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Si Apple aime tant les bulles bleues, pourquoi le logo de l’app Messages est-il vert ?

Depuis 2011, Apple propose aux utilisateurs de ses produits d'utiliser iMessage, une application de messagerie connue pour ses bulles bleues. Pourtant, en 2024, l'icône de l'application Messages est verte.

iMessage gets a major makeover that puts it on equal footing with Signal

Par : Dan Goodin
Stylized illustration of key.

Enlarge (credit: Getty Images)

iMessage is getting a major makeover that makes it among the two messaging apps most prepared to withstand the coming advent of quantum computing, largely at parity with Signal or arguably incrementally more hardened.

On Wednesday, Apple said messages sent through iMessage will now be protected by two forms of end-to-end encryption (E2EE), whereas before, it had only one. The encryption being added, known as PQ3, is an implementation of a new algorithm called Kyber that, unlike the algorithms iMessage has used until now, can’t be broken with quantum computing. Apple isn’t replacing the older quantum-vulnerable algorithm with PQ3—it's augmenting it. That means, for the encryption to be broken, an attacker will have to crack both.

Making E2EE future safe

The iMessage changes come five months after the Signal Foundation, maker of the Signal Protocol that encrypts messages sent by more than a billion people, updated the open standard so that it, too, is ready for post-quantum computing (PQC). Just like Apple, Signal added Kyber to X3DH, the algorithm it was using previously. Together, they’re known as PQXDH.

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Apple annonce iMessage PQ3, pour contrer le piratage quantique

iMessage PQ3

Dans quelques années, un ordinateur quantique ultra-puissant pourrait être en mesure de déchiffrer nos conversations privées. Pour éviter d'être pris de court, Apple annonce être reparti à zéro avec iMessage. Début mars, l'application de messagerie instantanée basculera vers « un protocole cryptographique post-quantique ».

iMessage passe entre les mailles du filet, Apple évite de justesse le DMA

Imessage Iphone Sms

Apple vient de faire reconnaître le caractère "non essentiel" de son service iMessage en Europe. Grâce à cela, l'application ne doit pas respecter le DMA.

Apple’s iMessage is not a “core platform” in EU, so it can stay walled off

Apple Messages in a Mac dock

Enlarge (credit: Getty Images)

Apple's iMessage service is not a "gatekeeper" prone to unfair business practices and will thus not be required under the Fair Markets Act to open up to messages, files, and video calls from other services, the European Commission announced earlier today.

Apple was one of many companies, including Google, Amazon, Alphabet (Google's parent company), Meta, and Microsoft to have its "gatekeeper" status investigated by the European Union. The iMessage service did meet the definition of a "core platform," serving at least 45 million EU users monthly and being controlled by a firm with at least 75 billion euros in market capitalization. But after "a thorough assessment of all arguments" during a five-month investigation, the Commission found that iMessage and Microsoft's Bing search, Edge browser, and ad platform "do not qualify as gatekeeper services." The unlikelihood of EU demands on iMessage was apparent in early December when Bloomberg reported that the service didn't have enough sway with business users to demand more regulation.

Had the Commission ruled otherwise, Apple would have had until August to open its service. It would have been interesting to see how the company would have complied, given that it provides end-to-end encryption and registers senders based on information from their registered Apple devices.

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L’Europe renonce in extremis à briser le monopole de iMessage sur iPhone

Par : RPB

Réactions iMessage

Depuis des mois, Apple comme Bing se battaient pour que le DMA ne s'applique pas à certains de leurs services en Europe. Ces derniers viennent d'avoir gain de cause.

Bing et iMessage ne sont pas des services essentiels en Europe

Dma Thierry Breton Apple

Microsoft et Apple peuvent souffler. La Commission européenne a en effet jugé que ni Bing, ni iMessage n'étaient des services essentiels après une enquête de plusieurs mois. Ils échappent ainsi aux exigences du DMA.

iMessage et Bing ont gagné : l’Union européenne renonce à les réguler

À partir du 7 mars, les services utilisés par plus de 45 millions de personnes en Europe devront se conformer au Digital Markets Act (DMA), un nouveau texte qui impose des règles strictes en matière de concurrence. Apple et Microsoft ont obtenu le droit de ne pas inscrire iMessage et Bing en tant que « gatekeepers ».

Bing, Edge et iMessage devraient échapper aux règles européennes sur la concurrence

Dma Thierry Breton Apple

À six semaines de la mise en œuvre de la législation sur les marchés numériques (DMA) en Europe, la Commission européenne serre les derniers boulons et parfois, il peut y avoir de bonnes surprises pour les contrôleurs d'accès.

