would release the records of the JFK assassination.’ He said to me ‘If they showed you what they showed me, you wouldn’t have released it either.’ I said ‘Who’s they? What did they show you?’ Trump said “Someday when we’re not on the phone and there aren’t 15 people listening to the call, I’ll tell you.'”

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: “It has been said that after the Kennedy assassination, there has been no president. They have only been factotums of the system since then.”

Lake Flaccid

Notes on the Magic Christian

Guy Grand, an eccentric billionaire prankster, is rich enough to do whatever he likes. And what he likes is to carefully execute projects where he can cauterize by ridicule what the rest of the world ignores: complacency, greed, corruption, and idiocy.

Determined to “make it hot for people,” Grand spends his billions staging a series of hilarious, sometimes bewildering stunts, lampooning along the way the American holy cows of money, status, power, beauty, media, and stardom.

Concocting deliciously perverse mayhem, he throws a million one-hundred-dollar bills into an enormous vat of steaming offal, proving just what people will do for money, and he promotes a new silky shampoo that turns hair to wire and a deodorant that becomes a time-released stench-bomb.

He inserts subliminally suggestive and perverse images into well-loved classic films, takes a howitzer on safari, and brings a panther to a kennel club dog show.

His most elaborate adventure is an ultra-exclusive cruise aboard the S.S. Magic Christian, where elite passengers are treated to a series of madcap indignities.

The Jackal Gargles With Plasma

A Brief Review of ‘A Brief History of Bullshit in America’

Bullshit can be so many things. It could be anything from a degree in Gender Studies to something simple as a three-word campaign slogan, or even something as complicated as our nation’s 6,550-page tax code.

Political speeches, self-help books, marketing, press conferences, tax code, song lyrics, conspiracy theories, many college majors, Santa, the Tooth Fairy, the multi-billion-dollar diet industry, medicine, and even the Constitution of the United States itself are all some form of bullshit in one way or another.

Bullshit is everywhere all around us. It influences the clothes we wear, shapes our political views, and even determines what food we eat.

Bullshitters are beautiful highly intelligent individuals, and they play a vital role in our world.

They start almost all of our wars, make our drugs, sell us our cars, raise and lower our taxes, regulate our economy, they tell us what to wear, and in many instances what to believe. You should develop some basic bullshit strategies that you can use in your own life as well.

April is Confederate History Month.

‘Good Foot in Heaven, Bad Foot in Hell’

Musings of a Crippled Writer Concerning Post-Modern Mesmerism with our hero James LaFond

Lori, a physical therapist of 30 years, choked back tears as she told me, “You are strong, but you have a serious injury. We can’t have you do anymore work then you are doing until the spinal specialist examines you… In the mean time, when taking the stairs, remember this, ‘Good foot in heaven, bad foot in Hell.’ It’s easy to remember that way. Put the weight on the good foot.”

In the week since then, as I have crawled, shrimped, crab walked, crutched, used a walker, wall walked and counter crawled around the Brickmouse House, and out at my mother’s house whom I visited in Whitebreadistan, I had a prawn’s eye view of the world passing bye. The news is all positively delusional and has the same exact messages as the ball games, the TV dramas, the movies and the commercials.

Everything, that is EVERYTHING, is presented counter to reality.

Worried about crime?

The news profiles dangerous white supremacists being brought to justice on hate crime charges. The news paints a picture of the last likely type of American violence, Ghost on Gawd, as the most likely.

Back to school shopping?

Well, the commercials depict the most common concerned parent, a black man shopping for his son. Would you like to vacation on a ranch in your four-wheel drive vehicle? Black cowboys will be there wrangling cattle.

Is there a threat to world peace?

No, it is not the nation that has 931 military bases in other countries. It is the nation that is the largest exporter of fuel and grain to less well off nations, ruled by a cartoon dictator, who makes all military decisions based on how mean and cruel the result would be for enemy civilians.

The news broadcast to the people of Goodland, is full of images of tyrannical nations that are utterly evil threatening world peace. Materialism, or utility, having the best most recent gadget, serves as a great handle for inculcating falsehoods, such as most cowboys, combat soldiers, and truck drivers are black and most violent criminals are white.

The Magic Christian is a 1969 British satirical black comedy film directed by Joseph McGrath and starring Peter Sellers and Ringo Starr, with appearances by John Cleese, Graham Chapman, Raquel Welch, Spike Milligan, Christopher Lee, Richard Attenborough and Roman Polanski. It was loosely adapted from the 1959 comic novel of the same name by American author Terry Southern, who co-wrote the screenplay adaptation with McGrath.

Here’s the whole enchilada …

James continued …

… WWII was so expensive, that it cost so much valuable time and material to be spent on wiping out not enough working class Аrуаns to achieve hive stability, that the Plutocrats decided that war on human flesh and artifacts would only be a stage prop in the real war waged to control the human mind.

When I see the ridiculous news that Doctor Evil is targeting, not tanks and soldiers with his missiles, but “blood banks” “hospitals” and “civilians,” it is clear that the phony war is the one where Eastern Europeans are actually getting killed, and the real war is on the TV and the Smartphone.


