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Descent into Savagery

Par : AHH

‘Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our English dead.’
King Henry V, 1415, the Hundred Years War.

By Pepe Escobar at Strategic Culture Foundation.

The Mechanism: how the “order” based on made-up rules is descending into savagery

As the de facto North Atlantic Terror Organization celebrates its 75th birthday, taking Lord Ismay’s motto to ever soaring heights (“keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans down”), that thick slab of Norwegian wood posing as Secretary-General came up with a merry “initiative” to create a 100 billion euro fund to weaponize Ukraine for the next five years.

Translation, regarding the crucial money front in the NATO-Russia clash: partial exit of the Hegemon – already obsessing with The Next Forever War, against China; enter the motley crew of ragged, de-industrialized European chihuahuas, all in deep debt and most mired in recession.

A few IQs over average room temperature at NATO’s HQ in Haren, in Brussels, had the temerity to wonder how to come up with such a fortune, as NATO has zero leverage to raise money among member states.

After all, the Europeans will never be able to replicate the time-tested Hegemon money laundering machine. For instance, assuming the White House-proposed $60 billion package to Ukraine would be approved by the U.S. Congress – and it won’t – no less than 64% of the total will never reach Kiev: it will be laundered within the industrial-military complex.

Yet it gets even more dystopic: Norwegian Wood, robotic stare, arms flailing, actually believes his proposed move will not imply a direct NATO military presence in Ukraine – or country 404; something that is already a fact on the ground for quite a while, irrespective of the warmongering hissy fits by Le Petit Roi in Paris (Peskov: “Russia-NATO relations have descended into direct confrontation”).

Now couple the Lethal Looney Tunes spectacle along the NATOstan front with the Hegemon’s aircraft carrier performance in West Asia, consistently taking its industrial-scale slaughter/starvation Genocide Project in Gaza to indescribable heights – the meticulously documented holocaust watched in contorted silence by the “leaders” of the Global North.

UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese correctly summed it all up: the biblical psychopathology entity “intentionally killed the WCK workers so that donors would pull out and civilians in Gaza could continue to be starved quietly. Israel knows Western countries and most Arab countries won’t move a finger for the Palestinians.”

The “logic” behind the deliberate three tap strike on the clearly signed humanitarian convoy of famine-alleviating workers in Gaza was to eviscerate from the news an even more horrendous episode: the genocide-within-a-genocide of al-Shifa hospital, responsible for at least 30% of all health services in Gaza. Al-Shifa was bombed, incinerated and had over 400 civilians killed in cold blood, in several cases literally smashed by bulldozers, including medical doctors, patients and dozens of children.

Nearly simultaneously, the biblical psychopathology gang completely eviscerated the Vienna convention – something that even the historical Nazis never did – striking Iran’s consular mission/ambassador’s residence in Damascus.

This was a missile attack on a diplomatic mission, enjoying immunity, on the territory of a third country, against which the gang is not at war. And on top of it, killing General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, commander of the IRGC’s Quds Force in Syria and Lebanon, his deputy Mohammad Hadi Hajizadeh, another five officers, and a total of 10 people.

Translation: an act of terror, against two sovereign states, Syria and Iran. Equivalent to the recent terror attack on Crocus City Hall in Moscow.

The inevitable question rings around all corners of the lands of the Global Majority: how can these de facto terrorists possibly get away with all this, over and over again?

The sinews of Liberal Totalitarianism

Four years ago, at the start of what I later qualified as the Raging Twenties, we were beginning to watch the consolidation of an intertwined series of concepts defining a new paradigm. We were becoming familiar with notions such as circuit breaker; negative feedback loop; state of exception; necropolitics; and hybrid neofascism.

As the decade marches on, our plight may at least have been alleviated by a twin glimmer of hope: the drive towards multipolarity, led by the Russia-China strategic partnership, with Iran playing a key part, and all that coupled with the total breakdown, live, of the “rules-based international order”.

Yet to affirm there will be a long and winding road ahead is the Mother of All Euphemisms.

So, to quote Bowie, the ultimate late, great aesthete: Where Are We Now? Let’s take this very sharp analysis by the always engaging Fabio Vighi at Cardiff University and tweak it a little further.

Anyone applying critical thinking to the world around us can feel the collapse of the system. It’s a closed system alright, easily definable as Liberal Totalitarianism. Cui bono? The 0.0001%.

Nothing ideological about that. Follow the money. The defining negative feedback loop is actually the debt loop. A criminally anti-social mechanism kept in place by – what else – a psychopathology, as acute as the one exhibited by the biblical genocidals in West Asia.

The Mechanism is enforced by a triad.

1. The transnational financial elite, the superstars of the 0.0001%.

2. Right beneath it, the politico-institutional layer, from the U.S. Congress to the European Commission (EC) in Brussels, as well as comprador elite “leaders” across the Global North and South.

3. The former “intelligentsia”, now essentially hacks for hire from media to academia.

This institutionalized hyper-mediatization of reality is (italics mine), in fact, The Mechanism.

It’s this mechanism that controlled the merging of the pre-fabricated “pandemic” – complete with hardcore social engineering sold as “humanitarian lockdowns” – into, once again, Forever Wars, from Project Genocide in Gaza to the Russophobia/cancel culture obsession inbuilt in Project Proxy War in Ukraine.

That’s the essence of Totalitarian Normality: the Project for Humanity by the appallingly mediocre, self-appointed Great Reset “elites” of the collective West.

Killing them softly with AI

A key vector of the whole mechanism is the direct, vicious interconnection between a tecno-military euphoria and the hyper-inflationary financial sector, now in thrall with AI.

Enter, for instance, AI models such as ‘Lavender’, tested on the ground in the Gaza killing field lab. Literally: artificial intelligence programming the extermination of humans. And it’s happening, in real time. Call it Project AI Genocide.   — Sidebar:  [01] [02] [03] [04] [background]

Another vector, already experimented, is inbuilt in the indirect assertion by toxic EC Medusa Ursula von der Lügen: essentially, the need to produce weapons as Covid vaccines.

That’s at the core of a plan to use funding of the EU by European taxpayers to “increase financing” of “joint contracts for weapons”. That’s an offspring of von der Lügen’s push to roll out Covid vaccines – a gigantic Pfizer-linked scam for which she is about to be investigated and arguably exposed by the EU’s Public Prosecutor Office. In her own words, addressing the proposed weapons scam: “We did this for vaccines and gas.”

Call it Weaponization of Social Engineering 2.0.

Amidst all the action in this vast corruption swamp, the Hegemon agenda remains quite blatant: to keep its – dwindling – predominantly thalassocratic, military hegemony, no matter what, as the basis for its financial hegemony; protect the U.S. dollar; and protect those unmeasurable, unpayable debts in U.S. dollars.

And that brings us to the tawdry economic model of turbo-capitalism, as sold by collective West media hacks: the debt loop, virtual money, borrowed non-stop to deal with “autocrat” Putin and “Russian aggression”. That’s a key by-product of Michael Hudson’s searing analysis of the FIRE (Finance-Insurance-Real Estate) syndrome.

