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Helios4 Arm-Based Open Source NAS SBC For Linux/FreeBSD

Par : Vivek Gite — 29 juillet 2018 à 18:15

Helios4 is ARM-based open source NAS SBC (Single-board computer) for Linux. This NAS (Network Attached Storage) comes with 4 SATA 3.0 port and comes with ECC memory. Let us see some details about the Helios4 Arm-Based Open Source NAS SBC and ongoing Kickstarter camping.

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How to find Intel NUC BIOS version and model on Linux

Par : Vivek Gite — 26 janvier 2019 à 20:55

I installed Linux on Intel NUC. I need to find Intel NUC BIOS version. How do I find out BIOS version, date, and model name of my Intel NUC using Linux command-line options?

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Install Google Chrome 73 on CentOS 7 using yum command

Par : Vivek Gite — 26 janvier 2019 à 13:27

I am a new CentOS Linux 7 desktop user. How do I install Google Chrome 72 on CentOS 7 Linux desktop?

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Ubuntu Enable & Set up Automatic Unattended Security Updates

Par : Vivek Gite — 23 janvier 2019 à 13:04

I have minimal Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS server setup in the cloud. I read that one can configure Ubuntu Linux to download and install security updates when released automatically. How can I set up automatic security updates on Ubuntu Linux 18.04 or 16.04 LTS system?

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Linux hide processes from other users and ps command

Par : Vivek Gite — 18 novembre 2019 à 02:53

How can I stop leaking process information to all users on Linux operating systems? How do I prevent users from seeing processes that do not belong to them on a Debian/Ubuntu/RHEL/CentOS Linux server? Is there any way to hide other users process when running ps command?

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Understanding Bash fork() Bomb :(){ :|:& };: code

Par : Vivek Gite — 21 janvier 2019 à 19:59

Can you explain the following bash code or bash fork() bomb code?

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vim-plug: A beautiful and minimalist vim plugin manager for Linux/Unix users

Par : Vivek Gite — 21 janvier 2019 à 19:01

A vim plugin manager is a must for any die-hard vim user. You can find a few option available out there. My personal favorite is vim-plug which is a beautiful and minimalist plugin for vim. Let us see how to install and use this plugin on Linux or Unix-like system.

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How to override content type with Nginx web server

Par : Vivek Gite — 21 janvier 2019 à 13:38

I configured Nginx server. However, it is sending the wrong content type. I need to force Nginx to send specific "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8". How do I configure Nginx to override content type for given URL location?

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How to install networked HP printer and scanner on Fedora Linux

Par : Vivek Gite — 17 janvier 2019 à 19:43

I have HP Officejet Pro printer and scanner. How do I install HP Officejet Pro network printers and scanners on Fedora Linux? How can I install HP printer on Fedora Linux? How do I add a HP network printer on Fedora Linux?

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OpenBSD install MariaDB database server

Par : Vivek Gite — 17 janvier 2019 à 12:39

How do I install MariaDB database servers on OpenBSD Unix operating systems?

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Linux / UNIX: Bash Script Sleep or Delay a Specified Amount of Time

Par : Vivek Gite — 16 janvier 2019 à 20:15

How do I pause for 5 seconds or 2 minutes in my bash shell script on a Linux or Unix-like systems?

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KSH redirect stdout and stderr to a file on Linux or Unix

Par : Vivek Gite — 16 janvier 2019 à 18:45

I am working with KSH script on Unix operating system. How do I redirect error messages in Unix when using KSH? How can I redirect stdout and stderr with KSH on Linux or Unix-like systems?

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How to install FFmpeg on Fedora Linux 28/29 using dnf

Par : Vivek Gite — 16 janvier 2019 à 16:17

When I type ffmpeg -i input output.mp4 on Fedora Linux, I get an error: "bash: ffmpeg: command not found...". How do I install ffmpeg on Fedora Linux 28 or 29 workstations?

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Linux / Unix Find Command Avoid Permission Denied Messages

Par : Vivek Gite — 14 janvier 2019 à 17:32

When I type find . -type d -name 'foo' command I get Permission denied error messages. How do I exclude all 'permission denied:' messages from the find command under Linux or Unix like operating systems?

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How to install VirtualBox 6 on Fedora Linux 29

Par : Vivek Gite — 14 janvier 2019 à 15:24

I am a new Fedora Linux user. How can I download and install Oracle VirtualBox 6 on my Fedora Linux 29 workstations?