Poutine félicite les musulmans à l’occasion de l’Aïd el-Fitr

poutine aid

poutine aidLes organisations musulmanes contribuent grandement au renforcement de la cohésion de la Russie et de l’harmonie interethnique. Le président russe

L’article Poutine félicite les musulmans à l’occasion de l’Aïd el-Fitr est apparu en premier sur STRATPOL.

Lavrov en visite à Pékin

lavrov chine

lavrov chineLe ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov a déclaré que Moscou et Pékin envisageaient de contrer le régime de

L’article Lavrov en visite à Pékin est apparu en premier sur STRATPOL.

La gouverneur de Gagaouzie (Moldavie) en visite à Moscou

gagaouzie visite

gagaouzie visiteLa chef de l’autonomie gagaouze de Moldavie, Evghenia Gutsul, est en visite de travail à Moscou, a rapporté le correspondant

L’article La gouverneur de Gagaouzie (Moldavie) en visite à Moscou est apparu en premier sur STRATPOL.


L’Inde, immense et puissant pays, est un des membres fondateurs des BRICS. On le connaît peu dans notre pays. C’est la raison pour laquelle nous avons souhaité inviter un spécialiste de haut niveau pour qu’il nous éclaire sur cette réalité… Lire la suite

Six mois d’enfer sur terre

Nous sommes le 7 avril. Nous venons d’assister à six mois d’atrocités justifiées par l’évènement du 7 octobre, « qui ne s’est même pas déroulé comme les médias nous l’ont raconté. ». Par Caitlin Johnstone Six mois déjà. La moitié… Lire la suite

Descent into Savagery

Par : AHH

‘Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our English dead.’
King Henry V, 1415, the Hundred Years War.

By Pepe Escobar at Strategic Culture Foundation.

The Mechanism: how the “order” based on made-up rules is descending into savagery

As the de facto North Atlantic Terror Organization celebrates its 75th birthday, taking Lord Ismay’s motto to ever soaring heights (“keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans down”), that thick slab of Norwegian wood posing as Secretary-General came up with a merry “initiative” to create a 100 billion euro fund to weaponize Ukraine for the next five years.

Translation, regarding the crucial money front in the NATO-Russia clash: partial exit of the Hegemon – already obsessing with The Next Forever War, against China; enter the motley crew of ragged, de-industrialized European chihuahuas, all in deep debt and most mired in recession.

A few IQs over average room temperature at NATO’s HQ in Haren, in Brussels, had the temerity to wonder how to come up with such a fortune, as NATO has zero leverage to raise money among member states.

After all, the Europeans will never be able to replicate the time-tested Hegemon money laundering machine. For instance, assuming the White House-proposed $60 billion package to Ukraine would be approved by the U.S. Congress – and it won’t – no less than 64% of the total will never reach Kiev: it will be laundered within the industrial-military complex.

Yet it gets even more dystopic: Norwegian Wood, robotic stare, arms flailing, actually believes his proposed move will not imply a direct NATO military presence in Ukraine – or country 404; something that is already a fact on the ground for quite a while, irrespective of the warmongering hissy fits by Le Petit Roi in Paris (Peskov: “Russia-NATO relations have descended into direct confrontation”).

Now couple the Lethal Looney Tunes spectacle along the NATOstan front with the Hegemon’s aircraft carrier performance in West Asia, consistently taking its industrial-scale slaughter/starvation Genocide Project in Gaza to indescribable heights – the meticulously documented holocaust watched in contorted silence by the “leaders” of the Global North.

UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese correctly summed it all up: the biblical psychopathology entity “intentionally killed the WCK workers so that donors would pull out and civilians in Gaza could continue to be starved quietly. Israel knows Western countries and most Arab countries won’t move a finger for the Palestinians.”

The “logic” behind the deliberate three tap strike on the clearly signed humanitarian convoy of famine-alleviating workers in Gaza was to eviscerate from the news an even more horrendous episode: the genocide-within-a-genocide of al-Shifa hospital, responsible for at least 30% of all health services in Gaza. Al-Shifa was bombed, incinerated and had over 400 civilians killed in cold blood, in several cases literally smashed by bulldozers, including medical doctors, patients and dozens of children.

Nearly simultaneously, the biblical psychopathology gang completely eviscerated the Vienna convention – something that even the historical Nazis never did – striking Iran’s consular mission/ambassador’s residence in Damascus.

This was a missile attack on a diplomatic mission, enjoying immunity, on the territory of a third country, against which the gang is not at war. And on top of it, killing General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, commander of the IRGC’s Quds Force in Syria and Lebanon, his deputy Mohammad Hadi Hajizadeh, another five officers, and a total of 10 people.

Translation: an act of terror, against two sovereign states, Syria and Iran. Equivalent to the recent terror attack on Crocus City Hall in Moscow.

The inevitable question rings around all corners of the lands of the Global Majority: how can these de facto terrorists possibly get away with all this, over and over again?

The sinews of Liberal Totalitarianism

Four years ago, at the start of what I later qualified as the Raging Twenties, we were beginning to watch the consolidation of an intertwined series of concepts defining a new paradigm. We were becoming familiar with notions such as circuit breaker; negative feedback loop; state of exception; necropolitics; and hybrid neofascism.