Ouroboros intervenes: the serpent bites its own tail. Now the inherent folly of The Mechanism is inevitably leading casino capitalism to resort to barbarism. Undiluted savagery – of the Crocus City Hall kind and of the Project Gaza Genocide kind.

And that’s how The Mechanism engenders institutions – from Washington to Brussels to hubs across the Global North to genocidal Tel Aviv – stripped down to the status of psychotic killers, at the mercy of Big Finance/FIRE (oh, such fabulous seafront real estate opportunities available in “vacant” Gaza.)

How can we possibly escape such folly? Will we have the will and the discipline to follow Shelley’s vision and, in “this dim vast vale of tears”, summon the transcending Spirit of Beauty – and harmony, equanimity and justice?

To Rafah, or not to Rafah, that is the question

Par : AHH

All eyes are on Rafah as Israel prepares to mount an invasion to expel Palestinians or decimate them. It is this pivotal battle that will either force Israel into a ceasefire or thrust the region into an all-out, multi-front war.

By Tawfik Chouman at The Cradle.

The Battle of Rafah: a short step to regional war

The temporary truce struck on 24 November between the Hamas resistance movement and the Israeli government could have paved the way toward successive truces and potentially a sustainable ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

But the opportunity was squandered by Tel Aviv, who viewed the continuation of its genocidal war as a means to reshape Gaza’s political and security landscape under the guise of ‘restoring deterrence’ and mitigating domestic fallout from Hamas’ 7 October Al-Aqsa Flood Operation.

Now, nearly six months since the commencement of what Israel calls a ‘war of survival and existence’ against Gaza, it has become clear that the occupation state’s military aggression cannot unseat Hamas from either the Strip or the broader Palestinian political arena.

The recent flurry of indirect Hamas–Israel negotiations held in Paris, Cairo, and Doha have revealed a stark political reality: Hamas is the primary Palestinian negotiating party where Gaza is concerned. This tacit acknowledgment by Tel Aviv marks the strategic failure of one of Israel’s dual objectives set forth last October, aimed at eradicating Hamas and its allied resistance factions in the Strip.

Bibi’s political interests v domestic backlash

This reality raises questions about the potential pathways available to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as he struggles with immense international pressure to stop the carnage. Will he persist with the war on Gaza and risk global pariah status, or will he be compelled to pursue a politically costly settlement? The latter option, it should be noted, will not be an easy fix. It could potentially unleash a storm of domestic backlash within Israel, with various political factions eager to hold him accountable from multiple angles.

Since Netanyahu abandoned the truce in November, prominent Israeli political commentators and even former prime ministers have been surprisingly unanimous in their assessment. They argue that Netanyahu’s decision to prolong the war serves mainly his personal political interests, allowing him to project an illusion of victory while evading political, security, and judicial scrutiny.

Accordingly, Netanyahu’s stance remains firmly opposed to a war settlement. He has instead doubled down on the necessity of eliminating the military capabilities of Hamas and its allies, and is ostensibly pursuing an ‘absolute victory’ through total war.

The prime minister’s roadmap hinges on continuing the ethnic cleansing of Gaza. In this scenario, he envisions the Battle of Rafah as the decisive climax that will definitively render the already terminal ‘two-state solution’ obsolete and permanently sever any ties between Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

The Battle of Rafah thus emerges as a pivotal juncture, delineating two competing trajectories: one driven by regional and international efforts towards a negotiated settlement, and the other dictated solely by Netanyahu’s ambitions.

Regional ramifications and Egypt’s dilemma

This raises complex questions about whether Netanyahu can prolong the war and influence regional and international actors – to buy time, if you will – all while factoring in the delicate balance of power involving Egypt and the wider regional war against other members of the Axis of Resistance.

Indeed, the Battle of Rafah presents a multi-level challenge for Egypt, encompassing political, security, and popular dimensions. Should the Israeli army invade Rafah, it will have significant implications for Cairo’s relations with Tel Aviv, in addition to severely impacting Egypt’s domestic security landscape.

A recent poll by the Washington Institute for Near East Studies revealed that three-quarters of Egyptians view Hamas positively. This popular sentiment influences Egyptian policy regarding potential Israeli actions in Rafah.

On 10 March, The New York Times and Wall Street Journal reported warnings from Egyptian officials on the potential suspension of the Camp David Accords if Israel were to attack Rafah.

Diaa Rashwan, head of the Egyptian Information Service, emphasized the seriousness of Israel’s occupation of the Philadelphi Corridor – a buffer zone on the Sinai–Gaza border designated by the Camp David agreement – stating it poses a grave threat to Cairo–Tel Aviv relations.

Dealing with the potential mass influxes of Gazan civilians seeking refuge and Palestinian fighters crossing into Egyptian territory also poses significant logistical and security challenges. This scenario also raises questions about the Israeli army’s potential incursions into Egyptian territory and how the Egyptian military would respond.

Moreover, any intensification of pressure on Rafah or a full-scale Israeli invasion will lead to widespread regional ramifications, potentially including the unraveling of the Abraham Accords. The Axis of Resistance has made it clear that the elimination of Hamas is unacceptable and, if threatened, may trigger a regional war.

Complicating matters further is the lack of substantive US pressure on Israel to halt its actions in Gaza. While the Biden White House seeks a ‘credible operational plan,’ it has not unequivocally opposed an attack on Rafah. This ambivalence enables and even emboldens Netanyahu to continue his military operations.

Rafah could reshape the region 

Regardless of the outcome of the Battle of Rafah, both Israeli and US perspectives interpret it as a campaign directed against Hamas, which they view as an extension of Iranian influence in the region. This narrative aligns with what Thomas Friedman, writing for the New York Times, referred to as the new “Biden Doctrine,” which emphasizes confronting Iran and its allies in West Asia. This marks a significant shift in US strategy since 1979.

The convergence of US and Israeli interests casts suspicion on ongoing efforts to bring about a long-term ceasefire, with all eyes focused on the current round of talks in Doha. Amos Harel, writing for Haaretz, frames the discussions as a race toward either a negotiated ceasefire or a potentially expansive regional conflict involving multiple fronts.

Yemen’s Ansarallah movement, which last week expanded its naval operations into the Indian Ocean, has issued a stark warning against a Rafah invasion, threatening a sharp escalation in both sea and air operations, including the closure of the Bab al-Mandab Strait.

Similarly, the Lebanese front remains sensitive to developments in Rafah. Despite the northern front’s expansion since the onset of 2024, recent Israeli attacks targeting Baalbek, over 100 kilometers from the southern border, suggest Tel Aviv’s misguided willingness to escalate.

This possibility could spill over into reality if Israel invades Rafah, as the occupation army may resort to preemptive actions to mitigate perceived threats from Lebanese resistance forces.

Overall, the Battle of Rafah will likely reshape the regional conflict, adding new layers to existing pressure fronts. Importantly, it challenges the notion that Hamas stands alone, abandoned in Rafah, as various regional actors, including Iran and its allies, are closely watching and prepared to intervene.