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How to install Ansible on Fedora 29 for IT and server automation

Par : Vivek Gite — 10 janvier 2019 à 12:06

How do I install Ansible on Fedora 29 workstation? How can I set up and test Ansible playbooks using my Fedora Linux desktop?

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How to install Shutter screenshot tool on a Fedora Linux

Par : Vivek Gite — 9 janvier 2019 à 19:33

How do I install shutter screenshot tool to make screenshots on a Fedora Linux 29 workstations?

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Install Chromium browser in Fedora 29 using dnf command

Par : Vivek Gite — 9 janvier 2019 à 07:21

I am a new Fedora Linux user. I need to install and set up Chromium for testing purpose. How do I install Chromium browser in my Fedora Linux workstation?

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Nginx Redirect HTTP To HTTPS with Rewrite 301 Rules

Par : Vivek Gite — 27 septembre 2019 à 18:38

{Updated}I have setup nginx as a secure reverse proxy server. How do I redirect all requests (traffic) to under nginx web server? How do I configure Nginx to redirect HTTP To HTTPS?

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Linux/Unix desktop fun: Simulates the display from 'The Matrix'

Par : Vivek Gite — 4 janvier 2019 à 20:01

The Matrix is a science fiction action movie from 1999. It was written and directed by the Wachowski Brothers. The film has falling green characters on screen. The digital rain is representing the activity of the virtual reality in 'The Matrix.' You can now have Matrix digital rain with CMatrix on a Linux or Unix terminal too.

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How to create snapshots with lxc command for LXD

Par : Vivek Gite — 4 janvier 2019 à 14:14

I need to save the state of my existing app running on LXD before I push new Python-based app. How do I create snapshots with lxc command for LXD based Linux container?

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How to set and use sudo password for Ansible Vault

Par : Vivek Gite — 2 janvier 2019 à 21:32

How can I set a sudo password for Ansible from the Linux or Unix cli? How can I store sudo password in a vault file and use it securely without exposing my details?

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How to hide files and directories in Linux

Par : Vivek Gite — 2 janvier 2019 à 20:07

I am a new Linux user. How do I hide files and directories in Linux operating systems using the command line interface?

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How to change directory in Linux terminal

Par : Vivek Gite — 1 janvier 2019 à 19:03

{recently updated}My Dell Laptop came preinstalled with Ubuntu Linux, and I am a new Linux desktop user. How do I change directories in the Linux terminal?

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Linux / UNIX List Just Directories Or Directory Names

Par : Vivek Gite — 20 février 2020 à 06:25

How do I list just directory names on a Linux and UNIX-like operating systems? How can I list directories only in Linux?

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Firefox is now placing ads and here is how to disable it

Par : Vivek Gite — 1 janvier 2019 à 12:58

Firefox is now placing ads
Firefox user discovered that Mozilla Firefox is displaying ads on the home or new tab page. When you open Firefox on your desktop, an advertisement banner at the bottom page displayed. The advertisement read as follows:

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2018: Top 10 biggest news stories from Linux and open source world

Par : Vivek Gite — 30 décembre 2018 à 15:07

Biggest news stories from Linux and open source world in 2018
The year 2018 turn out to be big newsmaker for Linux and open source world. The most important acquisition in the open source world, Deepfakes, important security flows in CPUs, and the Facebook scandal all happened in 2018. Vivek Gite picks top 10 most significant and biggest news stories from Linux and open source world that rock IT world.

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How to check running process in Ubuntu Linux using command line

Par : Vivek Gite — 30 décembre 2018 à 07:56

I am a new Ubuntu sysadmin for the Ubuntu Linux operating system. How do I check running process in Ubuntu Linux using the command line option?

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Show All Running Processes in Linux using ps/htop commands

Par : Vivek Gite — 27 décembre 2018 à 10:40

{recently updated}How do I see all running process in Linux operating systems using command line or GUI options? How can I show all running Processes in Linux operating system?

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Linux Add User To Group Using Command-Line

Par : Vivek Gite — 10 mars 2021 à 09:06

{Updated} How can I add a user to a group under Linux operating system using command line options? How to add an existing user into a group in Linux using command-line options?