As the decade marches on, our plight may at least have been alleviated by a twin glimmer of hope: the drive towards multipolarity, led by the Russia-China strategic partnership, with Iran playing a key part, and all that coupled with the total breakdown, live, of the “rules-based international order”.

Yet to affirm there will be a long and winding road ahead is the Mother of All Euphemisms.

So, to quote Bowie, the ultimate late, great aesthete: Where Are We Now? Let’s take this very sharp analysis by the always engaging Fabio Vighi at Cardiff University and tweak it a little further.

Anyone applying critical thinking to the world around us can feel the collapse of the system. It’s a closed system alright, easily definable as Liberal Totalitarianism. Cui bono? The 0.0001%.

Nothing ideological about that. Follow the money. The defining negative feedback loop is actually the debt loop. A criminally anti-social mechanism kept in place by – what else – a psychopathology, as acute as the one exhibited by the biblical genocidals in West Asia.

The Mechanism is enforced by a triad.

1. The transnational financial elite, the superstars of the 0.0001%.

2. Right beneath it, the politico-institutional layer, from the U.S. Congress to the European Commission (EC) in Brussels, as well as comprador elite “leaders” across the Global North and South.

3. The former “intelligentsia”, now essentially hacks for hire from media to academia.

This institutionalized hyper-mediatization of reality is (italics mine), in fact, The Mechanism.

It’s this mechanism that controlled the merging of the pre-fabricated “pandemic” – complete with hardcore social engineering sold as “humanitarian lockdowns” – into, once again, Forever Wars, from Project Genocide in Gaza to the Russophobia/cancel culture obsession inbuilt in Project Proxy War in Ukraine.

That’s the essence of Totalitarian Normality: the Project for Humanity by the appallingly mediocre, self-appointed Great Reset “elites” of the collective West.

Killing them softly with AI

A key vector of the whole mechanism is the direct, vicious interconnection between a tecno-military euphoria and the hyper-inflationary financial sector, now in thrall with AI.

Enter, for instance, AI models such as ‘Lavender’, tested on the ground in the Gaza killing field lab. Literally: artificial intelligence programming the extermination of humans. And it’s happening, in real time. Call it Project AI Genocide.   — Sidebar:  [01] [02] [03] [04] [background]

Another vector, already experimented, is inbuilt in the indirect assertion by toxic EC Medusa Ursula von der Lügen: essentially, the need to produce weapons as Covid vaccines.

That’s at the core of a plan to use funding of the EU by European taxpayers to “increase financing” of “joint contracts for weapons”. That’s an offspring of von der Lügen’s push to roll out Covid vaccines – a gigantic Pfizer-linked scam for which she is about to be investigated and arguably exposed by the EU’s Public Prosecutor Office. In her own words, addressing the proposed weapons scam: “We did this for vaccines and gas.”

Call it Weaponization of Social Engineering 2.0.

Amidst all the action in this vast corruption swamp, the Hegemon agenda remains quite blatant: to keep its – dwindling – predominantly thalassocratic, military hegemony, no matter what, as the basis for its financial hegemony; protect the U.S. dollar; and protect those unmeasurable, unpayable debts in U.S. dollars.

And that brings us to the tawdry economic model of turbo-capitalism, as sold by collective West media hacks: the debt loop, virtual money, borrowed non-stop to deal with “autocrat” Putin and “Russian aggression”. That’s a key by-product of Michael Hudson’s searing analysis of the FIRE (Finance-Insurance-Real Estate) syndrome.

Ouroboros intervenes: the serpent bites its own tail. Now the inherent folly of The Mechanism is inevitably leading casino capitalism to resort to barbarism. Undiluted savagery – of the Crocus City Hall kind and of the Project Gaza Genocide kind.

And that’s how The Mechanism engenders institutions – from Washington to Brussels to hubs across the Global North to genocidal Tel Aviv – stripped down to the status of psychotic killers, at the mercy of Big Finance/FIRE (oh, such fabulous seafront real estate opportunities available in “vacant” Gaza.)

How can we possibly escape such folly? Will we have the will and the discipline to follow Shelley’s vision and, in “this dim vast vale of tears”, summon the transcending Spirit of Beauty – and harmony, equanimity and justice?

Le Japon étend ses sanctions contre la Russie

sanctions japon

sanctions japonLe Japon, dans le cadre des sanctions antirusses liées à la situation en Ukraine, interdit l’exportation de 164 catégories supplémentaires

L’article Le Japon étend ses sanctions contre la Russie est apparu en premier sur STRATPOL.


LES ÉCLAIRAGES DE VUDUDROIT LE CONFLIT MONDIAL VIDÉO NUMÉRO 81 Régis de Castelnau SOMMAIRE : I) Situation sur le front. Grande offensive de printemps, ou pas ? Régler le problème ou poursuivre l’attrition. Les Russes font-ils « durer le plaisir… Lire la suite

Les États-Unis veulent déployer des missiles en Asie pour dissuader la Chine

missiles pacifique

missiles pacifiqueL’Amérique veut déployer des missiles en Asie pour dissuader la Chine. C’est ce qu’a annoncé le commandant des forces terrestres

L’article Les États-Unis veulent déployer des missiles en Asie pour dissuader la Chine est apparu en premier sur STRATPOL.