Apple a gagné la bataille contre Beeper Mini, mais peut-être pas la guerre contre les régulateurs

Beeper Mini Imessage

Apple a peut-être réussi à faire taire Beeper Mini, mais le constructeur informatique est loin d'en avoir terminé avec la problématique soulevée par cette application de messagerie. Les régulateurs américains s'intéressent en effet de près au dossier, une future épine dans le pied (une de plus) pour Apple ?

Beeper met fin au jeu du chat et de la souris avec Apple

Par : Setra

Test Iphone 15 Pro Max Taille

Beeper, qui a développé une app permettant d’envoyer des textos iMessage sur Android, abandonne : “nous ne pouvons pas gagner un jeu du chat et de la souris avec la plus grande entreprise du monde”.

Apple partly halts Beeper’s iMessage app again, suggesting a long fight ahead

Beeper group chat illustration

Enlarge / The dream of everybody having blue bubbles, and epic photos of perfectly digestible meals, as proffered by Beeper. (credit: Beeper)

A friend of mine had been using Beeper's iMessage-for-Android app, Beeper Mini to keep up on group chats where she was the only Android user. It worked great until last Friday, when it didn't work at all.

What stung her wasn't the return to being the Android interloper in the chats again. It wasn't the resulting lower-quality images, loss of encryption, and strange "Emphasized your message" reaction texts. It was losing messages during the outage and never being entirely certain they had been sent or received. There was a gathering on Saturday, and she had to double-check with a couple people about the details after showing up inadvertently early at the wrong spot.

That kind of grievance is why, after Apple on Wednesday appeared to have blocked what Beeper described as "~5% of Beeper Mini users" from accessing iMessages, both co-founder Eric Migicovksy and the app told users they understood if people wanted out. The app had already suspended its plans to charge customers $1.99 per month, following the first major outage. But this was something more about "how ridiculously annoying this uncertainty is for our users," Migicovsky posted.

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iMessage sur Android : c’était trop beau pour être vrai

Par : Setra

Iphone 15 Pro Vs Galaxy S23 Ultra

Apple explique pourquoi il a bloqué Beeper mini de son protocole iMessage.

iMessage sur Android : tout comprendre à la guerre entre Beeper et Apple

En décortiquant le fonctionnement des serveurs d'Apple, Beeper a a trouvé un moyen de configurer iMessage sur un smartphone Android. Sans surprise, Apple s'est attaqué à l'application et l'empêche de fonctionner. Le jeu du chat et la souris.

Les bulles bleues de Beeper Mini sont de retour, après le blocage d’Apple

Beeper Mini Imessage

Apple a trouvé le moyen de bloquer Beeper Mini, cette application qui transforme les messages envoyés depuis Android en iMessage. Le CEO de Beeper déplore le blocage.

Beeper is working with iMessage yet again, though Apple is likely to fight it

Beeper mini promotional splash image

Enlarge / Beeper Mini's promises of "Blue bubbles" on Android have been halted, at least temporarily, by Apple's countermeasures. (credit: Beeper)

Beeper Mini, the Android app born from a reverse-engineering of Apple's iMessage service, is purportedly working again as of Monday afternoon after a launch last week that drew more than 100,000 users, followed by a weekend outage forced by Apple.

An update to Beeper Mini in the Google Play Store restores the ability to send and receive text messages through iMessage, the encrypted service typically restricted to Apple devices. "It’s working exactly as it did before Friday," Beeper's co-founders write in a blog post. This is partially true; using Beeper Mini, for the moment, requires signing in with an Apple ID, rather than the phone-number-only method available at Beeper Mini's launch. Beeper's blog post says the developers are working on "a fix" for this.

Beeper Cloud, the desktop multi-chat client that utilizes similar methods for iMessage service, had been working since Sunday.

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Après iMessage, Beeper Mini veut lancer les appels FaceTime sur Android

Par : Setra

Après avoir lancé la messagerie iMessage sur Android, Beeper veut aussi proposer les appels audio et vidéo FaceTime.

Grâce à cette application, un smartphone Android se transforme en iPhone

Google Messages 2022

Beeper Mini se présente comme l'application parfaite pour les utilisateurs ayant des discussions avec des personnes sous Android et d'autres sous iOS.

Grâce à cette application, un smartphone Android se transforme en iPhone

iMessage bientôt compatible avec Android ? Ça se complique

iMessage Android

Théoriquement, cela devrait être le cas grâce à un nouveau règlement européen, mais Apple pourrait y échapper. Explications.

iMessage pourrait éviter l’ouverture à la concurrence en Europe


iMessage pourrait échapper aux fourches caudines de l'Union européenne ! Apple voulait éviter que son service de messagerie tombe sous le coup du DMA, synonyme d'obligations à respecter comme l'ouverture à la concurrence. Le constructeur pourrait bien remporter la partie sur ce point.