It’s War: The Real Meat Grinder Starts Now

Par : AHH

“Rules-based Terrorism” Returns to Moskau. No more shadow play. It’s now in the open. No holds barred.

By Pepe Escobar at Strategic Culture Foundation.

Exhibit 1:
 Friday, March 22, 2024. It’s War. The Kremlin, via Peskov, finally admits it, on the record.

The money quote:

“Russia cannot allow the existence on its borders of a state that has a documented intention to use any methods to take Crimea away from it, not to mention the territory of new regions.”

Translation: the Hegemon-constructed Kiev mongrel is doomed, one way or another. The Kremlin signal: “We haven’t even started” starts now.

Exhibit 2: Friday afternoon, a few hours after Peskov. Confirmed by a serious European – not Russian – source. The first counter-signal.

Regular troops from France, Germany and Poland have arrived, by rail and air, to Cherkassy, south of Kiev. A substantial force. No numbers leaked. They are being housed in schools. For all practical purposes, this is a NATO force.

That signals, “Let the games begin”. From a Russian point of view, Mr. Khinzal’s business cards are set to be in great demand.

Exhibit 3: Friday evening. Terror attack on Crocus City, a music venue northwest of Moscow. A heavily trained commando shoots people on sight, point blank, in cold blood, then sets a concert hall on fire. The definitive counter-signal: with the battlefield collapsing, all that’s left is terrorism in Moscow.

And just as terror was striking Moscow, the US and the UK, in southwest Asia, was bombing Sana’a, the Yemeni capital, with at least five strikes.

Some nifty coordination. Yemen has just clinched a strategic deal in Oman with Russia-China for no-hassle navigation in the Red Sea, and is among the top candidates for BRICS+ expansion at the summit in Kazan next October.

Not only the Houthis are spectacularly defeating thalassocracy, they have the Russia-China strategic partnership on their side. Assuring China and Russia that their ships can sail through the Bab-al-Mandeb, Red Sea and Gulf of Aden with no problems is exchanged with total political support from Beijing and Moscow.

The sponsors remain the same

Deep in the night in Moscow, before dawn on Saturday 23. Virtually no one is sleeping. Rumors dance like dervishes on countless screens. Of course nothing has been confirmed – yet. Only the FSB will have answers. A massive investigation is in progress.

The timing of the Crocus massacre is quite intriguing. On a Friday during Ramadan. Real Muslims would not even think about perpetrating a mass murder of unarmed civilians under such a holy occasion. Compare it with the ISIS card being frantically branded by the usual suspects.

Let’s go pop. To quote Talking Heads: “This ain’t no party/ this ain’t no disco/ this ain’t no fooling around”. Oh no; it’s more like an all-American psy op. ISIS are cartoonish mercenaries/goons. Not real Muslims. And everyone knows who finances and weaponizes them.

That leads to the most possible scenario, before the FSB weighs in: ISIS goons imported from the Syria battleground – as it stands, probably Tajiks – trained by CIA and MI6, working on behalf of the Ukrainian SBU. Several witnesses at Crocus referred to “Wahhabis” – as in the commando killers did not look like Slavs.

It was up to Serbia’s Aleksandar Vucic to cut to the chase. He directly connected the “warnings” in early March from American and British embassies directed at their citizens not to visit public places in Moscow with CIA/MI6 intel having inside info about possible terrorism, and not disclosing it to Moscow.

The plot thickens when it is established that Crocus is owned by the Agalarovs: an Azeri-Russian billionaire family, very close friends of…

… Donald Trump.

Talk about a Deep State-pinpointed target.

ISIS spin-off or banderistas – the sponsors remain the same. The clownish secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Oleksiy Danilov, was dumb enough to virtually, indirectly confirm they did it, saying on Ukrainian TV, “we will give them [Russians] this kind of fun more often.”

But it was up to Sergei Goncharov, a veteran of the elite Russia Alpha anti-terrorism unit, to get closer to unwrapping the enigma: he told Sputnik the most feasible mastermind is Kyrylo Budanov – the chief of the Main Directorate of Intelligence at the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

The “spy chief” who happens to be the top CIA asset in Kiev.

Stoking the unholy USUK meatgrinder

It’s got to go till the last Ukrainian

The three exhibits above complement what the head of NATO’s military committee, Rob Bauer, previously told a security forum in Kiev: “You need more than just grenades – you need people to replace the dead and wounded. And this means mobilization.”

Translation: NATO spelling out this is a war until the last Ukrainian.

And the “leadership” in Kiev still does not get it. Former Minister of Infrastructure Omelyan: “If we win, we will pay back with Russian oil, gas, diamonds and fur. If we lose, there will be no talk of money – the West will think about how to survive.”

In parallel, puny “garden-and jungle” Borrell admitted that it would be “difficult” for the EU to find an extra 50 billion euros for Kiev if Washington pulls the plug. The cocaine-fueled sweaty sweatshirt leadership actually believes that Washington is not “helping” in the form of loans, but in the form of free gifts. And the same applies for the EU.

The Theater of the Absurd is unmatchable. The German Liver Sausage Chancellor actually believes that proceeds from stolen Russian assets “do not belong to anyone”, so they can be used to finance extra Kiev weaponizing.

Everyone with a brain knows that using interest from “frozen”, actually stolen Russian assets to weaponize Ukraine is a dead end – unless they steal all of Russia’s assets, roughly $200 billion, mostly parked in Belgium and Switzerland: that would tank the Euro for good, and the whole EU economy for that matter.

Eurocrats better listen to Russian Central Bank major “disrupter” (American terminology) Elvira Nabiullina: The Bank of Russia will take “appropriate measures” if the EU does anything on the “frozen”/stolen Russian assets.

It goes without saying that the three exhibits above completely nullify the “La Cage aux Folles” circus promoted by the puny Petit Roi, now known across his French domains as Macronapoleon.

Virtually the whole planet, including the English-speaking Global North, had already been mocking the “exploits” of his Can Can Moulin Rouge Army.

So French, German and Polish soldiers, as part of NATO, are already in the south of Kiev. The most possible scenario is that they will stay far, far away from the frontlines – although traceable by Mr. Khinzal’s business activities.

Even before this new NATO batch arriving in the south of Kiev, Poland – which happens to serve as prime transit corridor for Kiev’s troops – had confirmed that Western troops are already on the ground.

So this is not about mercenaries anymore. France, by the way, is only 7th in terms of mercenaries on the ground, largely trailing Poland, the US and Georgia, for instance. The Russian Ministry of Defense has all the precise records.

In a nutshell: now war has morphed from Donetsk, Avdeyevka and Belgorod to Moscow. Further on down the road, it may not just stop in Kiev. It may only stop in Lviv. Mr. 87%, enjoying massive national near-unanimity,  now has the mandate to go all the way. Especially after Crocus.

There’s every possibility the terror tactics by Kiev goons will finally drive Russia to return Ukraine to its original 17th century landlocked borders: Black Sea-deprived, and with Poland, Romania, and Hungary reclaiming their former territories.

Remaining Ukrainians will start to ask serious questions about what led them to fight – literally to their death – on behalf of the US Deep State, the military complex and BlackRock.