D’Addis Abeba à Gaza, gloire à la civilisation occidentale !

La fort brillante tête de liste aux élections européennes embauchée par Emmanuel Macron pour succéder à Nathalie Loiseau, dont la niaiserie était déjà pourtant vertigineuse, nous a mis en garde. Il est minuit moins une, vraiment ? C’est le retour… Lire la suite

Michoustine présente le rapport du gouvernement à la Douma

michoustine rapport

michoustine rapportLes conditions dans lesquelles l’économie russe s’est développée l’année dernière sont restées très difficiles, a déclaré le Premier ministre Mikhaïl

L’article Michoustine présente le rapport du gouvernement à la Douma est apparu en premier sur STRATPOL.

The Rise of Hezbollah

Par : AHH

The Lebanese resistance has utterly gutted Israel’s years-long strategy of denying its access to weapons. Tel Aviv’s strikes on Syria have failed to impede Hezbollah’s arms, which grow qualitatively and quantitatively with each passing day, and are now produced en masse domestically.

by Khalil Nasrallah at The Cradle.

Israel’s ‘battle between wars’ has failed

Work is ongoing to open new warehouses and bring in new land, sea, and air missiles that are more accurate and of higher quality. What we used to store in six months before 7 October, we now restock in a month.

So said Hezbollah resource and border official Nawaf al-Musawi, one of the Lebanese resistance’s strategic minds and a former deputy in Lebanon’s parliament. His 26 March disclosure carries significant weight amid the ongoing war in Gaza and notable escalations between Hezbollah and the Israeli forces, particularly along the southern Lebanese front, where events inch closer to full-scale warfare.

Musawi’s big reveal is evidence that Israel has not only failed to prevent the supply of quality weapons to Hezbollah but that the resistance group has managed to accelerate its accumulation of armaments in the past half year.

More importantly, it demonstrates that Tel Aviv’s escalated strikes on Syria have failed altogether. Since the outbreak of the Syrian conflict in 2011, the Israeli attacks, described by Tel Aviv as the “battle between wars,” had several objectives, foremost among them to prevent the arrival – via Syrian territory – of a “balance-breaker” weapon that could surprise or even cripple Israel’s defenses. And, of course, to impede the quantitative flow of arms to the Lebanese resistance.

To grasp the significance of war developments since 7 October, it’s imperative to delve into the historical context of the “battle between wars” strategy initiated by Israel in Syria. Through this campaign, Tel Aviv has tried to prevent the growing armament capabilities of the resistance across various domains, thereby securing its own superiority in multiple spheres and pre-empting Hezbollah’s ability to dictate qualitative terms even in the event of a full-scale war.

Syria’s ‘battle between wars’

Following the civil war in Syria in 2011 and the influx of western–Arab–Turkish-backed armed extremists to overthrow the Syrian government, concerns arose within Israel about the potential transfer of advanced weaponry from Damascus to the Lebanese resistance.

Concurrently, Tehran’s involvement in Syria, through the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) working to enhance Hezbollah’s precision weapons, drones, and air defenses, further heightened these apprehensions.

In turn, Israel initiated the “battle between wars” aimed at preventing the transfer of “game-changing” weapons to Hezbollah – including precision armaments, air defense systems, seaborne missiles, advanced drones, military techniques, and manufacturing technologies – disrupting the supply route to the Lebanese resistance, undermining the Syrian army’s armament and capabilities, keeping Iran away from occupied-Palestine’s borders and establishing a “security belt” extending 40 to 80 kilometers into the occupied Syrian Golan.

To achieve these objectives, the campaign in Syria unfolded in stages. Initially, it involved supporting armed groups with the support of the US and Persian Gulf states. They aimed to gain control over southern Syria and dismantle Syrian air defense units, thereby granting Israel unhindered access to the country’s airspace.

This strategy proved successful until 31 January 2013, when Israel directly intervened by launching the first attack conducted by the Israeli Air Force, targeting the Scientific Research Center in the Jamraya area of the Damascus countryside. Israeli media portrayed this strike as disrupting a convoy purportedly bound for Lebanon.

Since then, Israel has repeatedly violated Syria’s sovereignty, having conducted 288 air operations in Syria on thousands of assets that Tel Aviv describes as arms shipments, air defense systems, “Syrian, Iranian positions,” infrastructure, high-quality weapons stores, scientific research centers, radar sites, civilian and military airports, and other sites.

In response to Israel’s aggression and the stated objectives of its Syria campaign, Hezbollah and its allies embarked on a fierce security war, succeeding in disrupting Tel Aviv’s objectives.

Furthermore, Hezbollah has embarked on a project to domestically manufacture missiles and drones within Lebanon, a fact acknowledged by Israeli political circles, research institutes, and former generals. In this context, Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah has repeatedly characterized the so-called battle between wars as a failure.

In a 2022 address, Nasrallah stated: “I tell the Israelis that what they call a ‘battle between wars’ has turned the threat into an opportunity for the resistance.”

“We now possess the ability to transform our thousands of rockets into precision-guided missiles,” Nasrallah added.

After Operation Al-Aqsa Flood

Which brings us to the present day. Following the Palestinian resistance’s 7 October Al-Aqsa Flood operation, the Israeli Prime Minister declared a state of war, igniting the war front in southern Lebanon the very next day and plunging all of West Asia into a state of insecurity.

