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☐ ☆ ✇ Global South

Requiem for Rummy’s Old Europe: Switzerland

Par : AHH — 8 mars 2024 à 14:27

Open Letter to the People of Switzerland, the Swiss Federal Council and Parliament.

Peter Koenig
7 March 2024

This appeal calls on the people of Switzerland to demand the Swiss Government to exit the World Health Organization (WHO) – effective immediately.

We, Swiss, have the Constitutional Right of Initiatives or Referenda. It is high time that We, the People, make use of this opportunity requesting the Swiss Federal Council and Parliament to renounce its membership in WHO, the organization at the verge of becoming the world’s dictator on issues of health, more brutal and radical than humanity has ever known before.

The Covid-mandates imposed by WHO were just a precursor to what may come.

For the last several years WHO is preparing mostly behind closed doors what they call a “Pandemic Treaty”, or “Pandemic Agreement”, which would become part of the 2005 established and now being drastically revised “International Health Regulations” (IHR). If these two new “rules-based orders” are approved by the World Health Assembly (WHA – 27 May to 1 June 2024 in Geneva), WHO’s health dictate would be above every nation’s sovereignty, and would make health self-determination a thing of the past.

If WHO declares a disease, artificially made or not, as a pandemic, orders would have to be followed. If WHO decides on general vaccination, orders must be followed.

In Switzerland such drastic changes to national health legislation would require changes in the nation’s Constitution. According to the very Swiss Constitution, such changes would require approval by the Swiss people by referendum – with good chances of a popular rejection.

To forego a people’s vote, the Swiss Government – Federal Council and Parliament – are currently working on advance-amending the national Swiss health legislation, so that it would meet the requirements of a potentially impending WHO Pandemic Agreement and the new IHR. A Constitutional amendment may then not be necessary, as the new Swiss health standards would blend in with the potentially new WHO dictate.

This is happening semi-clandestinely. Not known to most citizens. Switzerland is supposed to be – Constitutionally – a democracy and a country of political neutrality; a country with self-determination and sovereignty in decision making, and where people’s voice and active participation counts.

Those were the days.

This call also goes to the Swiss Federal Council and Parliament.

Are you not ashamed after the criminal covid and vaxx-fraud you imposed on the very people that pay your salaries and pensions – to betray Us, the People again – with the behind-our-backs anticipatory acceptance of the new WHO oppressive rules?

How is health defined? Under the WHO definition health includes the “climate change” scam, which is already blamed for causing excess dengue fever in Brazil and malaria in Africa – prompting WHO and Bill Gates releasing billions of genetically modified (GMO) “vaccinating” mosquitos. They have so far brought a 400% increase in dengue fever in Brazil, and in Africa, malaria is rampant despite, or because of the GMO-Mosquitos.

Any “climate-related health issues”, defined by WHO, would also fall under the WHO health tyranny.

Over the past three years, how many people have lost loved-ones from the toxic covid-injections? Thousand, maybe tens of thousands have died from the vaxxes in Switzerland alone, a multiple of those who died from covid, if counted honestly. We know honesty was and is not part of any official covid narrative.

Worldwide, a conservative figure indicates 17 million deaths resulted from the jab. A more realistic figure may put the death toll in the hundreds of millions; and the worst is still to come, according to Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Vice-President and Chief of Pfizer Research.

This same Federal Council which betrayed the people on covid, is now working secretly on another betrayal, formulating an advanced new Swiss health legislation, that would match WHO’s looming Pandemic Treaty and revised IHR dictatorship.

So that you know:

At the same time, the Federal Council, through Cantonal Federalism, allows promoting throughout Switzerland, including in schools, the pathological, Soros’s funded transgender Woke agenda, giving kids, as little as eleven years of age, the choice to decide over their sex without parental interference.

This agenda is also promoted by the World Economic Forum (WEF), WHO, and yes, the United Nations – the eugenists. Queers and transgender people cannot procreate.

Also, be aware, any new “vaccination” even those recommended for new-born children, will in the future be the mRNA-type, as announced by Pfizer, Bill Gates and WHO. The mRNA gene-modifying type is known to, at best, reduce the autoimmune system, and produce a spike protein, with one of its characteristics being a fast or slow killer – myocardities, brain strokes, thrombosis, aggressive turbo-cancers and more.

The mRNA-vaxxes are also known to massively reduce fertility in both women and men.

As a reminder, the number one objective of the WEF, WHO, and UN Agenda 2030, we are living today, is a drastic worldwide depopulation, starting with western industrialized nations.

Let us, Swiss, be frontrunners for the rest of the world, standing up with our Constitutional Rights, demanding our government TO EXIT WHO NOW.


Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020)
Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).
He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.


L’Arménie adhère à la Cour pénale internationale

Par : ActuStratpol — 1 février 2024 à 08:51

armenie cpi

armenie cpiL’Arménie est officiellement devenue membre de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) jeudi. Moscou avait précédemment qualifié d’inacceptable la ratification par

L’article L’Arménie adhère à la Cour pénale internationale est apparu en premier sur STRATPOL.