As it stands, the Highway to Hell meat grinder is bound to reach maximum velocity.

Dien Bien Phools

Par : AHH

We Won’t Get Dien Bien Phooled Again! Once the French have defeated Russia, they will attack all of Europe. France cannot be allowed to win!

with gratitude to FiveGunsWest and penned by Bones!

Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys

I must have every book about Dien Bien Phu there is. I also have the French Communist Party books on this topic and various and sundry others of the time, and Bernard Fall’s books as well.

‘A Street Without Joy’ is the benchmark of French military decline and the onset of loss of empire for the country that has gone from a lion, De Gaulle, to a mouse, Micron. And now the mouse that roars.

Street Without Joy (1961) by French-American professor and journalist Bernard B. Fall, who was on-site as a French soldier, and then as an American war correspondent. The book gives a first-hand look at the French engagement, with an insider understanding of Vietnamese events, and provided insights into guerrilla warfare. It drew wide interest among Americans in the mid-1960s, when their own country markedly increased its activity in the Vietnam War. (wiki)

The history of Dien Bien Phu is a study in miscalculation multiplied Force Ten. Fuck up after fuck up. Cascading idiocy. They so underestimated their enemy that they didn’t even dig in their gun emplacements. The man in charge of the artillery discovered his mistake as 100s of projectiles per minute rained down on the camps and took out the artillery. Despondently, he went down into his bunker sleeping quarters, pulled the pin on a grenade and placed it over his heart. He was such a larger than life individual and an inspiration to the men that the ‘overseer’s of the men’, the officers, lied to them and told them that he’d fallen on the field of honor. There is no honor in a colonial war for the occupier.

The artillery stood exposed. No sandbags. They disdained the abilities of the eventual victors so much that they stupidly held their last stand in a valley surrounded by mountains riddled with caves. They thought the Vietminh couldn’t shoot straight. Turns out they were crack shots, sighting through the barrels of their guns in the high caves surrounding Frenchy and Heinz.

Most of the “French” troops at Dien Bien Phu were former SS Nazi storm troopers. I guess the US took the cream of the NAZI crop. General Gehlen who set up our Gestapo Security State. Mr. Werner “I just make the mizziles, vhere they come down izz not my koncern” Von Braun. Eva wasn’t available.

The rank and file SS troops wound up in Vietnam, getting their asses shot off by the Vietminh and their ashes hauled in the official French brothels that always traveled with the troops. This practice is still current. They come to San Francisco once a year for fleet week. You can see the prostitutes. Some whores got the Croix de Guerre for ‘services above and beyond the call of booty’.

@robertjames6640 1 year ago:

“An amazing movie. I served with men who fought at Dien Bien Phu and they held the greatest of respect for the Vietnamese people who defeated them. Vietnam and its people are resilient, hard working and truly delightful.”

The Frogs Made It Personal For Giap

In the late 1930s, Giap married a fellow member of the party, whom he had met in prison years earlier. She gave birth to a daughter, Hong Anh, in 1940. Four months later, the party’s central committee decided to send him to join Ho, who was living in exile in China, where he was preparing plans for the revolution he intended to launch.

Soon after Gen. Giap left for China, his wife was taken into custody by French authorities. She died in prison, either by suicide or while being tortured. Because of the intervening world war, it was years before Gen. Giap learned of his wife’s death. In 1947, his father also died while in French custody, refusing to publicly denounce his son, although he never agreed with his communist ideology.

“He carries in his soul wounds that even time cannot heal,” Hong Anh told biographer Currey of her father.

It’s not my intention to recap history on this fascinating and well deserved defeat of the French who were ferreted out of their holes and FROG MARCHED off to a POW camp as they should have been, but to rub this humiliating defeat in their faces as they consider war with Russia. I consider them stupid like the rest of the crime syndicate of the Western satellite colonies of the former US empire.

The Frogs Can’t Get Enough

The Dien Bien Phools can’t get enough humiliation, death and defeat. Now they want to send their children to Ukraine to kill Russians for Joe Biden’s corrupt regime, all the while blathering on about freedom and democracy, meaningless crap that Ukraine doesn’t have or represent. They are fighting for western leaders endless supply of Merck cocaine and children to rape and abuse. They may not know it, but that is the reality.

The rank and file French soldier has no idea what they’re fighting for and for the most part, they never have. Remember, once invaded by the Nazis in WW2 they sided with the NAZIs and became Vichy France. The French Foreign legion … the former SS Nazis … didn’t care what they fought besides the kicks they got out of usual frolics colonial powers derive from killing the natives who have no standing army, navy or airforce. A turkey shoot as it’s called. Once again they’ve sided with the Nazis to boot.

That said, US troops have no idea what the fuck they’re doing from moment to moment. They’re a largely uneducated rabble and the non-coms are just as bad. An immoral uneducated rabble using the military as a jobs program in much the same way as a corrupt Congress critter uses the arms manufacturing as a jobs program bringing money into their coffers and sharing a little with the community. The last thing the US military wants to do? Their jobs.

Most of the world is watching Russia systematically destroy what was by far the largest most capable and equipped NATO-commanded army in the world (the Ukrainian army), understanding that what is unfolding is Washington’s Waterloo.

The US general stuff are all rear echelon muthafuckas

So drive on, it don’t mean nuthin’


“When or where have the French been correct in their strategic judgment?
SE Asia? Algeria? Sahel? West Africa? Central Africa? NATO? WWII?
Where or when?
They always get it wrong.”


“Yes, some imbeciles in Paris think so, but considering the level of French Armed Forces–they will be hunted down and killed.

What Paris is going to do about it? Right–nothing. France’s nuclear deterrent is dwarfed by Russia’s conventional, let alone nuclear capability–so, does Macron and his buddies want to die?

They will. So will France as a whole. Hey, French voted for this. Time to face consequences. And here is the funny thing–France is alone in all that.”


“I predict popcorn shortages. Be sure to lay in a big supply. Enough to binge eat for a couple of days. ‘French cooking’ will not take that long. If US enters the fray, it may take a week to fry and die. They haven’t met Mr. Thermobaric. Have fun guys. Ta Ta.”

Axis of Asymmetry In Da House!

Par : AHH

“The Houthis down a $30 million MQ-9 Reaper with a 10k missile.
Axis of Asymmetry in da house.” — Pepe Escobar

with thanks from FiveGunsWest and penned by Bones!

“I had to go to the black soil of Novorossiya to watch where the rules-based international order came to die,” — @RealPepeEscobar told the #NewRulesPodcast

“So the cowardly genocidals say Lula is persona non grata in Israel.”

“Lula did not assassinate 29k+ Palestinians – and counting, the overwhelming majority women and children.”

“History will eventually judge the genocidals as personae non grata for all of humanity.”


“Everything in Donbass is always pregnant with meaning.”

“Russian soldiers plant flags on the monument to USSR heroes – many from Donbass – who fought the Nazis in 1943.”

“History repeating.”

As much as I think Hypocracy Now is pretty much complete BS, it must also be pointed out it is also covered by CNN, another bastion of CIA rodents.