In response, Israel hurriedly launched strikes in Syria, disrupting Aleppo International Airport and Damascus Airport on 12 October 2023. These preemptive actions were driven by fears that the Axis of Resistance could utilize these airports to transport weaponry and fighters.

Over the past six months, Israel has conducted 30 attacks targeting more than a hundred sites across various regions of Syria, including the north, south, east, and center. These strikes encompassed assassinations and the targeting of Iranian advisors involved in supporting the resistance, notably General Razi Mousavi, responsible for aiding the resistance front in Syria, and most recently, the 1 April strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, killing senior Iranian military advisors safeguarding the Quds Force, led by Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi.

An analysis of the nature of these attacks reveals Tel Aviv’s strategic maneuvers to circumvent wartime constraints, including on the Lebanese front, albeit within certain limitations. These strikes were aimed at disrupting the resistance’s armaments in Lebanon, weakening resistance positions in Syria, and exacting reprisals against Iranian figures supporting the resistance forces.

Hezbollah brings out the big guns

Amidst the ongoing confrontation, the resistance has showcased several types of advanced weaponry, signaling its preparedness and capabilities and warning off the enemy by forcing its military to step back and recalibrate its attainable objectives.

Since 8 October, those reveals have included the Almas – or “Diamond” – missile, which carries a camera in its head, hits fixed and moving targets, has a range of more than ten kilometers, and has been used in several operations, most notably hitting the “Meron” base and successfully penetrating Israeli tank defenses.

Precision-hit drones have also been used in several operations, including targeting Israel’s Northern Command headquarters, its army positions, armored vehicles, and tanks.

We have also seen unidentified Hezbollah air defense missiles successfully intercepting Israeli drones, such as the Hermes 450, and neutralizing others flying over border areas, as confirmed by resistance statements. In addition, we have seen modified Burkan and Falaq-1 rockets with high destructive capabilities, targeting Israeli military sites, troop gatherings, and illegal settlements.

While these revelations represent only a fraction of the resistance’s arsenal, they illustrate its success in accumulating weaponry deemed by Israelis as destabilizing the regional balance. Hezbollah’s ability to procure and potentially domestically manufacture and develop such armaments over preceding years is further proof of its strategic prowess.

A losing ‘battle’

It is undeniable that Israeli actions have resulted in casualties within the ranks of the resistance, particularly evident in their constant violations of Syria’s sovereignty, using it as a battleground to settle scores against Iran.

Nevertheless, the strategic implications of these actions have not halted the resilience of the resistance. Despite the ongoing conflict, the resistance accumulates capabilities and bolsters its qualitative armament in unprecedented numbers.

Ali Haidar, an expert on Israeli affairs, informs The Cradle that Hezbollah’s ongoing arming during the current war signifies the failure of Israel’s “battle between wars” strategy. He emphasizes that Hezbollah’s continued accumulation of weaponry illustrates the enduring effectiveness of its deterrence umbrella over strategic facilities.

According to Haidar, “There is a new phase that Hezbollah has risen to, which constitutes an additional challenge to the enemy entity and its will to confront.”

The group’s uninterrupted accumulation of weapons during these years, Haidar says, shows that:

Hezbollah’s deterrence strategy continues to protect its strategic facilities, and that this umbrella is very effective, contrary to the impression created by Israel carrying out some strikes here and there. This is also reflected in the level of development reached by the resistance in expertise and production and its determination to improve those capabilities.

The ongoing battle between wars has seen the resistance in Lebanon significantly augmenting its weapons capabilities in terms of quantity, quality, and diversity. This represents a substantial strategic setback for Israel, which has expended vast sums on its strategy in Syria without achieving its objectives.

The impact of Hezbollah’s significant armament operation will undoubtedly influence Israeli war calculations, especially if Tel Aviv’s War Council favors stepping up hostilities against Lebanon. The ramifications of these efforts in terms of armaments during the war will be keenly felt as the battle edges closer to war.

Y a-t-il un trou dans la raquette de l’OTAN?


L’Organisation du traité de l’Atlantique Nord (OTAN) est une alliance politique et militaire internationale composée de 32 États membres d’Europe

L’article Y a-t-il un trou dans la raquette de l’OTAN? est apparu en premier sur STRATPOL.

Iran in the Multipolar World

Par : AHH

Today, we are joined by Seyed Mohammad Marandi, a Professor of English Literature and Orientalism at the University of Tehran, to dispel the Western myths surrounding the Islamic Republic and examine its rise to power, foreign policy, and leadership in the axis of resistance.

Epic Lone Wolf in the West Bank

Par : AHH

On the day of the Crocus terrorist massacre in Moscow, lost in the global outrage, one Palestinian warrior in the West Bank single handedly helped collapse Zionism a little more.. courage, honor and self-sacrifice appeared from the very bastion of the traitorous compradore special forces of the Palestinian Authority! Woe to the alien invasive species of the Imperial settler-state. Their future is written in stone.

💠 @Resistance News Network:
⭕ 🚨 Armed clashes are continuing between one or more resistance fighters and zionist forces following a shooting operation targeting a settler vehicle in “Dolev,” west of #Ramallah.