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Linux incrond inotify Monitor Directories For Changes And Take Action

Par : Vivek Gite — 27 décembre 2018 à 10:30

{recently updated}This page shows how to set up incrond and sync files between two web server nodes.

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19 Ubuntu / Debian Linux apt Command Examples

Par : Vivek Gite — 20 avril 2020 à 22:22

{Updated}apt command guide for new Linux users/sysadmins/developers that works on a Debian, Ubuntu and other apt based distros

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Bash shell find out if a variable has NULL value OR not

Par : Vivek Gite — 27 décembre 2018 à 10:12

I am a new to shell scripting. How do I check for NULL value in a Linux or Unix shell scripts?

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Linux Find Out BIOS Version Using a Command Line Option

Par : Vivek Gite — 2 août 2021 à 21:27

{Updated} How do I find out BIOS version using a Linux command line option? How do I check the motherboard BIOS version using Linux command line option?

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How to show recursive directory listing on Linux or Unix

Par : Vivek Gite — 24 décembre 2018 à 13:15

I am a new Linux system user. How do I see a recursive directory listing on macOS Unix system? In Linux, how can I get a recursive directory listing?

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Linux / Unix Desktop Fun: Christmas Tree For Your Terminal

Par : Vivek Gite — 23 décembre 2020 à 11:43

{Updated} Let us create Linux or Unix console Christmas tree and snow on your Linux desktop just for fun and profit.

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Linux ip Command Examples For Sysadmins and Developers

Par : Vivek Gite — 2 décembre 2020 à 10:59

{Updated} The ifconfig command on Linux officially deprecated for some time. It is time to move on and learn the ip command. Let's see how to display, configure IP addresses, routing, links, and more associated with network interfaces on Linux using the ip command.

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Linux Shell - How To Remove Duplicate Text Lines

Par : Vivek Gite — 21 décembre 2018 à 17:01

I need to sort data from a log file, but there are too many duplicate lines. How do I remove all duplicate lines from a text file under GNU/Linux?

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sudo: Sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo Error on a Linux and Unix

Par : Vivek Gite — 20 décembre 2018 à 11:30

I am getting an error that read as 'sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo'. How do I fix this problem on Linux or Unix based systems?

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How to ignore invalid and self signed ssl connection errors with curl

Par : Vivek Gite — 20 décembre 2018 à 11:25

I wanted to curl command to ignore SSL certification warning. How do I force the curl command to ignore all invalid and self singed ssl connection errors?

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Empty or Delete a log files in Linux or UNIX

Par : Vivek Gite — 20 décembre 2018 à 11:20

My web server's log file size is quite huge or large. How do I delete a log file in Linux without distributing running application? Is there a proper way to clear log files on Unix?

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How to change root password on macOS Unix using terminal

Par : Vivek Gite — 20 décembre 2018 à 11:13

I am a new user of macOS Unix running on MacBook Pro and Mac mini server. I need to change the password for root user account on macOS. How do I change the root password on macOS Unix using command line options?

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How do I know if my Linux is 32 bit or 64 bit?

Par : Vivek Gite — 17 décembre 2018 à 18:45

I need to find out if my Linux server is running on 32-bit or 64-bit system. How do I know if my Linux is 32 bit or 64 bit?

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Display Linux logo with hardware Info using screenfetch / linux_logo

Par : Vivek Gite — 17 décembre 2018 à 18:01

Do you want to display a super cool logo of your Linux distribution along with basic hardware information? Look no further try awesome screenfetch and linux_logo utilities.

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FreeBSD wget cannot verify certificate, issued by Let’s Encrypt

Par : Vivek Gite — 17 décembre 2018 à 16:41

I installed GNU wget utility on FreeBSD as explained here. However, whenever I use the wget command to download stuff from the Internet, it says:
   ERROR: cannot verify's certificate, issued by 'CN=Let\'s Encrypt Authority X3,O=Let\'s Encrypt,C=US':
    Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority.

How do I fix this problem on FreeBSD 12?

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How to update LXD container Ubuntu image from 16.04 to 18.04

Par : Vivek Gite — 15 décembre 2018 à 13:14

I run my app inside Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS lxd Linux container. To upgrade Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 LTS container, I run do-release-upgrade command, but I am getting the error message that read as "Must be connected to a terminal." How do I fix this problem to upgrade from Ubuntu Linux 16.04 to 18.04 image?

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