“Americans are watching CNN and just learning they are the bad guys. LOL.”

“Evidence of a plot to murder a citizen of another country, in the embassy of a third country, located in the sovereign nation of another country.”

“Not sure how many intl laws that breaches but just asking is conspiracy.” – @JerryTakesChina

From Vice News;

“As international conflicts and natural disasters rage on, billionaires are now looking toward self-preservation—by investing in multi-million dollar bunkers complete with water cannons and a moat that sets on fire in case of intruders.”

Umlait the Bumbo Klat sez:

“Billionaires: when the shit hits the fan and we aren’t stuck toiling away in your trinket factories; all we will have is time. And anger. Lots of anger.”

“Imagine how fun it will be to haul these evil pussies out of their bunkers after overwhelming their defenses.”

“Funny thing is…life in a bunker will inevitably become completely miserable, and they will understand that all they’ve done is create a fancy prison, occupied with a bunch of people they do not love.”

The Houthis’ Allah is kicking the shit out of the West’s pretend Judeo-Christian Super Friends Dept.

From @Wire Dispatch:

“#Yemen #Houthis are the first entity in the history of the world to use anti-ship ballistic missiles ever, against commercial and #US navy ships, in addition to being the first to have a ballistic missile interception in Space.”

I don’t yet now what the interception in space is but I’m sure we’ll find out.

Military Overload opines thusly –

“Yemens “Houthis” Capture American Recon Submarine: 📍#Yemen | #Houthis

“The Yemeni Houthis have seized the American Remus 600 unmanned underwater vehicle.

“This is regarded as one of the most advanced underwater reconnaissance units in the United States.”

The fellator capitalist press says this about that …

$1.3 million apiece.

“One of the most capable Hydroid UUVs is the REMUS 600, a torpedo-shaped underwater drone designed to carry a large payload of sensors to great depths for meteorological and oceanographic surveying. The MK18 Mod 2 Kingfish, a variant of the REMUS 600, costs the Navy around $1.3 million apiece.”

The reverse engineering is going to be great. Soon the entire Global South that wants them, shall have them.

Add up these costs to USUK and it’s astronomical with all these sunken and damaged ships.

The self-proclaimed greatest power on earth and their lap poodle are being house trained about life on the planet by the down trodden. If nothing else, these brave and valiant men are putting the world on notice that the US is a paper leech and not a tiger.

If you live in the US you’ve been bullied, one way another, all your lives. Where do you think garage and punk rock came from? Most of us want to be left alone. Some will violently oppose anything that interferes with their rights to privacy and the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

One must admit that their shitty lifestyle, at this point, depends on Uncle Spam fucking over the world.

From the point of view of making people around the world realize what a modern liberal-democratic dictatorship is, which is vividly represented in today’s US ruling class. VVP

The FWG palatial estate and experimental farm has been woe beset with three atmospheric rivers as of late. Many structures damaged. Two missing animals, presumed dead. One missing for four months returns. Intense coyote predation. A rodent invasion. We’re a flooded island in the mountains.

Marty and friends will be glad to know I hadn’t set my Cuban tobacco plants out yet. Other larger plants were damaged as was the barn roof. We have a lot to accomplish in little time on our hands.

Our STEM kiddie tried to AI automate the blog. You could set parameters for comments, whether or not you were kindly disposed to someone or not. The thing went completely apeshit, like it was drunk, flinging complements out left and right. So, you know, the marriage proposals are null and void.

Chains We Can Believe In

Par : AHH

Joe Biden is not mentally competent to stand trial but he is competent to be president

with thanks from FiveGunsWest and penned by Bones!

Bibi Biden and Blinken: That Old Black Magic

“If we don’t stop Israel over there, we’ll have to stop them over here.” – General Cosplay Killmore

LOL. And why not? It makes as much if not more sense than anything these hoodrats in Congress (remember Fetterman if you don’t believe me), the State Department, the Department of War (let’s call a spade a spade – no offense to the fine Russian shovel) and Erectile oops Executive Orifice.

Gang behavior always reflects the dominant paradigm. Simians in the street reflect the apes in power, right Dr. Zaius?

Throw in a little AI (snicker) and transhumansim designed by amoral retards and what could go wrong, right?

“Dr. Zira, I must caution you. Experimental brain surgery on these creatures is one thing, and I’m all in favor of it. But your behavior studies are another matter.

“To suggest that we can learn anything about the simian nature from a study of man is sheer nonsense.

“Why, man is a nuisance. He eats up his food supply in the forest, then migrates to our green veldts and ravages our crops. The sooner he is exterminated, the better. It’s a question of simian survival.” ―Doctor Zaius.

You’ll think this song an odd choice but bear with us. Here at the palatial FGW estate and Home of the Follytechnical Institute, one out of four simians voted for this tune. In America that is a solid majority if not a “landslide victory”, just like the war pig’s overseas victories. Let’s hum along and dance a jig, shall we?

That was so bone chillingly fun (Oh, sink me.) let’s skip part two. War is Pablo Picasso visits the Planet of the Apes.

America Defanged!

I’m from another time zone beset with memories of valor that wasn’t stolen battling goons whose valor was. Those goons are at it again. They’re back, fouler and more stupid than before.

The times themselves call for us to be great. To stand up and say no. To man the barricades if needs be but we quake and we quail. We fail and falter at the altar.

Why? All of us have seen with our own eyes what THEY do to tellers of truth, to those who are not empire simps, are not empire bootlickers. They were all shot or removed in some way.

It hasn’t stopped today. We see it all around us. A list of names, were I to insert them here, would blow up your phone.

“So, what is to be done?”

America Has Dada Issues

“Dada was an artistic and literary movement that began in Zürich, Switzerland. It arose as a reaction to World War I and the nationalism that many thought had led to the war.

“Influenced by other avant-garde movements – Cubism, Futurism, Constructivism, and Expressionism – its output was wildly diverse, ranging from performance art to poetry, photography, sculpture, painting, and collage.

“Dada’s aesthetic, marked by its mockery of materialistic and nationalistic attitudes, proved a powerful influence on artists in many cities, including Berlin, Hanover, Paris, New York, and Cologne, all of which generated their own groups.

The movement dissipated with the establishment of Surrealism, but the ideas it gave rise to have become the cornerstones of various categories of modern and contemporary art.

“The Dadaists used absurdity as an offensive weapon against the ruling elite, whom they saw as contributing to the war.”

“Banding together in a loosely knit group, these writers and artists used any public forum they could find to challenge nationalism, rationalism, materialism, and any other -ism that they felt had contributed to a senseless war.

“If society was going in this direction, they said, we’ll have no part of it or its traditions, most particularly artistic traditions. We, who are non-artists, will create non-art since art (and everything else in the world) has no meaning anyway.

“I write a manifesto and I want nothing, yet I say certain things and in principle I am against manifestos, as I am against principles. I write this manifesto to show that people can perform contrary actions together while taking one fresh gulp of air; I am against action: for continuous contradiction, for affirmation too, I am neither for nor against and I do not explain because I hate common sense. Like everything else, Dada is useless.”