The IOF has deployed a helicopter and drone to search for the fighters, and the zionist forces opened fire on journalists. Zionist media reports that War Minister Benny Gantz is on his way to the location.
⭕ The heroic “Dolev” operation shows what the determined, resistant Palestinian is capable of achieving.

Early before sunrise, Mujahid Barakat Mansour lay waiting in the hills west of #Ramallah, near the settlement of “Dolev.” Evidence shows us that he had prepared for this moment: From a fortified point he had established for himself, he rang in the dawn of a blessed Friday with bullets and fire from his rifle, targeting a vehicle carrying settlers.

Occupation forces responded swiftly to the area, precisely as Mansour had expected. Contrary to what the invading soldiers believed, the incident was far from over. Mansour, from his fortified point in the hills, opened fire on the soldiers. Having trained as part of the Palestinian Presidential Guard, rejecting the security coordination, betrayal, and failure of the Palestinian Authority, he was prepared for this moment. From his fortified perch, he shot swiftly and accurately, waging a clash against soldiers through the harsh terrain for over five hours.

Seven occupation soldiers were wounded, some critically, before they gave up their fight. Refusing to meet the dignified Palestinian on the battlefield, they dispatched drones and began targeting Mansour. Rather than give up the fight, Mansour managed to escape to an even more fortified position he had prepared in advance. He continued shooting at soldiers and even downed one of the drones that was sent to kill him.

In the end, the cowardly occupation was forced to fire missiles at Mujahid Mansour by way of Apache helicopter, having failed to target him through any other means. He ascended to martyrdom after leaving his permanent mark on the occupation. One determined Palestinian fighter, waging combat from the land which he belongs to, proved that heroes are made in Palestine, and that no foreign usurper can ever put a stop to the resistance.
⭕ The executor of the heroic shooting operation in “Dolev,” west of #Ramallah, is the martyr Mujahid Barakat Mansour (32 years old) from the village of Deir Ibzi’, west of Ramallah.

After targeting a settler vehicle, he clashed for nearly 5 hours with IOF soldiers who failed to reach him, leaving 7 of them wounded, and downed an IOF drone according to eyewitnesses, before a zionist helicopter launched a missile towards him.

Mujahid is a retired military officer in the Presidential Guard, having retired years ago. He is also a freed prisoner who was previously held in zionist prisons.

His name, Mujahid Mansour, means victorious fighter.

Glory to the heroic martyr.
⭕ 🚨🟡 Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades:

“Then let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter. And whoever fights in the way of Allah and is killed or achieves victory – We will bestow upon him a great reward.”

With great pride and honor, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades exalt their heroic fighter who carried out the heroic Ramallah operation, and salute the sons of our nation rising up in an intifada in all arenas.

On the path of the first martyrs and on the road of struggle and resistance, and in victory for Gaza and the sufferings of the prisoners in the enemy’s jails, and in response to the crimes of the occupation against our people everywhere, the fighters of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades continue their heroic operations against the occupation forces and their settler gangs as part of the battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, to affirm that the volcano of the West Bank will not be extinguished and that the blood of our people in Gaza, our prisoners, and our Al-Aqsa is a red line.

As part of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades’ responses to the ongoing aggression of the occupation, one of our fighters attacked a number of settlers’ cars and military reinforcements that came to their rescue near the settlement of “Dolev” west of the city of Ramallah this morning, Friday, 12 Ramadan 1445 AH / corresponding to 22-03-2024, and the clash lasted for more than 4 continuous hours, resulting in 7 zionists wounded with serious and critical wounds, ascending to the highest, the hero of this operation:

The martyr and liberated prisoner fighter, Mujahid Barakat Mansour (31 years old) from the town of Deir Ibza’ – west of Ramallah

As the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades declare their responsibility for this heroic operation, they affirm the following:

Firstly: This operation is a continuation of what the fighters of its brigades started in Nablus and Tubas this morning, where they confronted with all courage and capability the incursions of the zionist occupation forces into their cities with machine guns and explosive devices.

Secondly: This operation is part of a series of operations responding to the continuous aggression of the occupation against our steadfast people in Gaza and our brave prisoners, the latest of which were the operations of the Al-Aqsa Brigades in Gaza, Jenin, Al-Khalil, Tubas, and Nablus, over the past days, resulting in a number of dead and wounded.

Thirdly: We salute the sons of our nation rising up in an intifada in all areas of our revolutionary [West] Bank, who have written an epic in the past days in steadfastness and confrontation against this criminal enemy, especially in Nour Shams camp, Nablus, Jenin, Al-Khalil, and Tubas.

Fourthly: The continuation of the enemy’s aggression and its persistence against our people in Gaza, our Al-Aqsa, and our prisoners will ignite a fire that disperses its security and shakes its foundations.

Fifthly: The attempts and targeting of the enemy against our people’s fighters will not succeed in stopping our resistance, and the enemy’s incursions into our areas and camps will be an opportunity – by Allah’s will – for our fighters’ rifles and their explosives to reap more lives of the occupation soldiers and settlers. What is coming is more severe and greater.