Beeper Mini for Android sends and receives iMessages, no Mac server required

Beeper messages looking iMessage-like blue on an Android phone

Enlarge / A Pixel 3, messaging a savvy iPhone owner, one with the kinds of concerns Beeper hopes to resolve for its customers. (credit: Kevin Purdy)

In the past week, I have sent an iMessage to one friend from a command-line Python app and to another from a Pixel 3 Android phone.

Sending an iMessage without an Apple device isn't entirely new, but this way of doing it is. I didn't hand over my Apple credentials or log in with my Apple ID on a Mac server on some far-away rack. I put my primary SIM card in the Pixel, I installed Beeper Mini, and it sent a text message to register my number with Apple. I never gave Beeper Mini my Apple ID.

From then on, my iPhone-toting friends who sent messages to my Pixel 3 saw them as other-iPhone blue, not noticeably distracting green. We could all access the typing, delivered/read receipts, emoji reactions, and most other iPhone-to-iPhone message features. Even if I had no active Apple devices, it seems, I could have chosen to meet Apple users where they were and gain end-to-end encryption by doing so.

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Surprise : Google retire la super messagerie de Nothing compatible avec iMessage

Par : RPB

Nothing Phone 2

Nothing Chat devait révolutionner la communication entre les smartphones Android et iPhone en faisant notamment disparaître la distinction entre les bulles "vertes" et les "bulles bleues".

Bleue ou verte, de quelle couleur sera la bulle des messages RCS chez Apple ?

Ipager Imessage Rcs

Tout le monde aurait pris l'annonce d'Apple à la blague si on avait été un 1er avril, mais puisque ce n'est pas le cas, c'est vrai : le constructeur informatique va bel et bien prendre en charge le RCS, la nouvelle génération du SMS. Le support est prévu pour l'année prochaine, mais d'ores et déjà Apple a tranché sur une question cruciale : de quelle couleur sera la bulle des messages RCS ?

Apple se met au RCS, mais il y a encore un gros problème

Une annonce peut cacher des enjeux insoupçonnés. Apple a décidé d'ouvrir iMessage au RCS, un protocole modernisé de messagerie, successeur du SMS. L'influence de l'Europe a sans doute joué. Mais il y a d'autres implications critiques, sur la sécurité et la vie privée.  [Lire la suite]

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Apple announces RCS support for iMessage

Par : Ron Amadeo
Apple announces RCS support for iMessage

Enlarge (credit: Jakub Porzycki/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Apple is shocking the world today by adopting the RCS messaging standard for iMessage. When iMessage users are talking to people off the service, iMessage will soon be able to fall back to the RCS carrier messaging standard instead of SMS, which comes with the advantages of read receipts, higher-quality media sending, and typing indicators. Your chats with your green bubble friends will be slightly less awful.

Apple sent several media outlets a statement:

Later next year, we will be adding support for RCS Universal Profile, the standard as currently published by the GSM Association. We believe RCS Universal Profile will offer a better interoperability experience when compared to SMS or MMS. This will work alongside iMessage, which will continue to be the best and most secure messaging experience for Apple users.

iMessage is currently besieged on all sides by various parties. Google has been waging a "get the message" campaign against Apple for the past year or two, imploring the company to adopt RCS. Last year, Apple CEO Tim Cook was asked on stage if the company would make messaging with Android better, and he responded, "I don’t hear our users asking that we put a lot of energy in on that at this point" and told the audience member to "just buy your mom an iPhone" if he wanted easier communication with his mother. Regulators in the European Union have yet to decide the fate of iMessage, but if it meets the qualifications for being a big tech "Gatekeeper," the iMessage protocol will be forced to open up in the EU. The Wall Street Journal ran an article last year subtitled "Teens Dread the Green Text Bubble," detailing the bullying that Android users were subject to due to SMS fallback dragging down the capabilities of iMessage group chats (87 percent of US teenagers have iPhones).

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C’est la fin du SMS : Apple va déployer les RCS sur iPhone, pour communiquer avec Android

Après avoir passé des années à s’opposer au RCS, le nouveau standard moderne de messagerie, Apple annonce avoir pris la décision de le déployer sur iPhone en 2024. L’Union européenne a certainement influencé sa décision.  [Lire la suite]

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Apple cède et va prendre en charge le RCS !


Il doit neiger en enfer. Apple a annoncé le support du RCS, la version moderne des SMS, dans le courant de l'année prochaine ! Le constructeur y était pourtant opposé depuis des années.

Nothing Phone says it will hack into iMessage, bring blue bubbles to Android

Par : Ron Amadeo
The Nothing Phone 2 all lit up.

Enlarge / The Nothing Phone 2 all lit up. (credit: Ron Amadeo)

Can an Android OEM really just hack its way into Apple's iMessage? That is the hard-to-believe plan from upstart phone manufacturer "Nothing," which says the new "Nothing Chats" will allow users to use "iMessage on Android" complete with a blue bubble sent to all their iPhone friends.