America is an apartheid state

Our gov’t is NOT legitimate. They aren’t OUR gov’t. They are an occupying force. We, as citizens live in an apartheid nation where a set of inbred clowns enjoy a standard of living we will never be allowed to see.

They are temp workers and nothing more and should be treated as such. See ya.

The Order of Skull and Bones and US Society

Par : AHH

“The Order has so wrecked education that reading comprehension is difficult for many – that’s part of the brainwashing program.” – Antony C. Sutton

Professor Dr. Syed Mujahid Kamran at Daily Pakistan

The Order of Skull and Bones is a highly important secret society that was established in 1833. It has, over the years, provided leaders in U.S. society, including presidents, judges of the Supreme Court, ambassadors, intelligence operators, business leaders, academic administrators, etc. It has persistently and relentlessly moulded the life and thought of the United States of America silently and profoundly. The Order has ceremonial rites such as lying in a coffin, its members are sworn to secrecy, and always deny membership of the society. It is headquartered in a windowless building known as “The Tomb”, where meetings of its members are held in secrecy. The “Tomb” was constructed in 1856. It is one of the four secret societies that exist in Yale University, the other three being Scroll and Key, Wolf’s Head and Elihu. However, it happens to be, by far, the most powerful and most controversial of these four.

“Tapping” the Controllers of the imported Prussian Totalitarian Paradigm for Totalen Krieg

In order to understand the purpose of the Order and its enormous influence, one has to delve into its origins, various interconnections at the very start, and the sources from where its drew its inspiration. In the words of author Kris Millegan, Yale is the place “[W]here three threads of American social history – espionage, drug smuggling and secret societies – intertwine into one.” One of the founders of the Order of Skull and Bones was William Huntington Russell. He was a cousin of Samuel Russell who, in 1823, founded Russell and Company for smuggling opium. Opium, acquired from Turkey, was smuggled by Russell and Company into China. Millegan notes that in 1830 Russell and Company merged with a Boston syndicate known as Perkins, becoming the primary opium smuggler of the U.S. Russell partners included Warren Delano Jr., the grandfather of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Cleve Green who funded Princeton, Abiel Low who financed construction of Columbia, and others. Important partners, who influenced life in the U.S. included Joseph Coolidge, whose son organized the United Fruit Company whose role in South American politics has always been crucial, and whose grandson Archibald C. Coolidge was one of the founders of the Council on Foreign Relations.

William Huntington went to Germany and spent a year studying there (1831-1832). At the time the German society was fermenting with new ideas and a new educational system, based on what was called the “scientific” method, was being developed. It was Johan Wolfgang Fitche who, in an address to the German nation, had declared that children would be taken over by the state and the state would determine what the children should think and how should they think. Fitche was a Freemason, and most likely Illuminati – he had support of the famous Illuminati Johan Wolfgang Goethe. Fitche was succeeded by the famous Hegel, who remained a professor at Berlin University until his death in 1831. It was Hegel who bequeathed the dialectical idea to the world. In the words of Kris Millegan: “To Hegel, our world is a world of reason. The state is Absolute Reason and the citizen can only become free by worship and obedience to the state. Hegel called the state the ‘march of God in the world’ and the ‘final end’. This final end, Hegel said, ‘has supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of a state.” William Huntington Russell imbibed these ideas and was destined to import Hegelianism into American society.

Alphonso Taft, founder of the Taft political dynasty … Attorney General and Secretary of War under President Ulysses S. Grant

Upon returning to Yale in 1832 William Huntington Russell formed a secret society with Alphonso Taft. The secret society was initially named Scull and Bones. Subsequently the title was revised to Skull and Bones (abbreviated as S&B). Sometimes it is called the Brotherhood of Death. It is known as the Order by its members. Its insignia is the same as that on the flag of a pirate’s ship, with the number 322 printed beneath. The year of founding of this secret society is 1833, the year from which hails the first batch of this secret society. Russell went on to become a general and also became a legislator in Connecticut. Alphonso Taft became Attorney General of the U.S., and subsequently became Minister of War. Taft also was the U.S. ambassador to Austria as well as Russia. His son William Taft, was also a member Skull and Bones and became the Chief Justice as well as President of the United States, the only man in history to occupy these two positions. This indicates the enormous power and influence of this secret society formed by Alphonso Taft and William H. Russell at Yale even in its early phase.

Every year, since 1833, 15 students are selected and offered membership (they are “tapped” as the phrase goes). Membership was all male and white until 1992 when women were admitted, followed by colored members as well as LGBT community members. To date, in over 190 years of existence, the total number of members of S&B is close to 3,000. At any given time, the number of members alive is estimated to be between 500 and 600. The establishment of this society was not something done in isolation in an American institution. At one point Yale students broke into the headquarters of this society and recovered secret documents. One of the documents states: “Bones is a chapter of a corps in a German University . . . General Russell, its founder, was in Germany before his Senior Year and formed a warm friendship with a leading member of a German society. He brought back with him in college, authority to found a chapter here.” While this fascinating document reveals Skull and Bones as a chapter of a German secret society, it still does not reveal the name of the individual with whom Russell formed a friendship, nor does it identify the name of the German society. It even does not specify the name of the university where the parent society of Skull and Bones existed. Since Russell had gone to Berlin University, it is likely that the parent secret society existed in that university. Skull and Bones is chapter 322 of some German secret society. In fact, a list of S&B members supplied anonymously to Antony Sutton shows that in the S&B batch of 1833 the name at number 11 is not mentioned – instead two blank lines appear indicating that this could be the name of the anonymous German connection. Eustace Mullins has remarked that Skull and Bones is a branch of German Illuminati.

The Primary Task: Mold the Minds of Children

The Order of Skull and Bones has worked for promoting a Hegelian set up in the United States, where the state is supreme and individual liberties and rights are subservient to the demands of the state. Further the Hegelian dialectic, thesis versus anti-thesis, generates activity through clash of opposites and their resolution, followed by the generation of new opposites and so on. Members of S&B manage the conflict by being on both sides. John Kerry of the Democratic Party contested presidential elections against the Republican George Bush, when in fact both belonged to S&B! The Order has focused on education with particular fervor as a means of “dumbing down” the American mind. In this regard Kris Millegan writes: “Daniel Coit Gilman (1852) along with two other ‘Bonesmen’, formed a troika which still influences American life today. Soon after their initiation in Skull and Bones, Daniel Gilman, Timothy Dwight (1849) and Andrew Dickinson White (1853) went to study philosophy in Europe at the University of Berlin. Gilman returned from Europe and incorporated Skull and Bones as the Russell Trust in 1856 with himself as Treasurer and William H. Russell as President. He spent the next 14 years in New Haven consolidating the order’s power.”

The focus of the order on education, particularly higher education, can be noticed from the following facts about this troika. Daniel Coit Gilman became the first President of the University of California. He also became the founder President of John Hopkins. Timothy Dwight became President of Yale in 1886, whereas Andrew D. White became the first President of Cornell University. Yale, John Hopkins, Cornell, and University of California are first rate institutions and it is highly significant that these were headed in their initial phases by three members of the Order of Skull and Bones who had gone to Berlin University for studying philosophy. It is likely that many subsequent presidents of these institutions have also been members of the Order of S&B. In fact, Yale is almost always headed by a Bonesman.