And it is a revolution until victory, until victory, until victory…

Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades – The military wing of the Fatah movement

Friday, 12 Ramadan 1445 AH / corresponding to 22 March 2024

💠 @Strategika51:
⭕ For four hours, hundreds of Israeli soldiers, special forces and reservists have been battling a lone Palestinian resistance fighter who attacked an Israeli car in #WestBank .

The Israeli army used an AH-64/D #Apache helicopter gunship armed with anti-tank missiles in the area for the first time in 20 years.
⭕ The gunman pursued by hundreds of Israeli soldiers in the West Bank was killed by three Air to-Ground #missiles fired by an attack #helicopter and an armed #drone

March 31, 1814: Paris was Conquered

Par : AHH

🥈 The Patriotic War of 1812 ended with the expulsion of the invaders from Russia (Napoleon’s army apart from its French troops also included units from all across continental Europe) and served as a prologue to the so-called Big European War of 1812-1815 with the capture of Paris by the Russian army on March 31, 1814, as one of its major highlights.

This campaign came to be known among Russian historians as the Foreign Campaigns of the Russian Army. Together with its allied armies, namely Prussia, Austria, Sweden, and Great Britain, Russia liberated European countries from the French oppression.

📜 When the Russian Army entered France in December 1813, Emperor Alexander I issued an order. Here’s a quote from it:

“Warriors! You have already saved your Motherland and brought it glory, and enabled Europe to recover its liberty and independence. Crowning this feat with the much-desired peace is all that remains.”

With Paris seized by the Russians, Napoleon abdicated in Fontainebleau on April 6 under pressure from his marshals, and was exiled to the Island of Elba off the Italian coast.

Russia played an instrumental role in France’s remaining within its pre-war borders, and took French cities under its protection by preventing Prussian and Austrian troops from pillaging them. Following Alexander I’s orders, the Russian troops also ensured that the collections of the Louvre and other French museums, as well as historical monuments, remained intact.

On June 9, 1815, a new European security architecture was established a the Vienna Congress, which became one of the main outcomes of Russia’s Foreign Campaigns.

“We honour the memory of our heroic ancestors, finding strength and inspiration in their valorous deeds. We’d like to advise the contemporary Western leaders and the emerging “Napoleons” who once again harbour intentions of sending troops eastward to remember the lessons of history”

From Maria Zakharova’s briefing:

“These days we mark the 210th anniversary of the triumphant conclusion of the Foreign Campaign of the Russian Army of 1813-1814. Following the defeat of Napoleon’s Grande Armée during the Patriotic War of 1812, Russian forces, bearing the banner of freedom for the nations and peoples of Europe from Napoleonic tyranny, embarked on a journey of thousands of kilometres from the scorched walls of Moscow. After intense battles, they reached the French capital, which capitulated to the mercy of the victors on March 31, 1814. We suggest honouring this event with well-researched historical narratives.

The Paris Peace Treaties and the Congress of Vienna delineated the political and diplomatic trajectory following a quarter-century of incessant wars that ravaged Europe. Thus, less than two years after the grandiose announcement of the campaign against Russia by French propaganda, France was defeated. Shortly thereafter, Emperor Napoleon abdicated the throne.

As we revisit this illustrious chapter in Russian history, juxtaposed with the ignominious one in French history, we honour the memory of our heroic ancestors, finding strength and inspiration in their valorous deeds. We’d like to advise the contemporary Western leaders and the emerging “Napoleons” who once again harbour intentions of sending troops eastward to remember the lessons of history and not to forget how the aspirations of their predecessors to inflict a strategic defeat on our country always ended.”


Le 10 avril prochain l’Assemblée nationale devrait adopter un nouveau texte répressif sur le « délit d’outrage en ligne » ! C’est quelque chose d’absolument monstrueux. Cela piétine la Déclaration des Droits de l’Homme et notamment son article 11 qui garantit la… Lire la suite

War Updates: Al Shifa Hospital & Syria

Par : AHH

Jon Elmer of the Electronic Intifada with his weekly update, focused on guerrilla war around Al Shifa Hospital. Kevork Almassian, originally from Aleppo, Syria, reviews the Anglo-Zionists’ return to bombing Aleppo in coordination with Al-Qaeda, Jordan, and the US base at Al Tanf; back to the sordid future! Does a criminal ever deviate far from a favored MO? Will it matter in the end, as during the last decade?

Cartouche de Vu Du Droit : analyse de la résolution du Conseil de sécurité

Le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU a adopté une résolution exigeant un cessez le feu immédiat pendant le mois de ramadan à Gaza, demandant la libération, sans condition de tous les otages et exigeant le rétablissement de la fourniture des… Lire la suite

Plucked Peacocks in Françafrique..

Par : AHH

Lost in the thunder of the two incendiary battlegrounds of the Ukraine and the Holy Land, the end of the western Age of Plunder is vividly demonstrated in the West African Sahel. Calm business arrangements are conducted with friendly states, even as the last US garrisons are dismantled, one by one.

💠 @Intel Slava Z:
⭕ 🇷🇺🇫🇷🇸🇳 SENEGAL: how Russia is destroying French neocolonialism

Historical events are brewing in another West African country, Senegal. Getting rid of the country’s neocolonial dependence on its former official metropolis – France.