Nothing Chat will be powered by Sunbird, an app developer that has claimed to be able to send iMessage chats for about a year now, with no public launch. According to a Washington Post article with quotes from the CEOs of Nothing and Sunbird, Nothing will "start" rolling out "an early version" of Nothing Chats with iMessage compatibility on Friday. The only catch, supposedly, is that you'll need a Nothing Phone 2.

Is this for real or a publicity stunt? Apple is on record saying that iMessage on Android would only serve to weaken Apple, and it doesn't want to do that. Surely, any Android OEM offering "iMessage" support would immediately have the project shut down by Apple.

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Vous voulez utiliser iMessage sur Android ? Cette marque de smartphone réussit l’exploit

Par : RPB

Nothing Phone 2 Imessage

Nothing vient de réaliser un petit exploit : la firme est parvenue, grâce à la startup Sunbird, à rendre ses Phone(2) compatibles avec la messagerie iMessage des iPhone.

Nothing lance un clone d’iMessage pour Android

Nothing Chats

Les utilisateurs d'appareils Apple qui se servent de l'app Messages ont l'habitude de voir la vie en bleu : leurs messages sont dans des bulles bleues. Le drame survient lorsqu'un utilisateur Android vient mettre le bazar : ses messages apparaissent alors dans une bulle verte !

La nouvelle stratégie de Google pour faire plier iMessage

Par : Setra

Test Iphone 15 Pro Review Ios 17

Alors que l’UE enquête sur iMessage, Google et un groupe d’opérateurs auraient écrit à la Commission européenne.

Google argues iMessage should be regulated by the EU’s Digital Markets Act

Par : Ron Amadeo
Google argues iMessage should be regulated by the EU’s Digital Markets Act

Enlarge (credit: Jakub Porzycki/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Google is hoping regulators will bail it out of the messaging mess it has created for itself after years of dysfunctional product reboots. The Financial Times reports that Google and a few cell carriers are asking the European Union to designate Apple's iMessage as a "core" service that would require it to be interoperable under the new "Digital Markets Act." The EU's Digital Markets Act targets Big Tech "gatekeepers" with various interoperability, fairness, and privacy demands, and while iMessage didn't make the initial cut of services announced in September, Apple's messenger is under a "market investigation" to determine if it should qualify.

So far, various services from Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, ByteDance, Meta, and Microsoft have been hit with "gatekeeper" status because the EU says they "provide an important gateway between businesses and consumers in relation to core platform services." The list targets OSes and app stores, ad platforms, browsers, social networks, instant messaging, search, and video sites, and notably leaves out web mail and cloud storage services.

The criteria for gatekeeper services all revolve around business usage. The services the EU wants to include would have more than 45 million monthly active EU users and more than 10,000 yearly active businesses in the EU, a business turnover of at least 7.5 billion euros, or a market cap of 75 billion euros, with the caveat that these are just guidelines and the EU is open to arguments in both directions. When the initial list was announced in September, the EU said that iMessage met the thresholds for regulation, but it was left off the list while it listened to Apple's arguments that it should not qualify.

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Quand Google et Orange plaident pour qu’iMessage, la messagerie d’Apple, devienne interopérable


L'Union européenne va-t-elle imposer à Apple de rendre, en Europe, sa messagerie iMessage « interopérable » ? En attendant une décision qui devrait tomber en février prochain, les concurrents d'Apple n'ont pas manqué de faire valoir leur point de vue. Oui, estiment-ils, la messagerie de la firme à la pomme devrait tomber sous cette obligation, pour le plus grand bénéfice des consommateurs... et le leur.

Vérification des clés de contact iMessage : qu’est-ce que c’est, comment l’activer ?

Vérification Clé Contact Imessage 5

En fin d'année dernière, Apple annonçait une série de mesures visant à renforcer la sécurité de ses utilisateurs. L'ultime dispositif sera activé avec iOS 17.2, il s'agit de la vérification des clés de contact pour iMessage.

Samsung s’attaque aussi à iMessage et à son système fermé

Par : Setra

Qui est le meilleur en photo entre l'iPhone 13 Pro et le Galaxy S22 Ultra ?

À son tour, Samsung lance une campagne pour pousser Apple à prendre en charge la technologie RCS (déjà adoptée par Android Messages).

This App Will Bring iMessage To Windows And Android

Par : Tyler Lee
It used to be that back in the day, platform-exclusive messaging apps were a thing. For example, BlackBerry Messenger used to be so popular that people would actually buy BlackBerry phones just to use it. These days, the focus is more on cross-platform compatibility.However, there are still some holdouts, such as Apple’s iMessage which is still exclusive to Apple’s iOS and macOS devices. However, thanks to the work of Eric […]