In addition to heading academic institutions this troika founded and/or headed other highly important organizations that have had, and continue to have, a profound influence on American society. Gilman was the first president of the Carnegie Institution and founded the Peabody, Slater, and Russell Sage Foundations. White became the first president of the American Historical Association, an organization established for the supremely important purpose of writing sanitized history and incorporating this sanitized history in the syllabi of the history courses throughout the United States. This troika also founded the American Economic Association, American Psychological Association and the American Chemical Society. Millegan states: “Through their influences on John Dewey and Horace Mann, this trio continues to have enormous impact on American education today.” Thus control of higher education has enabled them to control education of the United States at all levels. The number 322 in the emblem of the Order is thought by some to represent 322 B.C. when Greek orator Demosthenes died. This year marked the transition of Athens from a democracy to a plutocracy and is thought to represent the belief of S&B members that the U.S. should also become a plutocracy.

From the list of members provided to Sutton an interesting picture emerges. Initially the most important S&B members belonged to certain family lines. Initially the so-called Old Line families that had settled in Massachusetts in the first half of 17th century and had acquired wealth dominated the Order of S&B. These were the Gilman, the Taft, the Whitney, the Lord, the Stimson, the Perkins, the Bundy and the Phleps families. All these families settled in Massachusetts between 1630-1638, except for the Taft family which came in 1679. To these Old Line families were added families which came later and had acquired wealth in the 19th century. These included the Rockefeller, the Payne, the Harriman, the Davison, the Pillsbury, the Sloane and the Weyerhaueser families. Afterwards came families such as the Bush family which joined S&B during the 20th century.

Antony Sutton writes in his groundbreaking book on the Order: “The Order has either set up or penetrated just about every significant research, policy, and opinion making organization in the United States, in addition to the Church, business, law, government and politics. Not all at the same time, but persistently and consistently enough to dominate the direction of American society. The evolution of American society is not, and has not been for a century a voluntary development reflecting individual opinions, ideas and decisions at grass roots. On the contrary the road direction has been created artificially and stimulated by the Order. Not all organizations know they have been penetrated or used for another purpose.”

Not only have members of the Order the very first heads of several key higher education institutions as mentioned, they have also been key players in various Foundations whose wealth is used for the purposes pursued by the Order. Some Foundations set up and/or headed by members of the Order have already been mentioned. In addition, the Ford Foundation was headed by S&B member McGeorge Bundy from 1966-1979 even though the Ford family had views opposed to the secret societies. The American Society for Settlement of International Disputes was set in 1910 by Theodore Marburg who was its President. But the first Chairman of this society was William Howard Taft of S&B. This society was the precursor of the League to Enforce Peace, which evolved into the League of Nations idea and eventually became the United Nations. The brain behind UNESCO was another S&B member named Archiblad McLeash. These organizations reveal how the influence of the Order has acquired a global dimension, touching each and every nation on the planet! In the U.S., the Institute of Policy Studies evolved, in 1963, out of the 1960 Peace Research Institute established by an S&B member named James Jeremiah Wadsworth.

Members of the Order acquired ownership of highly important media organizations from the very start. Henry Luce of S&B owned the Time Life magazines and their allied publications. John Chipman Farrar (S&B 1918) owned the Farrar Strauss publishing enterprise. Alfred Cowles (S&B 1913) became President of Cowles Communications which owned the Des Moines Register and Minneapolis Starr. Similarly the Atlantic Monthly was owned by an S&B member, etc. The first Director of the Nieman Fund, which awards the prestigious Nieman Fellowship in journalism at Harvard, was an S&B member named Archibakld McLeash. Several hundred Nieman Fellowships have been awarded to date.

Members of the Order of Skull and Bones are found on both sides of a conflict. They supported Hitler as well as Stalin! S&B member Averell Harrimann spent a good deal of time by Stalin’s side during WWII. According to Kris Millegan: “Funding and political maneuvering on the part of ‘Bonesmen’ and their allies helped the Bolsheviks prevail in Russia. In defiance of federal laws, the cabal financed industries, established banks, and developed oil and mineral deposits in the fledgling U.S.S.R.” Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin write: “Following his services to Germany’s Nazi Party, Averell Harrimann spent several years mediating between the British, American and Soviet governments in the war to stop the Nazis. He was ambassador to Moscow from 1943-1946. President Harry Truman, whom Harrimann and his friends held in amused contempt, appointed Harrimann U.S. ambassador to Britain in 1946.” Millegan writes that according to some Harrimann also “oversaw the transfer of nuclear secrets, plutonium and dollar printing plates to the U.S.S.R.”

From the list of members supplied secretly and confidentially to Antony Sutton an interesting picture emerges. Sutton had lists that covered approximately the first 150 years of the existence of the Order. He found that 77% i.e. more than three quarters of the members were concentrated in five areas. These areas are Law (18%), Education (16%), Business (16%), Finance (15%) and Industry (12%). As Sutton observes, these five areas are “the key fields for the control of society.” Although Government and politics account for only 3% of the members this is misleading because, on account of the “revolving door” phenomenon, people in these five fields can temporarily occupy important governmental positions. Sutton further notes; “Notably the areas of society least represented are those with the least ability to influence the structural direction of society.” Thus Sutton could find only five engineers in the list of members in 150 years! Further “Art, architecture and music are underrepresented. We can identify only 16 members in these three occupations in 150 years. Again these occupations are not influential in determining the structure of society. Farmers are under represented, only 16 in 150 years, but we suspect that some took up farming to get away from the Order.”

Around 1985, Vice President George HW Bush came to visit his mother Dorothy Bush on Jupiter Island

Jupiter Island

George H.W. Bush spent his early childhood with his mother on Jupiter Island in Florida, but this is generally not mentioned. The reason for this has to do with the fact that Jupiter Island had been made “a staging ground for the 1940s takeover of the U.S. national security apparatus” by Averell Harrimann. On account of this the island had become “possibly the most secretive place in America”. It was owned by Permelia Pryor Reed, daughter of Samuel Pryor, chairman executive committee of Remington Arms, and a partner of S&B dominated Brown Brother Harrimann, and her husband, Yale graduate Joseph V. Reed. They bought the entire island, which is about half a mile wide and nine miles long, in 1931. The couple sold the land only to people that would fit in with them.

When George H.W. Bush became President he used to visit Jupiter Island frequently. Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin write: “But for several decades before Bush was President, Jupiter Island had an ordinance requiring fingerprinting of all housekeepers, gardeners and other non-residents working on the island. The Jupiter Island police department says that there are sensors in the two main roads that can track every automobile on the island. If a car stops in a street, the police will be there within one or two minutes. Surveillance is a duty of all employees of the town of Jupiter Island. News reporters are to be prevented from visiting the island.”