Over the weekend, presidential elections took place here, in which the opposition candidate Bashiru Jumaye Faye is confidently leading (and may even win them in the first round, which will become known tomorrow), who, as part of his election promises, promised to review oil and gas deals with Western campaigns, including agreements with British Petroleum, Endeavor Mining and Kosmos Energy.

He also advocates a radical revision of relations between Senegal and France. And as part of this, Faye is going to follow neighboring Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso to leave the French currency system (by abandoning the CFA franc). And the French military will have to leave the country. By the way, sensing something was wrong, Paris had already announced a little earlier that it was sharply reducing the military contingent in the country (probably so that it would not be so shameful later). In return, he promises to take a course towards rapprochement with Russia.

Thus, France’s next major foreign policy defeat on the African continent looms on the horizon. Moreover, Senegal was a key player in the issue of the blockade of Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali, which had previously freed themselves from the influence of Paris. And the departure of Senegal from the CFA franc zone puts a final and fat cross on this system (which brought huge profits to France) and on which the entire system of French neocolonialism was essentially built.

And hence all of Macron’s current anti-Russian hysteria. He, like a plucked rooster, understands that he is losing to Russia and therefore becomes hysterical. And Ukraine for him is the last chance to spoil Moscow. But I think he will be disappointed here too.

💠 @Russian MFA:
⭕ 🇷🇺🇳🇪📞 President Vladimir Putin spoke over the phone with President of the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland of the Republic of Niger Abdourahamane Tchiani, who expressed solidarity with the Russian people and heartfelt condolences over the numerous victims of the heinous terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall.

In discussing the bilateral agenda, the Leaders expressed determination to step up political dialogue and develop mutually beneficial cooperation in various spheres.

They also exchanged views on the developments in the Sahel-Sahara region with an emphasis on coordination of security and counterterrorism efforts. 

💠 @Sputnik Africa:
⭕ 🇳🇪 US will plan for the “disengagement” of troops from Niger after its military pact with Washington ends, Niger’s interior minister says.

The statement was published on social media after Mohamed Toumba hosted US Ambassador Kathleen FitzGibbon for talks.

A spokesperson for the Nigerien military said in mid-March that the country’s transitional government, which took power in a coup last July, ended the agreement with immediate effect, citing the interests of the Nigerien people.

💠@Africa Intel:
⭕ 🇷🇺🌍 Putin discusses security cooperation with West and Central African leaders.

Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed security and economic cooperation with Mali’s junta leader Assimi Goita by phone on Wednesday, both countries said, a day after Putin held a similar call with the junta leader in neighbouring Niger.

“We discussed bilateral issues, particularly the security and economic areas,” Goita said. “We agreed to cooperate further in the fight against terrorism.” The Kremlin confirmed.

The call appeared to be part of a round of diplomatic exchanges Putin has made with West and Central African leaders since his re-election earlier this month.

The Kremlin said on Wednesday Putin and the leader of the Republic of Congo, Denis Sassou Nguesso, had agreed in a phone call to deepen political, economic and humanitarian ties.

On Tuesday, Putin spoke by phone with Niger’s junta leader, Abdourahamane Tiani and discussed a need to reinforce their security cooperation, according to Nigerien state television.

💠 @Arab_Africa:
⭕ 🇺🇸 The US is worried that Niger will replace its military with Russian mercenaries

This was stated by the Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Mike Rogers, at a hearing on the US military posture in the Middle East and Africa.

According to him, the recent expulsion of the US military from Niger may be linked to security talks with Iran and Russia that took place the day before.

“It looks like Niger will soon join Mali, Libya, Sudan, Mozambique and Burkina Faso in welcoming Russian troops and mercenaries into their country,” Rogers suggested. He also noted that China is at the same time seeking to expand its military presence beyond the PLA naval base in Djibouti.

“And they set up bases on the west coast to give the PLA strategic access to the Atlantic. China has already built and currently operates several major trading ports along the west coast of Africa,” the Republican reported.

Finally, Rogers warned that the US could lose the initiative due to inaction on the continent.

“Africa is of vital strategic importance to the United States. We cannot allow China or Russia to become their preferred security or business partner,” the American worries.

💠@Sputnik Africa:
⭕ “Atomexpo-2024,” the largest international forum on nuclear energy, was held on March 25-26 in Russia. Here are our publications not to be missed
🔸 Atomexpo-2024 nuclear industry forum breaks attendance record;
🔸 Rosatom signs roadmaps for developing cooperation on nuclear energy with Mali, and Burkina Faso and AlgeriaNOTE: the first two are members of the Sahelian Junta Belt..
🔸 “Russia will be able to better support Burkina Faso towards its energy independence,” a Burkinabe minister reveals details of the roadmap with Rosatom;
🔸 “Gold mined in Mali should be processed in Mali,” Malian minister of mines comments on the gold processing plant project with Russia;
🔸 Cooperation with Russia can help eliminate power shortages in Africa and advance Zimbabwe’s healthcare system, says minister;
🔸 Russia attracted Africans’ interest in nuclear energy because it’s a reliable partner, says a Rosatom official;
🔸 With the help of the agreements with Rosatom, Burundi intends to have a nuclear power plant that will help launch the country into industrial production, says a minister from the African country.