☐ ☆ ✇ Global South

YEMEN & RED SEA … Open Thread, 12.01.2024

Par : AHH — 12 janvier 2024 à 14:00

Please use as an Open Thread for the new aggression on Yemen, especially those who lack Salon access. I will continue my updates there as that format better supports mixed media (writing, images, links, embedded YT videos, etc). Here:

IMO, this new expansion of West Asian war shouldn’t immediately result in a conflagration. The Empire delivered a symbolic show last night, a mafia-posture demonstrating “resolve” and “demonstration of strength” to “deter the Houthi hordes” as if a school-teacher wielding a stick against unruly children (!!).

The desired switcheroo will not be accommodated. Incomprehensibly larger Victories ripen in Palestine, in the Hague, and in the court of global public opinion. The civilizational-states will ensure Yemenis and others of the Resistance Axis keep their Eyes on the Ball.

So the Resistance has its priorities and its own pace. They remain attuned to the Genocide of Gaza, which will NOT be taken off the screens and attention of mankind. Rather this is another well laid trap, as pointed out by dear Pepe.. In hindsight, everything unfolding has been gamed and played to a “T,” knowing the eternal profile and Cro-Magnon reflexes and primitive urges of the dying Anglo-Zionists!

It is absolutely riveting and shocking the exposure and total isolation of the Anglo-American elites, chained at the hip to the now universally abhorred and Pariah Zionists. Today is the Zionist “defense” against charges of Genocide at the ICJ in the Hague.

Yemeni retaliation, which is a given, and some has already been dealt, can be expected to be measured and muted so as not to distract public attention off their evisceration at the ICJ, along with the entire combined West, equally on Trial. Perhaps audiovisual documentation of last night’s retaliation will be subsequently publicised at the right moment, and so on. Many operations by other Resistance members were displayed later, sometimes weeks later as by Hezbollah and Iraqis. The horrifying Spectacle in Gaza was paramount.

The Focus will remain on Gaza, at all costs, including sucking up momentary indignities and deferring revenge, or publication of documented hits, so as not to play into the desperate need of their enemies to deflect attention from the Annihilation of Palestinians which they CANNOT halt at this point. The Zionists’ deranged eschatological timeline, with its extremely limited time-window, is being used so beautifully against them. Unable to retreat, they are invited ever deeper into total strategic loss.

Thus the overriding goal of the coordinated Resistance Axis is that the messianic Jews, and the implacably supportive Christian Zionist Anglo-American elite, be exposed in front of mankind as satanic anti-Human supremacists that require the extremely brutal solutions now underway. Even at cost of a portion of the dear Palestinians, willing to endure anyhow for Liberation, building the moral imperative for total action against the crazed is the supreme task. So it was in the eight years of patiently suffering the slower genocide in the Donbass by the same parties, which led to global recognition of the inherent justness of the SMO. These are the sad prices moral societies must pay for remaining moral whilst fighting absolute amoral madness.

The Russia-China strategic partnership played it beautifully.

Abstention at a UN Security Council vote on Yemen.

Desperate Hegemon falls into the trap.

Opens yet another war front against the Houthis – who are capable of resisting ANYTHING.

— Pepe Escobar (@RealPepeEscobar) January 12, 2024

History will register that on the same day that BRICS member South Africa's legal team eviscerated the apartheid Zionist Project in court, the Hegemon under Straussian neocon psychos bombed Yemen to change the narrative.

— Pepe Escobar (@RealPepeEscobar) January 12, 2024


Lloyd Austin à Kiev pour “envoyer un signal important”

Par : ActuStratpol — 21 novembre 2023 à 07:20

austin kiev

austin kievLe secrétaire américain à la Défense, Lloyd Austin, s’est rendu à Kiev le 20 novembre pour, selon ses propres termes,

L’article Lloyd Austin à Kiev pour “envoyer un signal important” est apparu en premier sur STRATPOL.


L’Arménie ratifie le Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale

Par : ActuStratpol — 4 octobre 2023 à 09:05

armenie cpi

armenie cpiLe Parlement arménien a ratifié le Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale, comme le montrent les résultats du

L’article L’Arménie ratifie le Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale est apparu en premier sur STRATPOL.


Le Pentagone “trouve” 6 milliards d’aide à l’Ukraine égarés

Par : ActuStratpol — 21 juin 2023 à 08:38

ukraine pentagone

ukraine pentagoneLe Pentagone a mené un audit de l’assistance militaire américaine à l’Ukraine et a révélé de manière inattendue un «manque»

L’article Le Pentagone “trouve” 6 milliards d’aide à l’Ukraine égarés est apparu en premier sur STRATPOL.

☐ ☆ ✇ Vu du Droit

« Uber Files » : le Code pénal appelle ça du « trafic d’influence ».

Par : Régis de Castelnau — 12 juillet 2022 à 18:39
ENTRETIEN. Dans l’ombre d’un gouvernement socialiste pourtant déjà enclin à déconstruire la France, Macron aurait orchestré personnellement l’implantation d’Uber en France alors qu’il venait d’arriver au poste de ministre de l’Économie. C’est ce que nous apprennent les « Uber Files ». Sans… Continue Reading
☐ ☆ ✇ Vu du Droit

Affaire Bouhafs : règlements de comptes dans l’intersectionnalité

Par : Régis de Castelnau — 13 mai 2022 à 07:50
L’affaire concernant Taha Bouhafs qui vient de faire irruption dans l’espace médiatique raconte un certain nombre de choses qui ne sont pas très reluisantes concernant la « gauche culturelle » dans son rapport aux questions de l’immigration, de l’islam et… Continue Reading