Jupiter Island resident Robert A Lovett, a partner of Prescott Bush (S&B 1917) was Assistant Secretary of War from 1941-1945. It was Lovett who was the main American advocate of terror-bombing of civilians. It was Lovett who organized the Strategic Bombing Survey in collaboration with the Tavistock Institute in order to terrorize the civilian population of Germany by such actions as fire-bombing of Dresden. He also advised Lyndon Johnson to carry out such terror-bombing of Vietnam. C. Douglas Dillon, a neighbor of George Bush on Jupiter Island, became undersecretary of State after the death of John Foster Dulles in 1958. From 1953 – 1957 Dillon had been ambassador to France and had coordinated the U.S. backing of the French imperialism in Vietnam. The results of this policy became catastrophic for France and eventually the U.S. and Vietnam and adjoining regions leading to tens of millions of deaths. Jock Whitney, ambassador to Britain, was a neighbor of Prescott Bush on Jupiter Island and set up a propaganda organization for the CIA and the British intelligence.

S & B member Averell Harrimann betrayed John F. Kennedy’s attempts to de-escalate the Vietnam war. James Douglas writes about John Kenneth Galbraith’s proposal to JFK to use the Indian government to communicate with the Communist bloc in the matter. “In response to the President’s order to wire such instructions to Galbraith, Harrimann ‘struck the language of de-escalation from the message with a heavy pencil line’ as scholar Gareth Porter discovered in examining Harrimann’s papers. Harriman dictated instructions to his colleague Edward Rice for as telegram to Galbraith that instead ‘changed the mutual de-escalation approach into a threat of the U.S. escalation of war if the North Vietnamese refused to accept U.S. terms’ thereby subverting Kennedy’s purpose. When Rice tried to reintroduce Kennedy’s peaceful initiative into the telegram Harrimann intervened. He again crossed out the de-escalation proposal, then ‘simply killed the telegram altogether.’ As a result of Harrimann’s obstruction, Galbraith never did receive JFK’s mutual de-escalation proposal to North Vietnam.”

John Kennedy was betrayed during the Bay of Pigs invasion by three leading lights of the CIA: Director Allen Dulles and two Deputy Directors Richard Bissell and Gen. Charles Cabell. Bissell had studied at Yale and had refused an offer to become a member of S&B. However, his brother was an S&B member. All three were to play a role in the JFK assassination as JFK had sacked all three of them for having betrayed him. The real disaster during Bay of Pigs occurred when McGeorge Bundy called off the attack on the surviving T33s of Castro’s air force in violation of explicit orders of JFK. Bundy was a member of Order of S&B. His brother William Bundy was also a member of the Order of S&B. Thus S&B members played a crucial role in subverting JFK’s administration. Antony Sutton et al writes about the Bundy brothers: “The two brothers from their positions in the CIA, the Department of Defense and the State Department and as special assistants to President Kennedy and Johnson exercised significant impact over the flow of information and intelligence during the Vietnam war.” William Bundy became the editor of Foreign Affairs, the quarterly journal of the Council on Foreign Relations while McGeorge Bundy became head of the Ford Foundation.

When Gen. Eisenhower instructed that U2 flights over U.S.S.R. be stopped in view of an impending summit with Khrushchev, it was Bissell who betrayed the orders and managed the U2 flight, flown by Gary Powers, which came down over U.S.S.R. leading to a cancellation of the summit. Donald Gibson wrote: “Richard Bissell was the man who developed and almost certainly played a role in the Gates-Powers mess.” Gates was then secretary of defense. Thus S&B members sabotaged the policy of reduction of tensions with the Soviet Union and at the same time sabotaged JFK’s policy of disengaging from Vietnam, eventually playing a role in his assassination. James Jesus Angleton, the head of the CIA’s counter-intelligence wing, played a key role in the JFK assassination. He was a member of the Order of S&B. Members of the Order were responsible for horrendous bombing of civilians during WWII as well as the Vietnam and subsequently Iraq wars under S&B presidents the Bushes, killing tens of millions of innocent civilians.

The Bohemian Grove: An Elite Satanic Club

The Order of S&B stands for serious and managed or forced population reduction as well as the elimination of those who are poor or weak, or have physical or mental handicaps. George H.W. Bush stated: “The per capita income gap between the developed and developing countries is increasing, in large part the result of higher birth rate in poorer countries … Famine in India, unwanted babies in the United States, poverty that seemed to form an unbreakable chain for millions of people – how should we tackle these problems … It is quite clear that one of the major challenges of the 1970s … will be the curb of the world’s fertility.” This thinking is quite similar to that of Adolf Hitler, with whom S&B members cooperated. Hitler had stated: “Those who are physically and mentally unhealthy must not perpetuate their suffering in the body of their children… The prevention of the faculty and opportunity to procreate on the part of physically degenerate and mentally sick over a period of 600 years would … free humanity from an immeasurable misfortune.” The Order of S&B subscribes to this philosophy.

Averell Harriman’s mother had funded the race-science movement in the U.S. in 1910 because she shared with the Farish family an interest in raising thorough breds among horses, extending the same to humans. Dr. Ernst Rudin of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Genealogy and Demography was brought to New York for the 1932 New York Eugenics Conference arranged by the Harrimanns, where he was unanimously elected president of the International Federation of Eugenics Societies. In 1928 Dr. Rudin had addressed the Federation’s meeting in Munich speaking on “Mental Aberration and Race Hygiene.” According to Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin components of the world eugenics movement included: “sterilization of mental patients (‘mental hygiene societies’); execution of insane criminals and terminally ill (‘euthanasia societies’); and eugenical race purification by prevention of births to parents from ‘inferior’ blood stocks (‘birth control societies’). Before Auschwitz death camps became a household word, these British-American-European groups called openly for the elimination of ‘unfit’ by means including force and violence.” This movement was backed by the S&B members, particularly the Harrimann family. The Rockefellers also funded this movement significantly.

In summary the Order of Skull and Bones has produced three U.S. presidents, two chief justices, numerous Senators, Congressmen, ambassadors, and cabinet members. They have influenced the U.S. society in a profound way through control of education, law, business, finance and industry. Chief Justice and Bonesman M.R. Waite simply declared in 1886, without any debate, that corporations have the rights of a person. The Order has had a global impact through setting up of UN and international judicial organizations. The Order has promoted war and genocide as a part of its Malthusian philosophy and has worked for making the state more powerful and the individual rights subservient to the demands of the state. The state does not exist to serve the individual, it is the other way round. The Order is, to use Sutton’s phrase, America’s Secret Establishment.

Antony C. Sutton, who had exposed the Order of Skull and Bones through his books and ongoing work died mysteriously in 2002. Kris Millegan wrote: “Antony Sutton was a giant among men. His integrity cost him dearly, his vocation, his income, his family … maybe even his life. Tony had collapsed to his kitchen floor early one morning. All the coroner would tell me was ‘natural causes’. I asked his partner for many years what happened; she said she didn’t know, she was sleeping. The only thing strange was some folks had moved into the apartment upstairs a few weeks before and then moved right out after Tony’s passing.” The Order may have had a hand in his death.
